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Thread: RIP Horetore

  1. #31
    Member Member Crandar's Avatar
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    Default Re: RIP Horetore

    I am really sorry to hear about this. Rest in peace, HoreTore.

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  2. #32
    Ranting madman of the .org Senior Member Fly Shoot Champion, Helicopter Champion, Pedestrian Killer Champion, Sharpshooter Champion, NFS Underground Champion Rhyfelwyr's Avatar
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    Default Re: RIP Horetore

    I was hoping this thread wouldn't be what the title said it was when I saw it on the front page.

    He was always one of the most principled and honest debaters in the Backroom, and very much one of its 'characters'. And although he played such a big role in shaping the very feel of the Backroom, this will no doubt only be the tip of the iceberg when you consider his work as a teacher and the countless dozens of young minds he helped to educate (not least about the evils of postmodern philosophy!).

    RIP HoreTore.
    At the end of the day politics is just trash compared to the Gospel.

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  3. #33
    Ja mata, TosaInu Forum Administrator edyzmedieval's Avatar
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    Default Re: RIP Horetore

    I'm only a lurker of the Backroom, but this is really disheartening. The Backroom will now be an emptier place.

    R.I.P. Horetore.
    Ja mata, TosaInu. You will forever be remembered.


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  4. #34
    Moderator Moderator Gregoshi's Avatar
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    Default Re: RIP Horetore

    I never interacted with HoreTore, but I am still shocked and saddened at the news. Reading his posts in the Backroom it was apparent he was quite intelligent. He had a knack for ruffling a feather or two but it seemed base on well-founded principles rather than just to get some jollies. However for me, his true character (or my version of it) came through on those rare occasions he talked about teaching and education. It was very apparent he cared about teaching - a trait more uncommon than it should be. It was in those posts that he became a real person rather than just "HoreTore" in another Backroom debate. The picture of him is wonderful. Lucky are those of you who had the opportunity to know him better outside the Org.

    RIP HoreTore. Sending sympathy and thoughts for comfort to his family, friends and students.
    This space intentionally left blank

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  5. #35
    Voluntary Suspension Voluntary Suspension Philippus Flavius Homovallumus's Avatar
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    Default Re: RIP Horetore

    My only response is -

    Holy Shit!

    Can't process this right now.
    "If it wears trousers generally I don't pay attention."


  6. #36
    Member Member Gilrandir's Avatar
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    Default Re: RIP Horetore

    It is always a shock when someone younger than you dies. I can't boast to have been present for a long time in the backroom, so I would probably be the last person to claim any closeness of communication with him, but when we did I found support in matters of moment.
    RIP Hore Tore.
    Quote Originally Posted by Suraknar View Post
    The article exists for a reason yes, I did not write it...

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  7. #37
    Clan Clan InsaneApache's Avatar
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    Default Re: RIP Horetore

    Quote Originally Posted by Hooahguy View Post
    Apparently he'd been home from work for a couple of days because his doctor advised him to get some rest. He had some sort of virus, but not the deadly kind. Just a normal cold or something. He was not terribly ill or anything. When his mother didn't hear from him in a while, she went over to his house to check on him and found him.

    Blimey. I too thought it was a wind up at first, I have to say that I'm shocked. I disagreed with virtually everything he said and we had some fine run ins along the way but this is really tragic. Especially at such a young age. Funny thing the internet, you dont really know someone but you know them enough to be upset if fate deals them a crap hand. Thirty years or so ago the payroll clerk who did the staffs wages also died aged 29. I only met her once but spoke with her every week on the 'phone. She got a cold virus that somehow migrated to her heat and killed her within hours. I still think about Steph from time to time. Funny that I will miss him too.

    All respect and condolences to his family and friends on here and elsewhere. R.I.P. my fellow orgah, it will be a bit emptier around here without you.
    There are times I wish they’d just ban everything- baccy and beer, burgers and bangers, and all the rest- once and for all. Instead, they creep forward one apparently tiny step at a time. It’s like being executed with a bacon slicer.

