I had a bit of trouble finding a "list" of positive character traits that could serve as a quick reference when one intends to quickly beef up a few characters on thier campaign map.

With that being said, here's my quick list of positive traits by character type. I have not added comments to all of them, but I can tell you that i've avoided traits that have ANY negative affects (in some cases by only noting the highest level of a trait that can be acquired before negative affects begin to occur).

How to use:
1) select the character that you'd like to add traits to.
2) type something like this - give_trait this GoodAssassin 5

GoodAssassin 5
GoodConspirator 3
NaturalAssassinSkill 3
AssassinsGuildMember 2
AssassinsGuildTrained 1
AgentPiety 1 (hidden)

NaturalPriestSkill 3
PriestLevel 2 (cardinal)
GoodDenouncer 5
Bishop 1
Cardinal 2 (priest to cardinal = 1, bishop to cardinal = 2)
Warmonger 3
Peaceful 3
Righteous 3
StrongFaith 4
Purifier 3
Missionary 3
TheologiansGuildMember 2
TheologiansGuildTrained 1
HeresyImmunityNonCatholic 1

GoodSpy 5
GoodConspirator 3
NaturalSpySkill 3
ThievesGuildMember 2
ThievesGuildTrained 1
AgentPiety 1

HumbleWoman 2
PrettyWoman 3
BraveWoman 2
SpiritedWoman 2
FaithfulWoman 3
UnchasteWoman 2
EducatedWoman 3
PassionateWoman 3
TolerantWoman 3
FertileWoman 3
FairWoman 3
GoodPrincess 4
NaturalPrincess 3
MarriedAPrincess 1
AgentPiety 1

GoodMerchant 4
NaturalMerchantSkill 3
Monopolist 2
LegalDealer 2
SecureMerchant 2
WorldlyMerchant 2
MerchantsGuildMember 1
MerchantsGuildTrained 1
AgentPiety 1

Stoic 3
GoodCommander 5
Intelligent 3
GoodAttacker 5
GoodDefender 5
Girls 1
GoodAmbusher 4
Disciplinarian 1
GoodSiegeAttacker 4
GoodSiegeDefender 4
Brave 5
Energetic 4
Xenophobia 3 (public security)
PublicFaith 4
GoodAdministrator 3
InspiringSpeaker 2 (law)
RhetoricSkill 2
StrategicSkill 3
TacticalSkill 3
MathematicsSkill 3
LogisticalSkill 3
Austere 3 (loyalty, bribe resist, tax collection)
SpyMaster 3
AssassinMaster 3
CounterSpy 3 (no cost to chivalry)
AssassinCatcher 3
Paranoia 2
Liar 1
Upright 3 (loyalty, bribe resist, law 6)
Loyal 4 (chivalry 3, loyalty 4)
GoodTrader 3
Just 3
GoodBuilder 3
Noctophilia 3
Scout 3 (line of sight 3)
BattleScarred 4 (8 hitpoints for general)
GoodInfantryGeneral 3
GoodCavalryGeneral 3
Handsome 3
Fertile 3
GoodRiskyAttacker 2
GoodRiskyDefender 3
Pragmatic 3
HaleAndHearty (fertility AND +6 hitpoints)
TouchedByTheGods 3 (+4 piety)
NaturalMilitarySkill 4
ForcedReligious 2 (+2 piety)
CrusaderHistory 3 (chivalry, piety, combat bonus vs islam)
AdoredByPope 3
BattleChivalry 5 (5 chivalry, 2 authority)
StrategyChivalry (5 chivalry, 3 authority)
RansomChivalry 4 (4 chivalry, 3 troop morale)
Gregarious 3 (popularity)
ContentGeneral 3 (+5 loyalty)
WifeIsCharming (popularity and fertility)
FactionKiller 4 (authority +4)
GoodDiplomacy 4 (authority +4)
TourneyKnight 5 (chivalry, auth, cavalry command)
ReligiousActivity 4
WifeIsNoble 3

GoodDiplomat 5
SmoothTalker 3
Secretive 3
NaturalDiplomatSkill 3
Multilingual 3
ReligiousTolerance 3
BraveDiplomat 2
AgentPiety 1