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Thread: AAR - The Waste Land - A EB Parthian Story

  1. #1
    "Aye, there's the rub" Member PSYCHO V's Avatar
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    Default AAR - The Waste Land - A EB Parthian Story

    As yall know, I'm not much of an 'eastern' fan, but i have to admit, this has both got me laughing and wanting to have a go at the East.

    AAR by Artaserse.

    Very nice work Artaserse!


    "Ask not for whom the bell tolls, it tolls for THEE!" - (John Donne, Meditation 17)

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  2. #2
    EB insanity coordinator Senior Member khelvan's Avatar
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    Default Re: Aar

    Haha, that's awesome!

    He needs to add "All your base are belong to us" somewhere, though.
    Cogita tute

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  3. #3
    Crazy Russian Member Zero1's Avatar
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    Default Re: Aar

    "This is a-radi-hi-iiic-ulous"-Zeek

  4. #4
    EB fanboy Member The_White_Knight's Avatar
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    Default Re: Aar

    Thanks for posting. It's really funny.

  5. #5
    aka Artaserse (the Lone Borg) Member Obelics's Avatar
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    Default Re: Aar

    hei people, only now i noticed this post by PsikoV and i must thanks him, very pleased to see this.

    Thanks also to EB, I started my AAR without knowing nothing on EB (i just wanted to try a different mod), but the more i play it the more i love, so many thanks EB!

    Obelics/Artaserse (a recently addicted fan)

    EDITED to add a copy and paste of table 3 and 4 (damn i have not any free "obelics" posts anymore, to add table 1 and 2, just for completeness)

    This is a copy and paste of Table 3 (it was the first update after the patch 0.74??? or 72something dont remember anymore...

    ok this is a minor update, I consider this a very transition Table, from the old EB version to the new patch. So take it as it is, I had also few time cause duties, so in future i will add a more exhaustive one.
    I played as the first few turns of the first two table, so nothing has changed. Pharotes Astianax Kribio and Cyruzzus conquered Mazsakat, The King has flee as usually and our treasury is even worst than before, anyway im very happy cause i can continue the Aar. Thanks to the guys who read this and feedbacked, i hope you like.
    Remember to press F11 on your keyboard for better viewing


    The Phartians, the myghty Phartians, so they are attempting to survive in this hostile word, we can not but appreciate this fierce people in their quest to an expansion. God! be mercyfull with those people!
    Anyway we left Pharotes and his braves settled in mazsakat, now we will follow king Arsace in his return to the Capital...but here's the good Otanes who will continue the story...

    Oh tender Boy!

    Finally a young man who was born from the blood of the King, He is Strong, He is Beautifull, he will want to prove himself! And infact, he will follow Pharotes in the new colony of Mazsakat, but the town is far away and the journey is full of dangers!

    What a miserable Start for this man, all we here, expected some think more from a so nooble blood, a so nice body, His sweet face is covered by shame, but here's the King, Oh my Lord, The King in person is coming, to finish the work his young fellow hadn't attended!

    And so the battle...

    The King give the orders to reach the nasty folks, who had the courage of humiliate His belowed nephew!

    We are Victorious, Arsace the Great is proud of his skills as general, He cant believe It's True, The Blood is not Water...

    Achaemens that nice boy haven't the courage to present himself! He was just a Child! Now that He sow the corpse of the enemyes, and the blood of his own comrades, he can say a Man is grown, but the shame of see his Grandfhater, to finish the job he had to attend, was too stroong. Cry Boy, you will cry even more in your dangerous journey in the Waste Lands, along the shrine of the Unknown..

    So Arsace the Imalegendarywarrior, can now reach his so dreamed capital, to say the truth he was away for not to long, but a journey for an old uncle, is always a long journey, no matter how long, neither how ridicule His fights. But here! The Capital seems near! He can see the houses and the Palace even from this place, be fast our King, your time is coming to and end...

    Now the town! the Palace! His nose is tasting the sweet fragrance of His young little girls!

    Yes, the king is Dead! But he left our Kingdom in a truly miserable state... oh Arsace The Polite, why you had to enjoy every, but every day, the precious gifts, that a life of flesh and bones, gave us as a reward, for our sweet attempts to have a fullstack of descendants? You was a goodman and you won't be forgotten!

    Anyway after the dead of the King, thinks begun to go better...



    the years passed, and finally some really good news deliciated our thirsty eyes...