    “Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it whether it exists or not, diagnosing it incorrectly, and applying the wrong remedy.”

    To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticise.

    "The purpose of a university education for Left / Liberals is to attain all the politically correct attitudes towards minorties, and the financial means to live as far away from them as possible."

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  8. #38
    Horse Archer Senior Member Sarmatian's Avatar
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    Default Re: RIP Horetore

    It makes no sense. The photo is great. I've never seen him but it was immediately clear that it was HoreTore. Full of life. He was supposed to come to Serbia and stay at my place this summer but in the end couldn't. He told me that he would definitely visit in the spring.

    I've been incredibly sad the entire day. It's funny how some people can influence your life without you ever realizing it. We've never met, but I feel like I've lost a dear friend, one whom I can not even mourn properly. I can't go to his funeral, I only know his first name and I don't know his adress. I'm angry now that I never asked him those things, that I didn't press him to come and visit this summer. This is the only place where I can express those feelings. I don't think anyone around me would understand just how hard this hit me. Big deal, the reaction would be. A guy you've chatted online with.

    Rest in peace, Eric. I'm sorry we haven't met in person and I'm sorry I didn't get to know you better. You were a friend, however weird that may sound to anyone, and a great Orgah. I'm sorry your students will have to go on without your guidance. I'm sorry your family and friends lost you.

    I do feel we should close the backroom for a mourning period. I know I will definitely stay away for a while, maybe for good.

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  9. #39
    master of the pwniverse Member Fragony's Avatar
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    Default Re: RIP Horetore

    I agree with shutting down the backroom untill he has been properly buried, just off out a sign of respect thats not too much I am really going to miss that crazy commie.

    Horrie adieu, would have loved to buy you a beer
    Last edited by Fragony; 11-26-2014 at 16:34.

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  10. #40
    Stranger in a strange land Moderator Hooahguy's Avatar
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    Default Re: RIP Horetore

    I feel the exact same way.

    I had the immense pleasure of meeting up with HoreTore when I was in Norway. I met him in the late afternoon last May after I had spent the day touring Oslo. We met up in the neighboring town of Drammen, which is about a 10 minute train ride from Oslo. We had dinner at an Indian restaurant and then had drinks at the local pub before heading back to his apartment to crash for the night. In the morning we went to his school, and I gave a one hour lecture to his class about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and how I went from radically pro-Israel to much more moderate. You see, a few people in his class were going to the Balkans on a class trip the week after, and he felt that the guides on the trip would only tell one side of the story. So he brought me in to try to emphasize how important it is to look at both sides of an issue. He says I was successful in conveying that message, Im not so sure but he was the teacher so I will take his word for it. After that he walked me to the train station and we said our goodbyes, and I promised to stop by next time I was in Norway, but it seems like it was not meant to be.

    He was such a nice person to be around, I really wish I could have spent more time with him but I am glad that I was able to meet him, and Ive been in a pretty bad mood ever since I heard the news last night.

    There is only one picture out there of the two of us, and it is on the assistant teacher's phone (I hope she did not delete it!). Im trying to get in contact with her so I can have a copy, and when I do I will post it here.
    On the Path to the Streets of Gold: a Suebi AAR
    A man who casts no shadow has no soul.
    Hvil i fred HoreTore

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  11. #41
    Ranting madman of the .org Senior Member Fly Shoot Champion, Helicopter Champion, Pedestrian Killer Champion, Sharpshooter Champion, NFS Underground Champion Rhyfelwyr's Avatar
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    Default Re: RIP Horetore

    I agree it would be a good idea to close down the Backroom for a while as a sign of respect. I doubt anybody will be in the mood for the usual wrangling at this point in time.
    At the end of the day politics is just trash compared to the Gospel.

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  12. #42
    Banned Kadagar_AV's Avatar
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    Default Re: RIP Horetore

    Sarmatian, I know what you mean... I've been quite down all day... and last night I sorely wished I had some alcohol at home... :(

    And yes, that photo is great (post #12 if anyone missed it). It's exactly how I imagined he would look, and it's taken where he was most at home (teaching). I seriously think he must have been a great teacher.

