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Thread: Attila Patches, Hotfixes, Betas and Such (B&B hotfix released)

  1. #1
    Stranger in a strange land Moderator Hooahguy's Avatar
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    Default Attila Patches, Hotfixes, Betas and Such (B&B hotfix released)


    Patch 1 features/fixes:

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    Torching settlement gates has been replaced with the ability to hack them down with melee attacks. This new last-resort feature has been made in response to community feedback, and is an important mechanic to enable the attacking side to still have a chance of besieging a settlement even when their siege engines have been destroyed. The trade-off is that it comes at an extremely high price for the attackers. It’s the pyrrhic act of a desperate general.

    Certain weapons are more effective at destroying gates than others. Axes and two-handed weapons are the most effective, followed by swords and maces, followed by spears, daggers and pike. The less effective a weapon is, the more time it takes to break through.

    Given the prominence of towers, boiling oil etc in ATTILA, attacking gates is a very costly exercise for the attacker, and the AI will only use it as a last resort.

    If the AI attacks gates, it will employ more heavily armoured troops to do so, though it will deprioritise the use of elephants and its general.

    Basic barbarian settlement gates can be burned down at range using fire-arrows, though this is less efficient than before. Reinforced or bronze gates are immune to fire altogether, and when no artillery is present, will need to be engaged in melee.

    The AI is more likely to build siege equipment on the campaign map before assaulting a settlement.

    Technical and Performance improvements


    Level of detail on certain units in battle is now handled better on Mac.

    Improved how the level of detail changes on trees on the campaign map, to make it less noticeable.

    Optimisation for unit banners in battles.

    Memory optimisation for imposter sprites.

    Fixed various instances which may cause crashes.

    Added missing Hadrian’s Wall back into battle outfields.


    Fixed a 30-60 second freeze that sometimes occurred after ending turn in Campaign modes.

    Improved video playback.

    Fix for the Campaign map terrain sometimes turning dark/black after leaving a Campaign battle during the End Turn sequence on Mac.

    Some beaches around the coast of Britain will no longer appear white through the Campaign shroud, as they did before with certain graphics settings.

    End Turn times optimised.

    Fix for error in event generation logic.

    Fixed various instances which may cause crashes.


    Improved performance with AMD graphics cards.

    AMD MSAA optimisation.

    Changing the "Unit Detail" graphics settings during battle will no longer cause some units to lose their weapons.

    Optimisation to reduce the VRAM usage in battles.

    Gameplay Improvements


    Updated some battle environments.

    Updated Barbarian gate house, shifting the gate forward so attacking units would be effected by boiling oil.

    Fix for a battle map near Constantinopolis, where the terrain previously allowed the player to deploy land units in midair above the sea

    AI controlled elephants are now less likely to attack settlement gates in battles.

    Improved the coordination of the siege AI when attacking walled settlements in order to use their artillery and siege equipment more effectively.

    Added more variation to the environment lighting in late game battles.

    Campaign AI no longer always accepts war coordination targets.

    Improved Battle AIs placement of units within settlements.

    Fixed a battle AI bug which caused units to reform unnecessarily when being commanded by the AI to attack walls.


    Updates to victory conditions:

    Reduced number of units required for Western Roman Empire to achieve Divine Victory.

    Reduced number of buildings required for Divine Victory for Western and Eastern Roman Empires.

    Fix for the wrong port building being specified in the Divine Triumph Victory requirements for the Eastern Roman Empire.

    Improved Prologue scripting to prevent some strange behaviours, such as the Huns wandering off in the late stages of the prologue, the Eastern Roman Empire not declaring war for many turns at the end of the prologue, and a progression blocking issue when the player did not own Apulum at the time the script expected them to.

    Campaign AI is now more likely to hold sieges for longer.

    Campaign AI is less likely to underestimate its chances when attacking enemies in Forced March stance.

    "Controlled water" morale effects are now also applied in "Shared water" in the sea during Campaigns.

    Fix for armies controlled by Campaign AI sometimes getting stuck in a settlement’s Zone of Control.

    Fix for a bug causing Blockades and Sieges to not end, when a settlement was razed during Campaign modes.

    Non-Horde region-less Factions, and Hordes with navies but no armies, are now forced to capture settlements instead of razing, sacking etc.

    Fix for "Governed Province" bonuses applying as "Local Province" bonuses when the character is not a Governor in Campaign modes.

    Infighting effects are now removed when going to sea in Campaign modes.

    Infighting effects are now removed when a faction is no longer a Horde in Campaign modes.

    Fixed some campaign Dilemmas that were not spawning the agents they promised.

    The "Employ Him" option on the Stonemason subject dilemma no longer kills a random character.

    The "Do Nothing" option on the Tribal Loyalty" subject dilemma no longer has a public order reduction effect.

    Fixing issue where Huns would not get any missions after a prolonged period of play.

    Added a rematch button for final battle in the Prologue when the player loses.