    The Land is Waste, the World is Vast, no more dust in our the future, no more pain, oh Holy Money, finally i can pay one of those sweet...(Ehm my wine is finished, so the End for now...)


    hope enjoyed
    And this is a copy and paste of table 4

    Well, as usually a warm arzarakawaraz to alls who read this, hope you like this one as far as the previous. I would have add some more info on the World economy of my campaign, but cause i had ctd, i cant understan what are the right economical screen shots of the actual campaign, and what are the ones related to ctd savegame. So, can't add a full overview now. But since i ve no more ctd now, cause i fixed the mod, i will update a very comprensive overview of the other powers economy in the next update.
    As usually remember to press F11 key on your keyboard cause i like vertical screen shoots. Now i will post the fourth table:


    April is the cruellest month, breeding
    Lilacs out of the dead land, mixing
    Memory and desire, strirring
    Dull roots with spring rain.
    Winter kept us warn, covering
    Earth in forgetful snow, feeding
    A little life with dried tubers.

    Thomas S. Eliot - The Waste land


    Oh for the dried bones of the Mighty Zarathustra, a sad Time is coming from this lands of desolation, We Parthian were too poor to establish a strong domain on the lands of our Ancestors the Akemenids, others, more powered Kingdom are expanding around our few province, blocking our path to Expansion and forcing our men to march up and down along the Waste Lands searching for a Virgin Ground were to settle, avoiding as far as we can, to offend our dangerous neighbours...

    The Armies of our greek alleys, marh along our provinces, conquering every single piece of soil out of our frontiers, our economy dont allow us to do the same, so how sad is to see every land falling under the Ellenic Flag...

    what a shame we have to fight only miserable brigands, our army deserves a better fight, a day where our warriors can dye in a honorable way

    and so, ashamed and humiliated, Arses's army has to afford its duties...

    The enemy are few and outnumbered, they are scared by us, and we are scared by Seleucids, so, we have to do the job...

    Finally our new troops of horsearcher, can have the opportunity to show how deadly are the parthian arrows, falling from the sky, coming from an undefined place... at last, so we tought...

    Ah... what an inutile massacre this will be...some of our old veterans, seems to dislike such a useless task...

    ...and here's the results

    A black bird fly in the sky, it is the Shunxa's messanger, he came to us from the Western Sky, to warn us the Seleukia is become an huge power, so scared as they are, the Parthian, sent Otanes in a diplomatic mission to have an update map of the greek domains...our alley will give us for sure the infos we need to sleep well in the night...

    Oh Hole Parthin Heaven, Oh you King of the Sky, please listen to our prayers, send a plague in the in the greek unfaithfull lands, destroy their Gods, diminish their arrogance, those nasty men could have invented what they call Philosophy, but they lost The Wisdom...

    A goud challenge at last, the proud warriors of the steppes can finally prove as worthy they are...

    Enemy General Tallis, seems an optimus leader, will he show us, he deserves his command star?

    The infantry of Tallis, try to pursue our flying knights, while the arrows, storm the sky from a side to another...

    Go Astianax, you are The Tender, Go Krybio, you are The Brutal...and you Kuna The Barbarian, let your bloodied axe gently pose on the nice bodyes of our worthy enemies...

    The weather is warm and dried, the dust is covering our corpse so far as the corpse of the brigands, poor men, we understand you... we know what you call to be free, we also are searching for a place, were the Parthian dragon could fly safe and free...

    the time to end this battle is come...

    meny men are dyed, a lot of them lay on the ground while their souls reach the Sky...

    A victory that we pay almost as much as our enemy, but a victory...

    Some time when all seems lost, The Supreme King of the Sky seems to pose a pitifull hand on your head, we lost an alley, but we gain another as powerfull as the previous one...

    Our old friend Phraotes, the latter apprentice of king Arsace, is waiting to join Arses Army, and to lead with Him the Great Expediture in the Northern Lands

    Oh Ahura Mazda, the Holy Lord of the Waste lands, you make two Tender Hearts to rejoin, as anxious is the young and tender Astianax to be made a man, by the old and experienced veteran Phraotes...

    And so, the longest day is come... a bloody day for sure...if this battle is lost, no more hope for Parthian to expand their lands, a great opportunity for our enemies to subdue the dragon...