    I don't know if we should shut down the BR though... I don't want to drink alone!! I would fully support some memorial text up top though, or something like that... I think I remember seeing it when Tosa died...

    Yeah, this definitely shook me... We have both posted almost daily for more than 10 years... You really feel like you get to know a person then.

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  13. #43

    Default Re: RIP Horetore

    RIP Horetore

    Blessings upon your family and friends; you're levelheaded commentary will be missed at the .Org
    Ja-mata TosaInu

  14. #44
    Stranger in a strange land Moderator Hooahguy's Avatar
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    Default Re: RIP Horetore

    Quote Originally Posted by Kadagar_AV View Post
    It's exactly how I imagined he would look, and it's taken where he was most at home (teaching). I seriously think he must have been a great teacher.
    He was. Before I began my lecture he talked for a little bit to his class, and you could tell that he commanded the respect of his students.

    Strangely enough though, on his school's web page (and facebook page as well) there is nothing mentioning his passing.
    On the Path to the Streets of Gold: a Suebi AAR
    A man who casts no shadow has no soul.
    Hvil i fred HoreTore

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  15. #45
    Hǫrðar Member Viking's Avatar
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    Default Re: RIP Horetore

    Damn. That's shocking and downright disturbing.

    I didn't know the guy beyond the Backroom, but this is sad.
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  16. #46
    Member Member Crandar's Avatar
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    Default Re: RIP Horetore

    Quote Originally Posted by Hooahguy View Post
    Strangely enough though, on his school's web page (and facebook page as well) there is nothing mentioning his passing.
    School sites are just for show (at least here, but probably the same is true for Norway); my guess is the last time it was updated was when it was built.

  17. #47
    Stranger in a strange land Moderator Hooahguy's Avatar
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    Default Re: RIP Horetore

    Quote Originally Posted by Crandar View Post
    School sites are just for show (at least here, but probably the same is true for Norway); my guess is the last time it was updated was when it was built.
    Updated yesterday for this school.

    Anyways, talked to one of his fellow teachers, she said she would try to find that picture.
    On the Path to the Streets of Gold: a Suebi AAR
    A man who casts no shadow has no soul.
    Hvil i fred HoreTore

  18. #48
    Sovereign Oppressor Member TIE Fighter Shooter Champion, Turkey Shoot Champion, Juggler Champion Kralizec's Avatar
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    Default Re: RIP Horetore

    I read this thread early this morning. Going by the thread title only, I at first assumed it was something entirely different and the title was a jab at HoreTore. I was seriously disturbed when I read that it was serious, and was hoping to find out at the end of the day that it had been some misguided joke. Alas.

    Truthfully while I appreciated him I wasn't that close with him myself. People who were his friends or family have my deepest sympathies. Since slightly over a year ago, I have personal experience with losing a personal (real life) friend.

    Closing the backroom (this thread excepted) would be appropriate. I won't be posting anywhere else for a while.

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  19. #49
    Darkside Medic Senior Member rory_20_uk's Avatar
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    Default Re: RIP Horetore

    Bloody hell - that was sudden!

    I hope it was painless.

    An enemy that wishes to die for their country is the best sort to face - you both have the same aim in mind.
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    "If you can't trust the local kleptocrat whom you installed by force and prop up with billions of annual dollars, who can you trust?" Lemur
    If you're not a liberal when you're 25, you have no heart. If you're not a conservative by the time you're 35, you have no brain.
    The best argument against democracy is a five minute talk with the average voter. Winston Churchill

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  20. #50

    Default Re: RIP Horetore

    I'm still in shock. Everyone here is amazing and I hope you all live healthy and long lives. I also approve of closing the backroom to honor him.