    Adding more conditions to diplomatic events in Campaign modes.

    The calculation of the "Ferocious Warriors" passive bonus has been changed to better match its tooltip. It was previously calculated based on casualties sustained during the current battle. It is now calculated based on casualties compared to the unit’s full strength.

    Balancing Changes


    Balance pass on building damage.

    Fixed shields appearing too dark on the battlefield.

    Corrected some unit selection voiceovers.

    Music-ducking when horses pass under the camera has been improved.

    Burning embers on trees in battle have been improved on Mac.

    Fixed a descynchronisation in the Multiplayer battle setup lobby, which could cause a crash.

    Removed "Fire damage" from gates tool-tip in battles, as they can no longer be burnt down.

    Refined wavering animations and fixed additive animation on certain units.

    Vegetation now correctly impedes projectiles.

    Added a new dynamic state to the music to break up the intensity in battles.

    Fixed text clipping on second player’s faction dropdown in the battle setup screen.

    Fixed the rotation of certain upgraded battle tiles, so they fit into the terrain properly.

    Fixed incorrect positioning/scaling of unit marks in battle, which sometimes obscured the unit health bars on unit markers when the games resolution was set below native resolution. Also improved the sharpness of these when the game is played above native resolution.

    The sun colour in the battle environment no longer affects the colour of the battle deployment areas.

    Fixed clipping and visibility issues with some Longbow, Camel and Falx units.

    Unit markers now appear in the Tactical Map view during battles, when enabled with the "Show unit markers" game setting.

    Decals on top of settlement walls in battles will "smear" less down the face of the wall.


    Rebalanced spawned Hunnic enemy armies in Campaign Modes.

    Various subjects and their effects have been updated.

    Fixed a texture on the nomadic spy model in Campaign modes.

    Fix for lighting with climate change in Campaign modes.

    Fixed a screen corruption for the Player 2, which occurred while Player 1 watched the "Attila is born" full-screen cinematic in Multiplayer Campaign mode.

    The correct attribute tooltip is now displayed in the factors tooltip when hovering the mouse over attribute icons in the Diplomacy panel.

    Defeating an army that is besieging an ally's settlement will no longer cause the occupy settlement UI to appear in Campaign Modes.

    Public order mission will no longer remain after being completed in the Prologue.

    When researching the "Manoral Lands Civil" technology in the Prologue, the exclamation mark to indicate that the technology is fully researched will no longer appear 1 turn before it is completed.

    Fixed cases where the player could not allocate a General into the Warlord seat in Office after meeting the requirements in Campaign modes.

    Characters will no longer disappear from the Family Tree when married off to a Widow.

    Players are no longer able to construct multiple lower-level variants of the same building in hordes when this is not the intended design.

    Migrating Barbarian civic buildings no longer transform into an industrial building when demolished.

    Added missing building entries to the encyclopaedia.

    Changes to how the Campaign Victory screen is displayed when completing multiple Victory conditions:

    For every victory type, the victory panel with "Quit" and "Continue" options is displayed.

    The first ("Minor") victory does not play a movie, just the panel.

    The second ("Cultural or Military") will show a movie, then the Victory panel.

    After choosing to "Continue", achieving the other ("Divine Triumph" and the remaining "Cultural" or "Military") Victory conditions will once more prompt the player with the Victory panel with options to "Quit" or "Continue".

    When clicking the faction icon for a faction with no regions owned and no faction leader in the Diplomacy panel, the camera will now centre on an army or navy owned by this faction instead of an agent.

    Fixed blank missions panel being shown in the Prologue.

    When the player choses to withdraw from an enemy attack during the End Turn sequence in Campaign Modes, the "Army Withdraws" message will no longer be received twice.

    In the Prologue Campaign, the Governor slot on the Family Tree panel will no longer overlap the details panel to its right.

    Tweaked the sensitivity of campaign map tooltips, to fix issue where would immediately disappear when opening up due to subtle camera movements.

    Siege attrition is now updated on the Pre-battle panel and tool-tip, so it's now clearer how long a garrison has before supplies run out and they suffer attrition.

    Fixed incorrect display of trade partner values when blockaded.

    The Sea Route icon has been updated so the player can tell it apart from Sea Route Blockaded icon.

    Updated trade breakdown tooltip to have long term relationship value on it.

    Added raided/blockaded to tooltip of resources on the Finance panel, as red state was a bit unclear.

    Added raided/blockaded texts for trade tooltips in Campaign Modes.

    Fixed Total Export label text shrinking prematurely on the Finance Panel in Campaign modes.

    Fixed incorrect positioning of faction icon on agents on the Tactical Map in Campaign modes when no regions owned and no faction leader.

    Fixed spy effect icons spilling out of the Settlement panel in Campaign modes, the icons now overlap when necessary to fit in the available space.

    The "Influence Breakdown" subheading on the Province Overview panel in Campaign Modes now fits better in the available space.

    Added more room for text on the campaign dilemmas user interface.