    The enemy general is the greatest we encontered, his worth will be sufficient to stop our heros?
    Arses, you are the leader now, fight well and show to enemy how strong is the nomad heart of the Parthian horseman...
    Phraotes, you have become aged now, but we trust in your experience for keep away the young Akemenes, and Astianax the boy, from the enemy pikes..
    Krybyo, you are a barbarian, and you dont care for your life, but make you alive, we need to hear your brutal howl again and again...
    Kuna the axeman, you come from the same barbarian lands, make your axe to pose on the enemies as gently as ever...
    And you Cyruzzus, the mighty archer... well you dont need advice, you are too smart boy to risk your life...but use well your tricks to gain us a fine day...

    The Land is Waste, Winter has come from the Easterns Caves, A Bloody Wind is blowing from the Northern Seas, a Day of Sadness and Dust is coming from the Wilde and Obscure Earldoms of the Night....
    Ehm...more black of the midnight it cant arrive...eheh


    hope enjoied

  6. #6
    Member Member antiochus epiphanes's Avatar
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    Default Re: Aar

    omg the best aar ever!

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  7. #7
    Last user of scythed chariots Member Spendios's Avatar
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    Default Re: Aar

    The best and funniest AAR ever read !

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  8. #8
    Sardonic Antipodean Member Trithemius's Avatar
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    Default Re: Aar

    This is pretty neat, I have only one question: what does AAR mean?

    *thought this was some kind of pirate thread initially*
    "Power performs the Miracle." - Johannes Trithemius

  9. #9
    "Aye, there's the rub" Member PSYCHO V's Avatar
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    Default Re: Aar

    Welcome and great job Obelics

    Quote Originally Posted by Trithemius
    This is pretty neat, I have only one question: what does AAR mean?

    *thought this was some kind of pirate thread initially*

    After Action Report. Pretty standard gaming terminology for developing a story line using the gameplay of some game, usually strategy.


    "Ask not for whom the bell tolls, it tolls for THEE!" - (John Donne, Meditation 17)

  10. #10
    Sardonic Antipodean Member Trithemius's Avatar
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    Default Re: Aar

    Quote Originally Posted by PSYCHO V
    Welcome and great job Obelics

    After Action Report. Pretty standard gaming terminology for developing a story line using the gameplay of some game, usually strategy.

    But not in the communities I've been in, evidently. ;)
    "Power performs the Miracle." - Johannes Trithemius

  11. #11
    EB insanity coordinator Senior Member khelvan's Avatar
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    Default Re: Aar

    It is a military term, and as such it usually was found in wargaming areas, but it is apparently making its way into other areas as well. Though I guess RTW can sort of be seen as a wargame, at least from the tactical sense.
    Cogita tute

  12. #12
    EBII Council Senior Member Kull's Avatar
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    Default Re: Aar

    He's baaaaaack!
    "Numidia Delenda Est!"

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  13. #13
    Amanuensis Member pezhetairoi's Avatar
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    Default Re: Aar

    gods, that was funny! For some reason I just collapsed when the thanvabara yelled 'Proton Missile!'


  14. #14

    Default Re: Aar

    Dude, we should seriously start putting together some of our own "After Action Reports" like this one. Kind of like this thread, but instead of just a single thread, have a section for it. More screenshots, more detail, and maybe even some photoshopping, just like this guy did with his Parthian campaign.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Aar

    This stuff is awesome, I never expected parthians to be very eloquent

  16. #16

    Default Re: Aar

    New installments of it up now too - as are those of the KH campaign by Demetrious over on the EB forum.

  17. #17
    EBII Council Senior Member Kull's Avatar
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    Default Re: Aar

    It just gets better and better!
    "Numidia Delenda Est!"

  18. #18

    Default Re: Aar


    Artaserse is back with another installment:

  19. #19
    Last user of scythed chariots Member Spendios's Avatar
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    Default Re: Aar

    Yes ! This AAR becomes more and more funny each time

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  20. #20

    Default Re: Aar

    Artaserse battles the Yuezhi and Seleukids in his newest installment:

  21. #21
    Member Member paullus's Avatar
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    always in places where its HOT

    Default Re: Aar

    I've never seen a siege tower catch fire and a collapse at the walls before. That was awesome. EB has inspired some great AARs.
    "The mere statement of fact, though it may excite our interest, is of no benefit to us, but when the knowledge of the cause is added, then the study of history becomes fruitful." -Polybios

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  22. #22
    EB fanboy Member The_White_Knight's Avatar
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    Default Re: Aar

    Quote Originally Posted by Teleklos Archelaou
    Artaserse battles the Yuezhi and Seleukids in his newest installment:
    Hahaaha, great. I'm usually put off by steppe-warfaire, but it seems so fun in his campaign I might even try one in the next bèta!

