

NAME (specials)
transfer status
Possible exclusions


How to acquire.


E.g >= abbey means an Abbey OR any upgrade to that structure.


Move between characters:: YES

+1 to agent's skill

20% chance when created and >=Assassins Guild exist in settlement.

Move between characters:: YES

5% bonus on all trade income
5% bonus on tax income

33% chance after constructing >=library in settlement.
33% chance after constructing university in settlement.

Move between characters: NO

+1 to popularity (improves public order)

5% chance when spending a full turn in a settlement with >=theatre.

ADULTRESS (N/A for middle eastern)
Move between characters: NO

+1 Dread
-1 Piety
-1 Morale for all troops on the battlefield
Decreases the chance of having children

5% chance when spending a full turn in a settlement with >=brothel and general's wife has <6 Charm.

OUTLANDER ADULTRESS (N/A for middle eastern)
Move between characters: NO

+1 Dread
-1 Piety
-2 Morale for all troops on the battlefield
-1 from popularity (has a negative effect on public order)
Decreases the chance of having children

10% chance when in enemy lands more than 3 turns and has < 0 points of Trait: Loyal.

FOREIGN FRUITCAKE (N/A for middle eastern)
Move between characters: NO

+1 Dread
-1 Piety
-3 Morale for all troops on the battlefield
-1 from popularity (has a negative effect on public order)
Decreases the chance of having children

5% chance every turn if >=1 point of Trait: Arse and married.

Move between characters: YES
Excluded ancillaries: Apothecary, Astrologer

+2 to your general's hitpoints (how many hits your general can take before dying)
+1 Command when commanding gunpowder troops

5% chance when spending a full turn in a settlement with >=alchemists lab.
33% chance after constructing alchemist lab.

;trigger "apocethary_vnv_trigger_" gives alchemist instead...
Move between characters: YES
Excluded ancillaries: Alchemist, Astrologer

Increases the chance of having children
+4 to your general's hitpoints (how many hits your general can take before dying)

ARCHITECT (N/A for northern european)
Move between characters: NO

10% discount on construction costs
-2 from squalor (increases public order and population growth)

3% chance after a building is constructed.

ARTIST (N/A for northern european)
Move between characters: NO

+1 to popularity (improves public order)
10% decrease to cost to bribe
-1 from squalor (increases public order and population growth)

5% chance when spending a full turn in a settlement with >=artist studio.
33% chance after constructing artist studio.

YOUNG APPRENTICE (Assassin only)
Move between characters: YES
Excluded ancillaries: Catamite

+1 Assassination

5% chance after every successful assassination mission.

ASTROLOGER (N/A for northern european)
Move between characters: NO
Excluded ancillaries: Apothecary, Alchemist

-1 Piety
+1 Command

5% chance after spending a full turn in a settlement without >=small church, >=small chapel or >=small masjid.

BARD (N/A for middle eastern)
Move between characters: YES

+1 Morale for all troops on the battlefield,
+1 to popularity (improves public order)

5% chance after spending a full turn in a settlement with >=tavern.

BEGUILING BARD (Spy only - N/A for middle eastern)
Move between characters: NO

+1 to agent's skill
+1 to personal security (improves the chances of detecting and foiling assassination attempts)

5% chance after spending a full turn in a settlement with >=brothel.

Move between characters: NO
+1 Authority

5% chance after spending a full turn in a settlement and > 3 turns in region and >=2 points of Trait:


;No trigger exists
Move between characters: YES

+2 to personal security (improves the chances of detecting and foiling assassination attempts),
-1 from popularity (has a negative effect on public order)

Move between characters: NO

+30 Build Points (required for the construction of siege equipment)
+1 to farming output
20% bonus on mining income

3% chance after spending a full turn in a settlement with >=alchemists lab and not > 0 point of Trait: Ignorance.

CARAVAN DRIVER (Merchant only)
Move between characters: YES

+25% to Movement Points (gives armies the ability to forced march)
+1 to line of sight (increases the range at which enemies are spotted)

50% chance when created and >=caravan stop exists in settlement.
10% chance when ending turn in a settlement and >=caravan stop exists.

CATAMITE (Assassin only)
Move between characters: NO
Excluded ancillaries: Young Apprentice

+1 to agent's skill

5% chance after successful assassination mission.

CHOIR BOY (Catholic Priest only)
Move between characters: NO
Excluded ancillaries: Royal Seminarian

+1 Piety
+1 Unorthodoxy
-1 Purity

20% chance when created and >=abbey exists in settlement.

COUNTERFEITER (Merchant only)
Move between characters: NO

+1 Finance

15% chance when created and alchemist lab exists in settlement.

COURTESAN (Assassin only)
Move between characters: NO
Excluded ancillaries: Catamite

+1 to agent's skill

20% chance when created and >=coaching house exists in settlement.

Move between characters: NO

+1 to unrest (has a negative effect on public order)
+2 to law (improves public order)

20% chance when governor and city riots and >=Town Hall exists and not > 0 point of Trait: StrategyChivalry or


DANCER (Spy only)
Move between characters: NO

+2 to agent's skill

5% chance after spending a full turn in a settlement with >=brothel.

Move between characters: NO

+1 Magic
+1 to personal security (improves the chances of detecting and foiling assassination attempts)

25% chance when created.

DEACON (Catholic and orthodox priests only)
Move between characters: NO

+1 Piety

50% chance when created and >=catholic cathedral exists in settlement.
25% chance when created and >=orthodox cathedral exists in settlement.

Move between characters: NO

+1 to line of sight (increases the range at which enemies are spotted)
+1 to personal security (improves the chances of detecting and foiling assassination attempts)

66% chance when created and >=castle exists in settlement.

Move between characters: NO

Increases the chance of having children
Improves the chances of casualties recovering from their wounds

15% chance after spending a full turn in settlement and >=bimaristan exists and general has command > 3.
3% chance after spending a full turn in settlement and >=alchemy school exists and general has command > 3.

Move between characters: NO

+25% to Movement Points (gives armies the ability to forced march)
10% discount on unit training costs

3% chance when training infantry and command >=4.

;No trigger exists.
EUNUCH (N/A for northern european, eastern european, greek)
Move between characters: NO

+1 Authority
+1 to personal security (improves the chances of detecting and foiling assassination attempts)

Transfere: NO

-1 Authority
-1 Morale for all troops on the battlefield

50% chance when general marries and has >=1 point of Trait: Gambling and >=2 points of Trait: Drink.

EXECUTIONER (Inquisitor only)
Move between characters: NO

+1 Piety

33% chance each time a successful denouncment mission occurs.

;No trigger exists.
Move between characters: NO

+1 Charm

Move between characters: NO

+2 to agent's skill

10% chance after successful assassination mission.

Move between characters: NO

+1 to personal security (improves the chances of detecting and foiling assassination attempts)

20% chance after surviving an assassination attempt and has >= 1 point of Trait: Paranoia.

BRILLIANT FOOL (N/A for middle eastern, greek, southern european)
Move between characters: NO

+1 to personal security (improves the chances of detecting and foiling assassination attempts)
5% bonus on all trade income

50% chance after constructing >=castle and command > 4.

FOOL (N/A for middle eastern, greek)
Move between characters: NO

+1 Morale for all troops on the battlefield

50% chance after constructing >=castle and command < 5.

Move between characters: NO

+1 Influence

3% chance every turn in enemy lands and distance to capital is > 30.