    Fix for pre-battle camera location loading incorrectly in Legendary difficulty campaign autosaves.

    The target for a War co-ordinator can now be set by clicking on the army/faction icon in Campaign modes.

    The encyclopaedia is now closed when a fullscreen movie is played.


    Correct number of SSR options will now be displayed in the game’s settings menus.

    Non-migratory Barbarian City and Towns building descriptions have been updated.

    Added missing cursor variants in the Mac version of the game.

    The opening cinematic at the start of the game will no longer freeze when the player minimises the game window.

    Fix for loading screen sometimes not having any audio.

    Improved advisor lip syncing in Italian.

    Port building chain descriptions have been corrected.

    Fixed the label for the "Show unit banners" (Zobrazovat praporce jednotek) option in the Game Settings in the Czech language version.

    Very happy about them removing the torches!
    On the Path to the Streets of Gold: a Suebi AAR
    A man who casts no shadow has no soul.
    Hvil i fred HoreTore

  2. #2

    Default Re: Attila Patches, Hotfixes, Betas and Such (Patch 1 coming 02/26/2015)

    Lots of good stuff there.

    "Character does not disappear when married to a widow" fix. Yep, I've had that problem; guy was still visible in the Governors panel, but didn't appear on the tree.

    I saw no mention, however, of another family tree problem I've been having. Twice now, I've had a family youngster come of age at 18 and become politically active....and he appears both in the Tree where he should, but also in the Other Nobles list. Appears this can happen if a character is a legitimate son (haven't seen it happen with a bastard) of a father who was originally an active statesman outside the family who later married in. It's more than a mere visual annoyance; the character has no political actions available either, so it's a real detriment to his gameplay value; he just sits there and accrues unusable influence.

    I've had this happen with two characters. In the first case, the problem cleared up after a turn or two and the guy functions normally now. In the second case, however, it's been more than 12 turns since Wilfrith came of age and he's still not able to do any political actions. Which is quite worrisome because he happens to be my FL...who can't marry...and therefore can't sire a legitimate heir (although he's generating a prodigious number of bastards).

  3. #3
    Stranger in a strange land Moderator Hooahguy's Avatar
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    Default Re: Attila Patches, Hotfixes, Betas and Such (Patch 1 coming 02/26/2015)

    The patch has been delayed a week due to them wanting to work on it more. Good for them I guess, better to put out a better patch then to rush it out.
    On the Path to the Streets of Gold: a Suebi AAR
    A man who casts no shadow has no soul.
    Hvil i fred HoreTore

  4. #4
    Stranger in a strange land Moderator Hooahguy's Avatar
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    Default Re: Attila Patches, Hotfixes, Betas and Such (Patch 1 coming 02/26/2015)

    So the patch and DLC came out today. Im not sure if there was anything added to the patch notes, will report back if I find any changes.
    On the Path to the Streets of Gold: a Suebi AAR
    A man who casts no shadow has no soul.
    Hvil i fred HoreTore

  5. #5
    Member Member Greyblades's Avatar
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    Default Re: Attila Patches, Hotfixes, Betas and Such (Patch 1 coming 02/26/2015)

    The opening cinematic seems to have lost some of it's stutter, though it might just have been my old Q6600 acting up.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Strike For The South View Post
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  6. #6
    A Livonian Rebel Member Slaists's Avatar
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    Default Re: Attila Patches, Hotfixes, Betas and Such (Patch 1 coming 02/26/2015)

    At least for me, this patch seems less stable than version 1.0. I get random game crashes every 20-30 min or so. In particular, I get crashes in battles when trying to give manual targets to missile units. These seem random, as on replays, I do not get the same crashes. These crashes are also very similar to the ones we experienced in early versions of Rome 2. Later patches fixed the issue in R2.

    Also, there are random crashes when browsing the family tree/carrying out actions there.

  7. #7
    Stranger in a strange land Moderator Hooahguy's Avatar
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    Default Re: Attila Patches, Hotfixes, Betas and Such (Patch 1 coming 02/26/2015)

    Total War: ATTILA - Tin Isle Mercenaries Update

    Due next week, alongside Celts Culture Pack Release.
    This update brings with it many performance, technical and gameplay improvements, and plenty of unit rebalancing. It also introduces a raft of mercenary Celtic units and ships which may be recruited by any forces stationed in and around the Brittanic, or as the Greeks named them, Tin Isles.
    All players will get access to these mercenary units, even if they do not purchase the separate Celts Culture Pack.
    All Celtic units have the Guerrilla Deployment trait, which gives them a vastly larger area in which to deploy across any given battlefield. This can bring a disruptive new dimension to your army’s skillset, enabling it to perfom surprise attacks early in the battle and from unexpected directions – even from concealment behind the enemy.
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    Celtic Mercenary Land units:

    • Mercenary Celtic Brigands: Tier 1 light javelin skirmishers
    • Mercenary Celtic Levy: Tier 1 light spear infantry
    • Mercenary Gazehounds: Tier 1 medium warhounds
    • Mercenary Celtic Band: Tier 1 light sword infantry
    • Mercenary Celtic Onager: Tier 1 light artillery
    • Mercenary Celtic Cavalry Raiders: Tier 1 very light skirmisher cavalry
    • Mercenary Celtic Axe Band: Tier 1 medium axe infantry

    Celtic Mercenary Naval units:

    • Mercenary Celtic Berserker Marauders: Tier 1 light axe berserkers
    • Mercenary Celtic Marauders: Tier 1 medium melee
    • Mercenary Celtic Heavy Marauders: Tier 1 heavy melee
    • Mercenary Celtic Light Marauders: Tier 1 light melee
    • Mercenary Celtic Bow Marauders: Tier 1 light bow

    Technical and Performance improvements:

    • Fixed some memory leaks in battle, which could lead to crashes.
    • Fixed a crash bug in cinematic display.
    • Fixed a rare crash when hovering the mouse over a family members portrait.
    • Fixed a crash when spawning a Civil War for hordes.
    • 1920 x 1080 full screen resolution is now supported on 27’ iMac.

    Gameplay Improvements:


    • Fixed a rare issue that caused an attacking army to get stuck when assaulting walled settlements.
    • Fixed a bug which could cause artillery units in battle to target buildings that were too far away for them to consistently hit.
    • Fixed a rare issue that caused the AI to appear unresponsive for a time during river battles.
    • Fixed an issue where the attacking settlement AI in battles was stalling due to it being given too many change-formation orders.
    • Improved siege tower docking in Tuesis battle map.
    • Generals will now have facial animation / lip-sync when giving their speech on the battlefield.
    • Change to Battle AI sally-out behaviour, so that the units don't wait so long before attacking if they are under fire.
    • Fixed a bug where disembarked units attempted to jump back onto their ship after it had sailed away.


    • Added 6 new General units to Longbeards DLC:

    • Alamans:
      • Bejewelled Retinue
      • Chnodomar's Entourage

    • Langobards:
      • Redoubtable Chieftain
      • Godan's Warlord

    • Burgundians:
      • Burgundian Guard
      • Royal Burgundian General

    Further Campaign improvements:

    • War Hound units have been made more powerful in the auto-resolver.
    • Multiple mini rebel armies should no longer spawn in a region. If there is already an active rebellion in a region, and the region hits -100 public order again, a large rebel army is spawned and the public order is reset to 0.
    • Script improvements to the prologue.
    • Campaign AI is now less likely to focus on razing provinces within the first 100 turns.
    • Attila and the Huns will now be more active in Campaign modes once Attila has become king and the Western Roman Empire has just collapsed.
    • Campaign AI will now accept trade agreements more often.
    • Made the campaign AI less aggressive to hordes in some cases (preventing them chasing the horde around the campaign map so much).
    • Non-playable hordes will no longer suffer auto-resolver penalties just because they don't own any regions.
    • Excubitores Cavalry Guard are now a standalone unit for the Eastern Roman Empire, instead of an upgrade from Scholae Palatinae. Scholae Palatinae can still be upgraded to Tagmata Cavalry by researching the Billeting technology.
    • Nordic Axe Warband can now be recruited from the Level 2 Smith, instead of the Level 3 Smith.
    • Nordic Axe Warriors are now a standalone unit that can be recruited from the Level 3 Smith. Nordic Axe Warbands no longer upgrade into Nordic Axe Warriors.
    • Gothic Warband no longer upgrade into Gothic Falxmen. Gothic Falxmen now upgrade into Thracian Warriors and then into Thracian Oathsworn.

    Usability Improvements:


    • Capture/building icons are now hidden in first-person mode to improve immersion.
    • Spectators can now quit out of multiplayer battles during deployment.
    • Selecting Vandal assault ships in the Cartagena Historical Battle will no longer trigger Hunnic voice over.
    • Re-centred the battle timer position on the battle setup screen.
    • When loading a replay, multiple battle voice over will no longer simultaneously trigger at the end of the loading screen.
    • In Longbeards DLC, the Alaman Bejewelled Nobles will no longer reply as Langobard Champions when selected.
    • The Aide De Camp in battles will no longer tell the player that they are outnumbered under circumstances when they are not.
    • Improved Aide De Camp audio in encampment battles and improved fleeing units audio.