  23. #23

    Default Re: Aar

    There is a new update to the story now:

    (moderators: could someone move this thread to the "Gameplay Guides" subforum here, and then also retitle it something appropriate, like "AAR - The Waste Land - A EB Parthian Story". That way we can just keep 'bumping' it whenever there are new updates over there so the fans can know about it and go take a look. Thanks)

  24. #24

    Default Re: AAR - The Waste Land - A EB Parthian Story

    This is f**** poetry man, it should be mandatory for everyone interested in history.

  25. #25
    Thread killer Member Rodion Romanovich's Avatar
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    Default Re: AAR - The Waste Land - A EB Parthian Story

    Really cool AAR, I especially like what the generals say to each other before the battles and many of the screenshots are really good! Btw is "Arzarakarakazz" a real word??!!
    Under construction...

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  26. #26
    Gangrenous Member Justiciar's Avatar
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    Default Re: AAR - The Waste Land - A EB Parthian Story

    He's updated it btw.
    When Adam delved and Eve span, Who was then the gentleman? From the beginning all men by nature were created alike, and our bondage or servitude came in by the unjust oppression of naughty men. For if God would have had any bondsmen from the beginning, he would have appointed who should be bound, and who free. And therefore I exhort you to consider that now the time is come, appointed to us by God, in which ye may (if ye will) cast off the yoke of bondage, and recover liberty. - John Ball

  27. #27
    Member Member Avicenna's Avatar
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    Default Re: AAR - The Waste Land - A EB Parthian Story

    Great writing! Gotta love Kuna

    Student by day, bacon-eating narwhal by night (specifically midnight)

  28. #28
    Crazy Russian Member Zero1's Avatar
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    Default Re: AAR - The Waste Land - A EB Parthian Story

    I can't decide between Kuna and Cyruzzus as to who is the most hilarious myself.

    The bit with Ted made me crack up though, "Oh yes you will Ted!"
    "This is a-radi-hi-iiic-ulous"-Zeek

  29. #29
    Member Member Bonny's Avatar
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    Default Re: AAR - The Waste Land - A EB Parthian Story

    the next table is online

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  30. #30
    aka Artaserse (the Lone Borg) Member Obelics's Avatar
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    Default Re: AAR - The Waste Land - A EB Parthian Story

    since the forum where i was posting it (rtr) are down... here's a little think to remember some of the nasty guys:

    ive done it just for a sort of "nostalgia" and despite what Otanes says, im not sure i will continue this, im a bit out of training as you can see.
    Anyway i profit of this, to thanks also all that people who was following it on the rtr forum and on this thread



    EDITED to add a copy and paste of Table 5 and Table 6:
    This is a copy of Table 5:

    Thanks guys for your really encouraging comments, here in Parthia THINKS GO BETTER THAN YOU THINK! i forgot to give as usually a warmy Arzarakarakazz! to all you, and now i will post the fifth table:
    (remember to press F11 for a larger view)


    What are the roots that clutch, what branches grow
    Out of this stony rubbish? Son of a man,
    You cannot say, or guess, for you know only
    Aheap of broken images, where the sun beats,
    And the dead tree gives no shelter, the cricket no relief
    And the dry stone no sound of water

    Thomas S. Eliot - The Waste Land / The Burial of the Dead

    Well and so the Battle for Gava-Alanna is going to begin...hope the Gods will be with us...

    The men are worried about a so decisive time, some of them really feel the load of the events...

    and here's the bloody ground, no grain will grow here anymore, after the Parthian have passed, no grain has never grown here cause the climate is too cold for cereals in general...

    Our brave archers, as usually are the firsts to engage with the enemy, their holy mission is to skirmish at them and to make as many casualties they can...the rest of the army is waiting in silence, a strange noise raise from the ground, it is the noise of the hoofs of the enemy horses knocking the ground...

    And so, a first danger is avoided, but one after another, new waves of terror break the silence of this Winter Day...

    The enemies seem to have no rest, their furor has somethink of ancestral, their eyes sparkles in the snowy land as vain fires raising from the dark...

    Our warriors stand on the battleground waiting for an examotage to force the wolfs to break out of the burrow...

    Oh Tender Astianax, you have so few men, your brother Cribyo wait for a gesture of your noble hand...go now and keep to come back safe, cause Phraotes could not to stand your loss.

    thanks to our heros, the enemies is becoming to suffer some losses, a light of hope seems to enlight the eyes of our Generals...Are the Gods prolonging our pain? Or are They keeping a good time in store for us?

    and You, Usafer, who deserves our mercy, why your Fate has sadly crossed the path for victory of the Parthian horse-mounted warriors?

