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Thread: Win Conditions

  1. #211

    Question Re: Win Conditions

    This mod looks very cool. As I'm far for being a great modder, I'd like to ask a few questions before doing anything:
    first where can I find the "good" tex for this.

    In my rtw folder, I got EB\Data\world\maps\campaign\imperial_campaign in wich there is a empty file (1 k) called "descr_win_conditions". I have BI installed but I use Rome Exe to play EB. Will I have to put the here in there or will I have to create a new file?

    Any help would be very helpfull. This looks actualy like chinese to me. Thanks

  2. #212
    Whatever Member konny's Avatar
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    Default AW: Re: Win Conditions

    Quote Originally Posted by AymericNikator View Post
    In my rtw folder, I got EB\Data\world\maps\campaign\imperial_campaign in wich there is a empty file (1 k) called "descr_win_conditions". I have BI installed but I use Rome Exe to play EB. Will I have to put the here?

    Disclaimer: my posts are to be considered my private opinion and not offical statements by the EB Team

  3. #213
    Symbasileus ton Rhomaioktonon Member Maion Maroneios's Avatar
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    Default Re: AW: Re: Win Conditions

    Hey guys, I finaly found some time to post my AI progression here. So the year is 262BC, I'm Makedonia playing with EB 1.1 and BI.exe.

    Lusotana: Guys where doing quite well, they where looming close to Arsé at that time (easternmost Iberian city of the Karthadastim, which they sieged sometime later).
    Aedui: It seems they managed to gain the upper hand (again, for me) and have made some attempts to take the easternmost and center city of the Arverni. They even later took the former stated city (easternmost one).
    Aedui: Slowly losing to the Aedui. They have made some fruitless attempts to take Lemonum and another city which I don't remember the name of. I'm thinking of interfering with the Gallic civil war by gifting them Ankyra at some time (it had tipped the balance in my previous campaign).
    Casse: Usual stuff here. Slowly unifying the Isles of Tin. Tey even later raised 2 good armies with which they blitzed 2 cities eary on.
    Sweboz: They have been growing to a quite dangerous threat for the Gauls. Later they even went close to the Rhine with their armies, without inciting any war or something. I wonder how long this will be postponed...
    Romani: Some very good expansion here, they went for the northern cities first, ignoring Taras (though maintaining a small army in the vicinity) then, after I took Taras from the Epeirotai and left a small garisson there, they attacked me. I retook the city and now they have set their eyes upon the north mostly. Some attempts to take Rhegion has to be noted here.
    Kart-Hadast: The Poeni have been focusing more in Iberia, it seems, somehting I've never witnesed before in any of my campaigns. They even went for Emporion and the Celtiberian city after some time, though they where unsuccessful. They lost Korsim to the Romani at some time, but made no attempt to take it back. Sikelia has also remained unattained by them, for the moment that is.
    Getai: Usual expansion, for my standard that is. They tried to take Kallatis a couple of times, without any success. They currently keep near 2 fullstacks outside their westernmost city at stalemate.
    Epeiros: My main enemy, I left them largely alone apart from driving away the occasional invading force upon Pella or Demetrias. Killed Pyrrhos early on and attacked Taras after they send their big force (1 fullstack) to Illyria. At the moment I took the pic, I had Alkyoneus with his winning force of Taras along with some Italian troops near Ambrakia. I later kicked them out of Hellas and into Illyria, renamed them into Illyrioi and forced a ceasefire upon them.
    Pontos: Pontics took Ankyra as their first city and shortly after that they took Sinope. They later even went for Amaseia (AS controlled region), Trapezous, Ipsos and Nikaia, though all atempts have proved to be fruitless so far. It is worth noting that they are wielding very good quality units, like Chalkaspidai, Thureophoroi, Pontikoi Thorakitai, Archers and Cappadokian Medium Cavalry.
    Sauromatae: Usual expnsion, in comparison to my previous campaigns. The only notibly thing I believe, is that they took Kotais (city in the Caucasus) and maintain a small army outside of it.
    Ptolemaioi: Slowly losing to the AS juggernaut, who prove to be more than capable of maintaining a strong empire even when atacked on all fronts. They lost Tarsos in Mikra Asia and 2 cities in Ioudaia, inevitably losing the Syrian War after that. The only notably thing they did was to send a well-experienced army led by an Ioudaios FM (round 15-16 units) with a Pentekonterai unit from Kypros to the waters surrounding Krete (at that time, my property), only to be sunk by a navy of mine. I thus sank every attempt of them to claim Krete.
    Armenia: Stalemate here, sadly. Though the poor guys have tried desperately to claim Kotais, Trapezous and Phraaspa. I hope I can see a Pan-Caucasus Kingdom soon kicking AS and Sauromatae butt.
    Arche Seleukeia: Best faction, ATM, most advanced, biggest and the greatest military power. I even saw some Thorakitai Agematos Basilikou at some point in Anatolia, I believe that says enough. Winning against the Ptolemaioi, losing steadily from the Pahlava. They later even got as far as Alexandreis (besieging it in the process), but got driven out of the Aigyptian heartlands.
    Saba: Usual expansion here, not any great stuff.
    Koinon Hellenon: Kicked them out of mainland Hellas and Krete, they had control of just Rhodos at the time. I later gifted them 20,000 mnai and Halikarnassos, after which they build a fleet and transported some FM's at the city. Now I can focus on taking Rhodos from them and unifying Hellas.
    Pahlava: Steadily winning from the AS, later conquered as far as Phraaspa, with a steady trickle of armies coming from the steppes. I just hope they don't become the next Achemaenid rulers of Asia anytime soon, though that will keep the AS in check.
    Saka Rauka: Nothing to mention here really, jus a bit of struggling with the Baktrians over Xiyu.
    Baktria: See above, nothing serious yet.