    • Zooming in and out of the Family Tree in Campaign modes is now possible using the mouse wheel.
    • The text in the tool-tip for ‘Snow Attrition Immunity’ on the unit card is no longer repeated several times.
    • Fix for camera pop at start of prologue preamble cutscene.
    • Fixed some button tool-tips in the ‘Records’ panel in Campaign modes.
    • Added a tool-tip to the ‘Attrition’ icon on the pre-battle screen in Campaign modes.
    • The player is no longer able to incorrectly set war coordination targets on desolate provinces when at war with Western Roman Separatists.
    • Spy will no longer be displayed in the wife slot when toggling through characters in the campaign map details panel.
    • Roman units hired by Ostrogoths will no longer have barbarian voices in Campaign modes.
    • The effects of each level of Imperium are now displayed on a tool-tip when mouseing over the Imperium bar in the Faction Summary screen.
    • Siege equipment has been re-balanced in the auto-resolver.
    • Political power bar will now update after a character has been elected to officer.
    • Converted priests’ titles will no longer display as ‘priestess’ on the details panel in Campaign.
    • Small tweaks to the layout of the building info panel.
    • Fixed food effects not appearing on raiding stance tooltip.
    • Fixed not being able to select puppet state/client state faction icons in the diplomacy panel.
    • Slightly changed how diplomatic attitude categories are displayed (e.g. ‘friendly’), and barbarians now start with less indifferent personalities.
    • Fixed issue where the tactical map could disappear.
    • Attila's portrait will now appear correctly in the Family Tree.


    • Fixed a bug where the player could see the opponent’s unit composition in Multiplayer Battle lobbies in some circumstances.
    • Added ‘Hints and Tips’ button to the in-game menus.



    • Changed the Burgundian faction trait ‘harsh sustenance’ to also apply to all levels of fertility below ‘poor’ in Long Beards DLC.
    • Battle Difficulty slider is now deactivated while playing the campaign in Legendary difficulty.
    • Rebalance of the costs to hire Other Nobles' general candidates.
    • ‘Great Power’ trait has been rebalanced.
    • Less chance for anti-empire Campaign AI personalities.
    • Romans now use more Scorpions.

    Unit balancing:

    • General price-balancing adjustments across the board
    • Extremely high morale units had their prices re-adjusted
    • Several minor (+/- 1/2) stat changes
    • Berserkers (All types):
      • Morale reduction
      • Slight HP increase
      • Reasonable price drop

    • Spear units:
      • Can withstand charges slightly better than before
      • Several higher tier units get heavy spears to make them a bit stronger against cavalry

    • 1h Axe units:
      • Bonus versus infantry was changed from 0 to 5

    • Mace:
      • Damage was flipped from 20 base and 5 AP to 5 base and 20 AP

    • Shock Cavalry:
      • Most units get a slight charge bonus boost (+5)
      • Most units get a slight HP boost (+10HP)
      • Some units get improved lances (see individual entries below)
      • Medium horses get a slight speed increase (+5)

    • Mercenary Onagers:
      • Both recruit and upkeep costs went up significantly

    • Bows:
      • Whistling Shot duration increased from 20 to 30s
      • Reload time of flaming shots increased
      • Added a +10 bonus vs infantry to Heavy Shot

    • Barbed Javelins (Longbeards DLC):
      • Normal - lower base damage
      • Heavy - lower base damage but higher AP damage
      • Both get Bonus damage vs infantry to account for the loss of base damage

    • Germanic Mounted Warband (incl. Mercenaries):
      • Regular spear replaced with short spear (lower damage)

    • Germanic Horsemen:
      • Regular spear replaced with short spear (lower damage)
      • Smaller shield
      • Mass decreased from heavy to medium

    • Elite Germanic Archers:
      • Slight rate-of-fire buff

    • Nomadic Mounted Archers:
      • Added Parthian Shot ability to all

    • Noble Alani Cavalry:
      • Spear replaced with heavy spear – more damage vs cavalry

    • All Sarmatian Cataphracts:
      • Lance replaced by an elite version – more damage vs cavalry

    • Burgundian Barbed Lancers:
      • Lances deal less damage to mounted units

    • Royal Lancers:
      • Armour decreased from 50 to 48
      • Lances now deal less damage to mounted units

    • Tagmata Cavalry:
      • Heavy spear replaced by regular spear – less damage vs cavalry
      • Round shield replaced by small round shield – less armour and missile block chance but higher melee defence
      • Slight HP reduction
      • Lower mass but higher speed

    • Excubitores Cavalry Guard:
      • Round shield replaced by small round shield – less armour and missile block chance but higher melee defence
      • Lower mass but higher speed

    • Scara Francisca:
      • Lance replaced by an elite version – more damage vs cavalry

    • Elite Sword Heerban
      • Armour slightly increased
      • Missile block chance decreased

    • Royal Anstrutiones:
      • Armour increased
      • Missile block chance decreased

    • Uar Warriors:
      • Bonus vs Infantry decreased from 20 to 10

    • Chosen Uar Warriors:
      • Bonus vs Infantry decreased from 20 to 10

    • Steppe Levy:
      • Cloth armour replaced by leather
      • Tower shield replaced by oval shield
      • Changed from medium to heavy infantry

    • Hunnic Spears:
      • Cloth armour replaced by leather
      • Tower shield replaced by oval shield
      • Changed from medium to heavy infantry