    Sometime the death for a man can bee a good think, hope only to find a worthy enemy that can give it to him...

    And so the Death has come...

    Yes Usafer will be remembered, but now the Knights of the steppes have to finish their job, it is time to enter the town and to take what we have so ardently desired...

    And here's the results

    Another town to add to our provinces, another conquest that cost us so much blood...other enemies were destroyed, their gosts will continue to persecute our nights...more money (we hope), will gladden our days...

    and make us to watch now, oh King of the Spheres, at how the Pink Parthians colors ar spreading long the matter if here in the Waste Lands, the provinces are so large, to make our color to seems so predominant...

    And so the numbers (for this i had to rent a personal book-keeper). No one knows if there is somebody out there, who will really read those thinks...but how is varied the world, and how many powers there... and what a shame we are always the last in those kind of thinks, but we know our worth is not matched with the cold-hearted numbers!

    And now this is the time for Farewells, someone will stay, someothers will go, how short is the life and how long are the good-bye...

    But here! Our family is expanding in some manner...Oh King Arsace the Founder, your soul can be proud of how your life was we have a full stack of descents, alls are ready to continue your exploits...

    The Waste is lands, ehm no The Lands are Waste, the the World is Vast (as usually), Winter is dying under the Eastern Sun, hope the coming days will be even more fruitfull than the past ones...


    hope enjoied

    and this is a copy & paste of Table 6:
    Well, it seems no one is interested in my gameplay, speculations etc... <_< eh, so now i will post the sixth table. Please take present i had less time than table IV and V, so this will be a shorter one, hope anyway you like it.
    Remember as usually to press F11 to enlarge the screen to view my vertical style shots.


    The winter evening settles down
    With smell of steaks in passageways
    Six o'clock.
    The burnt-out ends of smoky days

    Tomas S. Eliott - Preludes

    And here the story continue, The Waste lands are more Waste than ever, the towns in the north are let alone, Pharotes is getting old, he choose to stay on that Winter Grounds, waiting for his last day to come...

    But the last day is already come for someone, whose name we have never spelled again... He was King Arsace successor, and he passed his time in Kiat hidden in his rooms, away from men, masked by a bronze face, fearing the view of human being...

    But what...? The Time we all fear has come, the Greek have decided to completely forget the ancient friendship that joined our two kingdom a time when no people threatened their power...

    And so a new politic situation is traced...

    And so, after have left our nice Astianax and his brother Crybio there in Kiat, and have reinforced the army, Arses, Akemened, Cyrus and Kuna, our brave heros, try to reach the besieged town. Oh poor King Barabigna, How can you afford alone a so dangeous foe? Your supply are going to an end, and your table is becoming to be empty of that delicious thinks you were used to enjoy...

    The Great God of the Sky has smiled one time more upon you, Parthian People, could you deserve his prize one time again, fight brave and He will smile upon you again and again...

    Our warriors face the battlefield with a bit of fear, it is the first time we face some civilized kingdom as ours, we can expect a fierce battle...the enemy are strong though unworthy.

    we can trust in our force, we have the strongest and virile men on the face of the Earth... the battlefield spreading from afar

    Our archers give a warmy welcome to the foes...but what kind of enemied are we going to face?

    What is this threath approaching from the horizon? Those spears facing the sky are a so horrible sight for our dusty eyes...

    but, for our warriors, the spectacle doesn't seem to worth the matter this is an unknown treath, we will fight as we know and as we ever done...

    Thanks the Gods, King Barabigna is arrived just in time to break with his cavalry in the enemy lines...

    Time has come to close our ranks around the enemy and to end their pain...

    The greek soldiers were strong and well armored, but they are too slow for our horses

    And here's the results

    The battle wasn't of our more difficult one, but it was the first time we fought against that Kingdom of Seleukia that keeped our people as servants for a so long time...

    AH! Now they fear us, but it is too late, we cant forgive your mistake, now, we have one of the strongest general under this Eastern Skys, Arses will continue to pursue you till the end of the world!

    No! We are not used to so miserable tricks! He wished to become a great conqueror, he fell as a cow under the knife of an assassin! The greeks must be punished for this, we will never forget this insult!

    Oh young Akemenes! Now you are alone in this wretched world! Will you be capable to face your heavy duties? Will you be so strong to punish them?
    Our lands are waste as far as wasted are our moneys, make them wasted their lands too...


    hope enjoyed

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