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  21. #51
    Praefectus Fabrum Senior Member Anime BlackJack Champion, Flash Poker Champion, Word Up Champion, Shape Game Champion, Snake Shooter Champion, Fishwater Challenge Champion, Rocket Racer MX Champion, Jukebox Hero Champion, My House Is Bigger Than Your House Champion, Funky Pong Champion, Cutie Quake Champion, Fling The Cow Champion, Tiger Punch Champion, Virus Champion, Solitaire Champion, Worm Race Champion, Rope Walker Champion, Penguin Pass Champion, Skate Park Champion, Watch Out Champion, Lawn Pac Champion, Weapons Of Mass Destruction Champion, Skate Boarder Champion, Lane Bowling Champion, Bugz Champion, Makai Grand Prix 2 Champion, White Van Man Champion, Parachute Panic Champion, BlackJack Champion, Stans Ski Jumping Champion, Smaugs Treasure Champion, Sofa Longjump Champion Seamus Fermanagh's Avatar
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    Default Re: RIP Horetore

    Quote Originally Posted by Hooahguy View Post
    I feel the exact same way.

    I had the immense pleasure of meeting up with HoreTore when I was in Norway. I met him in the late afternoon last May after I had spent the day touring Oslo. We met up in the neighboring town of Drammen, which is about a 10 minute train ride from Oslo. We had dinner at an Indian restaurant and then had drinks at the local pub before heading back to his apartment to crash for the night. In the morning we went to his school, and I gave a one hour lecture to his class about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and how I went from radically pro-Israel to much more moderate. You see, a few people in his class were going to the Balkans on a class trip the week after, and he felt that the guides on the trip would only tell one side of the story. So he brought me in to try to emphasize how important it is to look at both sides of an issue. He says I was successful in conveying that message, Im not so sure but he was the teacher so I will take his word for it. After that he walked me to the train station and we said our goodbyes, and I promised to stop by next time I was in Norway, but it seems like it was not meant to be.

    He was such a nice person to be around, I really wish I could have spent more time with him but I am glad that I was able to meet him, and Ive been in a pretty bad mood ever since I heard the news last night.

    There is only one picture out there of the two of us, and it is on the assistant teacher's phone (I hope she did not delete it!). Im trying to get in contact with her so I can have a copy, and when I do I will post it here.
    I too am a teacher. I assure you you helped his class. There is something about listening to somebody who is a) not the same talking head who is usually running the class, and b) deeply interested/personally involved in their topic that makes the whole thing more compelling.
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  22. #52
    Voluntary Suspension Voluntary Suspension Philippus Flavius Homovallumus's Avatar
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    Default Re: RIP Horetore

    I've been thinking about this today, it's weird. I think the only time we ever agreed on anything was when we were faced with a complete nutjob here who needed to be locked up.

    I disagreed with his politics and I'm still angry about what he said on Armistice Day.

    To be fair though, he was consistent in his beliefs - even his complete disdain for soldiers and members of the armed forces.

    I think, basically, he passed what I have decided to call my "in a ditch" test. If I was lying naked in a ditch I think he's the kind of person who would have helped me - and not everyone would.

    His absence is going to have a daily impact on my life, and despite how angry he made me I think the world is a worse place without him in it.
    "If it wears trousers generally I don't pay attention."


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  23. #53
    Praefectus Fabrum Senior Member Anime BlackJack Champion, Flash Poker Champion, Word Up Champion, Shape Game Champion, Snake Shooter Champion, Fishwater Challenge Champion, Rocket Racer MX Champion, Jukebox Hero Champion, My House Is Bigger Than Your House Champion, Funky Pong Champion, Cutie Quake Champion, Fling The Cow Champion, Tiger Punch Champion, Virus Champion, Solitaire Champion, Worm Race Champion, Rope Walker Champion, Penguin Pass Champion, Skate Park Champion, Watch Out Champion, Lawn Pac Champion, Weapons Of Mass Destruction Champion, Skate Boarder Champion, Lane Bowling Champion, Bugz Champion, Makai Grand Prix 2 Champion, White Van Man Champion, Parachute Panic Champion, BlackJack Champion, Stans Ski Jumping Champion, Smaugs Treasure Champion, Sofa Longjump Champion Seamus Fermanagh's Avatar
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    Default Re: RIP Horetore

    I reveled in the anger he drew from me, for the same reason I force myself to watch Chris Mathews and Rachel Maddow. You do not learn from hearing an endless chorus singing the praises of your current beliefs. Horetore (Erik) taught me. I was always deeply grateful for that even as he drove me to distraction on any number of issues. Like Red Harvest or Tribesman, he always made me THINK about my beliefs and question them.