    • Steppe Mounted Brigands (incl. Mercenary):
      • Regular spear replaced with heavy spear – more damage vs cavalry
      • Steppe Raiders:
      • Regular spear replaced with heavy spear – more damage vs cavalry

    • Noble Acatziri Raiders:
      • Regular spear replaced with heavy spear – more damage vs cavalry
      • Replaced cloth armour with lamellar leather

    • Unnigarde:
      • Regular spear replaced with heavy spear – more damage vs cavalry

    • Shamans of the Eternal Sky:
      • Regular spear replaced with heavy spear – more damage vs cavalry

    • Hunnic Horsemen:
      • Cloth armour replaced with leather

    • Hunnic Devil Cavalry:
      • Slight HP decrease
      • Slight melee attack and defence increase

    • Later Hunnic lancers:
      • Lance replaced by an elite version – more damage vs cavalry

    • Avar Horde:
      • Scare trait replaced with Parthian Shot

    • Godan’s Chosen:
      • Melee attack reduced from 75 to 70

    • Elephants:
      • Damage against cavalry increased from 50 to 75

    • Later Sassanid lancers:
      • Lance replaced by an elite version – more damage vs cavalry

    • Pushtighban Cataphracts:
      • Morale increase from 36 to 45

    • Savaran Sardar:
      • Ammo increase from 2 to 4
      • Melee defence increase (+10)
      • Armour increased from 27 to 33

    • Spahbed:
      • Ammo increase from 2 to 8
      • Melee attack and defence increase (+10)
      • Armour increased from 27 to 33
      • Sword replaced by heavy spatha

    • Herculiani Seniores:
      • Mail armour replaced with scale

    • Elite Palatina:
      • Spatha replaced by Heavy spatha

    Last edited by Hooahguy; 03-18-2015 at 16:47.
    On the Path to the Streets of Gold: a Suebi AAR
    A man who casts no shadow has no soul.
    Hvil i fred HoreTore

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  8. #8

    Default Re: Attila Patches, Hotfixes, Betas and Such (Patch 1 coming 02/26/2015)

    A lot to like here, particularly in the "Campaign Improvements".

    Although I wonder exactly what they mean by "Huns more active when Attila is king". Hun stacks become more aggressive (i.e., seek out actual battle rather than clump together and raid)? Or just spawn even more stacks than is already the case? I guess we'll find out next week...

  9. #9
    Stranger in a strange land Moderator Hooahguy's Avatar
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    Default Re: Attila Patches, Hotfixes, Betas and Such (Patch 1 coming 02/26/2015)

    I guess the idea is that they should be wiping out way more settlements than they are as of now. They really are playing on the whole "bringer of the apocalypse" thing.

    Looking forwards to more general units for the Long Beards factions. They were woefully underpowered.
    On the Path to the Streets of Gold: a Suebi AAR
    A man who casts no shadow has no soul.
    Hvil i fred HoreTore

  10. #10

    Default Re: Attila Patches, Hotfixes, Betas and Such (Patch 1 coming 02/26/2015)

    Maybe. My general experience with Huns over two campaigns has been that they enter your territory to raid, stay in 2-3 stack groups (often more) making them difficult to attack, and are more than happy to swoop in on an undefended minor settlement within range and raze it. What I haven't seen them do (on Normal difficulty) is lay siege to a walled city, or attack a full-army-stack-defended town. One would think that's why they lug around all those onagers....

  11. #11
    A Livonian Rebel Member Slaists's Avatar
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    Default Re: Attila Patches, Hotfixes, Betas and Such (Patch 1 coming 02/26/2015)

    Quote Originally Posted by Bramborough View Post
    Maybe. My general experience with Huns over two campaigns has been that they enter your territory to raid, stay in 2-3 stack groups (often more) making them difficult to attack, and are more than happy to swoop in on an undefended minor settlement within range and raze it. What I haven't seen them do (on Normal difficulty) is lay siege to a walled city, or attack a full-army-stack-defended town. One would think that's why they lug around all those onagers....
    That's pretty much how I play with Huns, LOL.

    I do lug a single onager in my horse archer armies so I can autoresolve against garrison-only defended walled settlements.

    By the way, that previous pic I posed: with a burnt down AI fort. It seems, this bug applies to square-shape forts, not the barbarian round ones. If I bring arty to a battle with barbarians: they do sally out.

    Incidentally, it is much easier to burn down the square-form fors. The barbarian ones seems sturdier (by the virtue of having more wall sections so fire is limited to a smaller area).

  12. #12
    Voluntary Suspension Voluntary Suspension Philippus Flavius Homovallumus's Avatar
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    Default Re: Attila Patches, Hotfixes, Betas and Such (Patch 1 coming 02/26/2015)

    Quote Originally Posted by Hooahguy View Post
    I guess the idea is that they should be wiping out way more settlements than they are as of now. They really are playing on the whole "bringer of the apocalypse" thing.

    Looking forwards to more general units for the Long Beards factions. They were woefully underpowered.
    On medium campaign difficulty I have seen the Huns raze every settlement they attacked bar two.

