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Thread: I am one of the Greek voices in EB 1! ask me anything! or don't!

  1. #1

    Default I am one of the Greek voices in EB 1! ask me anything! or don't!

    hi, my name is Mark Argent, and back in 2007 I contributed my voice to the original Europa Barbarorum for what looks to have ended up being the Koinon Hellenon, Epeiros, and Makedonian factions as part of an audio engineering finals project at George Washington University in Washington, DC. this isn't an actual AMA unless anyone's actually interested in asking me any questions, but I have a couple questions and/or requests of the mod team, because I'm trying to put together a demo reel for future VA opportunities. it's been several years since the recording sessions, but I was wondering:

    - is my voice being used in EB2?
    - if they're still available, can I get high-quality copies of my voice files for my demo reel?

    thanks in advance for any assistance. to anyone who reads this, I hope my small contribution to EB contributed to your enjoyment of the game over the years.

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  2. #2
    master of the wierd people Member Ibrahim's Avatar
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    Default Re: I am one of the Greek voices in EB 1! ask me anything! or don't!

    Quote Originally Posted by mark.argent View Post
    hi, my name is Mark Argent, and back in 2007 I contributed my voice to the original Europa Barbarorum for what looks to have ended up being the Koinon Hellenon, Epeiros, and Makedonian factions as part of an audio engineering finals project at George Washington University in Washington, DC. this isn't an actual AMA unless anyone's actually interested in asking me any questions, but I have a couple questions and/or requests of the mod team, because I'm trying to put together a demo reel for future VA opportunities. it's been several years since the recording sessions, but I was wondering:

    - is my voice being used in EB2?
    - if they're still available, can I get high-quality copies of my voice files for my demo reel?

    thanks in advance for any assistance. to anyone who reads this, I hope my small contribution to EB contributed to your enjoyment of the game over the years.

    I believe it still is in the game: if you want to help, you can post in the recruitment thread

    as to the other question: I have no idea. you'll have to ask the old timers; perhaps @Tux will know.
    I was once alive, but then a girl came and took out my ticker.

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  3. #3
    Bored Member Tux's Avatar
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    Default Re: I am one of the Greek voices in EB 1! ask me anything! or don't!

    @Shigawire worked on the voicemods so only he may have those. I suggest contacting him.

  4. #4

    Default Re: I am one of the Greek voices in EB 1! ask me anything! or don't!

    Hi =) I like how your voice is implemented at the greek factions. Never gets annoying despite of continous repeating =) If you want to answer questions I have one: How do you get into this kind of business? I would like to have opportunity to contribute like you =)


  5. #5
    VOXIFEX MAXIMVS Member Shigawire's Avatar
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    Default Re: I am one of the Greek voices in EB 1! ask me anything! or don't!

    Thanks for your contribution to the Greeks. I had the impression that it was 5 voice actors at a Foley academy in Australia that did the recordings, but I may have been wrong about that.

    Your contribution certainly affected the majority of the voice mods - by the simple fact that there are so many Greek factions. :)
    And it was great work.

    I don't have the raw files however. I don't even remember who handled the Greek voices, it was someone I organized to do it.. but don't recall the name I'm sorry to say.

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