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Thread: Hello there

  1. #1

    Default Hello there

    I was cleaning dust today, and found my "Total War Eras" box lying around.

    It reminded that I had never played it as much as I should have when I was younger, and have decided to give it ago.
    I'm interested in finding ways to play the oldest titles in the series, and hopefully make my way to the most recents ones, as long as my time use and wallet can handle it :)

    I guess that's all. I'm 23, male, and from Colombia. That should be enough for now.


  2. #2
    Moderator Moderator Gregoshi's Avatar
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    Central Pennsylvania, USA

    Default Re: Hello there

    Hello TotalKampf and welcome to the Org!

    I've been able to play STW on Win 7, but was unsuccessful with MTW, but haven't tried either on Win 8/8.1. Haven't tried to play RTW since it came out, but the newer titles should be okay on modern systems I think.
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  3. #3

    Default Re: Hello there

    Quote Originally Posted by Gregoshi View Post
    Hello TotalKampf and welcome to the Org!

    I've been able to play STW on Win 7, but was unsuccessful with MTW, but haven't tried either on Win 8/8.1. Haven't tried to play RTW since it came out, but the newer titles should be okay on modern systems I think.

    I installed RTW Gold Edition, and RTW Alexander in my Win 8, and it seems to work just fine. I have only checked the game till the main menu (haven't tried loading the campaign map or battles), but would be surprising if it presented any issue. Graphics run very smoothly.

    STW and MTW just won't open in Win 8. Both crash before loading main menu. "Stopped working" classical error.

    STW took me about 7 hours of work yesterday (download-install Virtualbox, download-install an XP-SP3 pack, install the game, tweak around VirtualBox to make sure passthrough was enabled, fix resolution via guess additions), but seems it was worth it.

    MTW, however, is just as frustrating as it was back then (even with Windows Vista, it was a total pain to get it to work). All the stuff I did for STW seems to be useless, and I tried to disable the 2 credits/legals intro videos (even cut them out at some point) see if it helped, but it just won't do.

    I'm thinking that I might have screwed up something when I installed GameSpy Arcade. I'll keep tinkering around (hope I don't have to make another virtual machine out of scratch), see if there's a chance for me to play this collection of games (wasn't cheap in the past, and haven't been able to enjoy it to the full extent).

    Thanks for the welcome, and I hope to contribute as much as I can :)


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