    The thing is, razing a settlement for a Horde is largely pointless unless you just want to destroy the enemy faction because, ultimately, it's easier to take and convert that to recolonise all that blasted land. Also - Razed settlements can't be raided for more loot later.

    Finally it's worth pointing out that Attila only did this ONCE that we know of, whilst he devastated many cities he only razed one to the ground, arguably the Germanic Hordes were more destructive, irrc Alaric of the Visgoths destroyed Corinth such that it had to be refounded.

    I'd much rather razing a settlement was this horrific thing that happened occasionally and was really devastating rather than knowing that if you lose to the Huns everyone will die - because that's what happens, unless the Huns have been (temporarily) knocked down to their last stack and think they need cash.
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  13. #13
    A Livonian Rebel Member Slaists's Avatar
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    Default Re: Attila Patches, Hotfixes, Betas and Such (Patch 1 coming 02/26/2015)

    Well, for Huns, razing settlements makes a lot of sense. Of course, it would be better for them to sack and then raze on the same turn. I do it all the time myself (playing as Huns). For one, in razed areas, settlements do not impede army movements. Second, there are no new enemy troops being raised in razed areas. Third, if Huns are playing the subjugation game, you need to get the target faction down to 1 settlement before you can subjugate them.

  14. #14
    Voluntary Suspension Voluntary Suspension Philippus Flavius Homovallumus's Avatar
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    Default Re: Attila Patches, Hotfixes, Betas and Such (Patch 1 coming 02/26/2015)

    Quote Originally Posted by Slaists View Post
    Well, for Huns, razing settlements makes a lot of sense. Of course, it would be better for them to sack and then raze on the same turn. I do it all the time myself (playing as Huns). For one, in razed areas, settlements do not impede army movements. Second, there are no new enemy troops being raised in razed areas. Third, if Huns are playing the subjugation game, you need to get the target faction down to 1 settlement before you can subjugate them.
    I would argue it would be better for them to sack both settlements in a province, pocket the cash and then attack the walled city and sack that. This will pretty much guarantee a rebellion, which will then take one of the the settlements, and then the Huns can subjugate the rebel faction.

    From the point of view of the WRE player it just means you station big armies in Illyria and Dacia and fight those sieges tooth and nail. In fact the way the Hunnic AI works means that without the script to preserve it the player would beat the faction to death because they're such a menace.

    In fact, all the Hords have this problem, the "Great Migration" ended around 402 in my game after the Hordes beat themselves to death against my legions. The dangerous hordes are the ones that stay "friendly" and wander around casually raiding as they present a dilemma about whether to start a war with them or not.
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  15. #15
    A Livonian Rebel Member Slaists's Avatar
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    Default Re: Attila Patches, Hotfixes, Betas and Such (Patch 1 coming 02/26/2015)

    For those friendly hordes: an easy way to deal with them is to grant them a border region when they wander in. That way you get rid of the horde (and get an ally) and reduce your corruption a bit too.

    As to that sack + wait for a rebellion: it usually takes too much time (the horde needs to keep moving in order to stay ahead of the non-stop hate entourage following it) + the other AI's shadowing Hun stacks (the player's stacks) tend to destroy the rebels before they have a chance to take anything.

  16. #16
    Stranger in a strange land Moderator Hooahguy's Avatar
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    Default Re: Attila Patches, Hotfixes, Betas and Such (Patch 1 coming 02/26/2015)


    Hey all,

    We’ve been listening to your thoughts on the Blood & Burning pack, so we’ve spent the last few weeks re-engineering it for greater impact (yes, that does mean buckets more claret). This hotfix is live now.

    There’s a bunch of changes which we hope you’ll like, in particular the much wider range of combat animations which result in copious spillage. Blood decals now appear on all terrain types and they stick around longer, too. You can find the full list of improvements below.

    Incidentally, you may notice some subtle changes to the mod manager in the ATTILA Launcher. This is because we’re preparing the ground for the release of the ATTILA Assembly Kit. It’s still in the oven but it’s nearly done, so stay tuned for imminent news!

    Here’s what the Blood & Burning update includes:

    Added blood effects to over 140 more death and wounding animations.

    With graphics settings above performance/low, decapitations are now more frequent during battles.

    Improved blood effects in battles, made blood more visible and in some instances, spurts last longer.

    Added 14 more decapitation/dismemberment animations in battles.

    Blood will now spurt from the correct location when agents are killed on the Campaign map.

    Blood will now show on top of snow.

    Improved framerate when the camera is close to burning people on the battlefield.

    Increased the amount of vomiting when an army is suffering from sea sickness or plague.

    Greater frequency of gory animated event pictures.

    Blood decals will now remain longer on units and on the ground during battles.

    Improved blood effects from decapitation and dismemberment on the Campaign map after limbs/heads are severed.

    Units with seasickness on transport ships will now vomit.