    Virology has much to teach us yet. Viruses are among the deadliest threats we face and they can come in at odd angles and times. One virus decided to tear apart my daughter's pancreas and leave her a diabetic. We only noticed a flu in October, not what had really happened until December.

    At 50, Horetore is not the first I have interacted with to end up dead untimely. Each instance is painful. The pain of each loss is attenuated by time -- the little hole in your own life is never completely papered over though.
    "The only way that has ever been discovered to have a lot of people cooperate together voluntarily is through the free market. And that's why it's so essential to preserving individual freedom.” -- Milton Friedman

    "The urge to save humanity is almost always a false front for the urge to rule." -- H. L. Mencken

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  24. #54
    Member Member Paltmull's Avatar
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    Default Re: RIP Horetore

    Quote Originally Posted by Sarmatian View Post
    I can't go to his funeral, I only know his first name and I don't know his adress.
    Maybe Hooahguy can help you with that?

    My condolences to Sarmatian, Hooahguy and anyone else in this forum who knew him well.

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  25. #55
    Ultimate Member tibilicus's Avatar
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    Default Re: RIP Horetore

    My condolences to his family, friends and loved ones. RIP.

    "A lamb goes to the slaughter but a man, he knows when to walk away."

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  26. #56

    Default Re: RIP Horetore

    Aw man :( RIP HoreTore

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  27. #57
    Poll Smoker Senior Member CountArach's Avatar
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    Default Re: RIP Horetore

    This world is so shit. He was a bright young man who clearly was incredibly principled and passionate. I'll never forget the debates we took part in, often side by side but occasionally at loggerheads and I feel that in that time I got to know him. I too had him on Facebook and even though I'm not on here too often I've kept up with his life through that.

    Such a sad day. Rest in peace friend.
    Rest in Peace TosaInu, the Org will be your legacy
    Quote Originally Posted by Leon Blum - For All Mankind
    Nothing established by violence and maintained by force, nothing that degrades humanity and is based on contempt for human personality, can endure.

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  28. #58
    Senior Member Senior Member ReluctantSamurai's Avatar
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    Mothers should never have to bury their sons in times of peace....

    I didn't know him at all, and had only a few brief exchanges here in the BR. For someone as full of life as he seemed to be, to pass at 28 yrs old gives pause to someone who will reach 62 in a couple of weeks. How much time I've wasted along the way as if I'm going to live forever.....

    RIP HoreTore
    High Plains Drifter

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  29. #59
    Shadow Senior Member Kagemusha's Avatar
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    The best and most talented among us are always the ones taken first from us. My condolences to his family.

    Horetore was far too young to die. Travel well you old "commie", you and say hello to anyone you meet, if you run into something that was against your beliefs you had in this life. You will be missed.
    Ja Mata Tosainu Sama.

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  30. #60
    Liar and Trickster Senior Member Andres's Avatar
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    Default Re: RIP Horetore

    I can't believe this.

    My sincerest condolences to those who knew him more closely.

    R.I.P. HoreTore.

    I hope that by now, you have learned that you were wrong all the time, because that would mean there is an afterlife and that you are now there trying to convince God that he doesn't exist.

    I will miss the nonsense I disagreed with and the wisdom I agreed with.

    Goodbye, good man.
    Andres is our Lord and Master and could strike us down with thunderbolts or beer cans at any time. ~Askthepizzaguy

    Ja mata, TosaInu

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