    Units will no longer play two death animations in some cases when set alight by flaming arrows on the Battlefield.
    Fixed a couple of instances where units’ weapons changed while they vomited.

    Other improvements:

    Local Network/LAN mode on Mac connectivity has been improved.

    Zooming into the family tree while selecting a target for a political intrigue no longer lets the player select invalid targets.

    Removed precursor weapons from Germanic Levy and Mercenary Saxon Spears.

    Fixed a rare save game crash on Mac versions.

    Improved shadows on the Campaign map on Mac.

    Fixed a rare crash in the End Turn cycle during Campaigns on Mac.
    Last edited by Hooahguy; 04-21-2015 at 17:38.
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    Infinite Jest Member easytarget's Avatar
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    Default Re: Attila Patches, Hotfixes, Betas and Such (Patch 1 coming 02/26/2015)

    So, haven't seen much discussion about future patches, has this one been abandoned already?

  18. #18
    Stranger in a strange land Moderator Hooahguy's Avatar
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    Default Re: Attila Patches, Hotfixes, Betas and Such (Patch 1 coming 02/26/2015)

    They are keeping unusually mum about basically anything regarding the future of Attila, but inside sources tell me that they are not done yet, there will be new things coming in the next month or so, but still the lack of patching or any sort of real communication from the team is disturbing.
    On the Path to the Streets of Gold: a Suebi AAR
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    Member Member Crandar's Avatar
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    Default Re: Attila Patches, Hotfixes, Betas and Such (Patch 1 coming 02/26/2015)

    Too much gloom and doom, here guys.
    Darren pretty much confirmed the imminent release of Justinianus DLC with that post:
    "Hey guys! The New Content Team have provided us with some artwork related to the new DLC that they have been hard at work on! This awesome piece of artwork is part of a new event message that is being added. Things are looking pretty bleak, but what could it mean?"
    accompanied by an image of the plague.

    Of course, I wouldn't expect the level of suport Rome II received, considering it was a much more ambitious and borken project, but I doubt that any of the three remaining DLCs of Attila will be cancelled.

  20. #20
    Voluntary Suspension Voluntary Suspension Philippus Flavius Homovallumus's Avatar
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    Default Re: Attila Patches, Hotfixes, Betas and Such (Patch 1 coming 02/26/2015)

    Quote Originally Posted by Hooahguy View Post
    They are keeping unusually mum about basically anything regarding the future of Attila, but inside sources tell me that they are not done yet, there will be new things coming in the next month or so, but still the lack of patching or any sort of real communication from the team is disturbing.
    Well, it's been less than three months, I would EXPECT at least a year's support from CA for the game, by which I mean six months of patches and DLC and then another six months to make sure they don't leave the game broken.
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  21. #21
    Infinite Jest Member easytarget's Avatar
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    Default Re: Attila Patches, Hotfixes, Betas and Such (Patch 1 coming 02/26/2015)

    Quote Originally Posted by Crandar View Post
    Too much gloom and doom, here guys.
    No doom and gloom, just pointing out that the main forum at TW went nearly immediately dead after the launch of Attila, and pretty much exactly at the point they announced Warhammer.

    Even for CA who I consider bottom tier devs in their handling of basic blocking and tackling for PR, communication and patches this is dead quiet.

    Contrast how CA handles things with Valve. Their support is legendary for a game that at this point has been free for awhile, and yet to date has more patches in a month than CA puts out in the life time of any game they've produced ever, and according to this article TF2 has received 494 patches:

    Hell, Valve has released more patches for TF2 while it was free than all the CA patches produced in 15 years for all of the games CA has ever made. And they did this while releasing patch notes explaining what they did, their patch notes better explain what they are up to at any given moment than anything CA has ever bothered to cough up.

    The contrast between the two is startlingly.

  22. #22
    Ja mata, TosaInu Forum Administrator edyzmedieval's Avatar
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    Default Re: Attila Patches, Hotfixes, Betas and Such (Patch 1 coming 02/26/2015)

    New patch released last night - deals with the Frankish separatists issue for AoC DLC.
    Ja mata, TosaInu. You will forever be remembered.


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  23. #23
    Throwing stones from afar Member Cazbol's Avatar
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    Default Re: Attila Patches, Hotfixes, Betas and Such (Patch 1 coming 02/26/2015)

    What was the Frankish separatist issue?

  24. #24
    Ja mata, TosaInu Forum Administrator edyzmedieval's Avatar
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    Default Re: Attila Patches, Hotfixes, Betas and Such (Patch 1 coming 02/26/2015)

    CTD at the end of the turn, as far as I know, after the Frankish Separatists would appear in the game. Fixed now.

    Age of Charlemagne DLC only.
    Ja mata, TosaInu. You will forever be remembered.


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    Swords Made of Letters - 1938. The war is looming in France - and Alexandre Reythier does not have much time left to protect his country. A novel set before the war.

    A Painted Shield of Honour - 1313. Templar Knights in France are in grave danger. Can they be saved?


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