    As for me (Makedonia), I am in the process of unifying Hellas. More reports to be followed in 252BC.


  4. #214
    Biotechnlogy Student Member ||Lz3||'s Avatar
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    Default Re: Win Conditions

    interesting... in my H campaign with alx.exe it is 222bc and the seleukids would had died torned appart by all the neighburing factions if I hadn't helped them with money...
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  5. #215
    Symbasileus ton Rhomaioktonon Member Maion Maroneios's Avatar
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    Default Re: Win Conditions

    Actually, by now (252BC) the Seleukids are starting to lose from Pontos and KH in Mikra Asia and the east from Pahlava. Winning the Syrian War was just a stroke of luck, it could have been the other way around with the Ptolemaioi mounding the offensive against Mesopotamia already.

  6. #216
    Symbasileus ton Rhomaioktonon Member Maion Maroneios's Avatar
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    Default Re: Win Conditions

    Here is mynext update, from my Makedonian campaign H/M with BI executable. The year now is 252BC:

    Here you can see most of what I have described 3 posts above. Most notably is, IMHO, the Seleukid advance upon Ptolemaic lands. There has been one man in paerticular, whose name I do not remember exactly, who managed to win a series of heroic victories against the Ptolemaioi and who got, along with a greatly experienced army of veterans, to the gates of Alexandreia hereself. 2 Turns later, to my greatest relief, he was pushed back.

    I'm now around 249BC, at war with the AS and allied with the Ptolemaioi. I've sent a full-strength Alexandrian phalanx army led by an Alexandros guy () to Ioudaia, in order to gift it back to the Ptolemaioi.

    Apart from that, notable is the advance of the Pahlavan into Seleukid territory, going as far as Phraaspa, as well as the Sweboz reaching the Rhine. The tension there is great, as the Swebozez have gathered near 3 fullstacks moving around the borders, one of them even entering Aedui lands for 1 season. I will only help the Arverni by gifting them Ankyra and making them the Galatai, as I believe it is time one of the 2 tribes to unify Gaul in order to stand a chance against the upcoming thret from Germania.

    Another power I've come to fear about now are the Pontioi, as they have taken a good chunk from the Seleukidai, creating a good sized and very powerful kingdom. They even tried to take Byzantion, but to no avail. I had forseen this, so I left a good garrisson behind in order to repel either future Pontic or AS stacks.

    Last edited by Maion Maroneios; 11-18-2008 at 13:28.

  7. #217
    Member Member Marcellus Caesar's Avatar
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    Default Re: Win Conditions

    Greetings forum-goers, I'm a new member around here and was intrigued by this alteration to the game's win conditions...

    I was wondering if this mod works with the copy/pasted files of Alexander EB (basically running EB through Alexander's .exe). I asked Maksimus, the creator of Alexander EB, if your alteration clashed with Alexander's EB's own win conditions. I do not know what they are.

  8. #218
    Whatever Member konny's Avatar
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    Default AW: Win Conditions

    You can have only one set of win conditions at a time. These win conditions work perfectly with the ALX.exe (in fact even better than with the RTW.exe), but they will overwrite any win conditions that came with the Alex-Mod (please note that win conditions are only read at the start of a campaign, so you cannot implement them in an ongoing campaign).

    Disclaimer: my posts are to be considered my private opinion and not offical statements by the EB Team

  9. #219

    Default Re: AW: Win Conditions

    For some reason I can't download from the site. Also copy-pasting turns the code into one big paragraph.

    EDIT: Never mind. The link is letting me download now.
    Last edited by a completely inoffensive name; 11-23-2008 at 08:22.

  10. #220
    Member Member theoldbelgian's Avatar
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    Default Re: AW: Win Conditions

    is there any testing going to be done with 1,2?
    or are the changes considered minor to this subject?
    there was something about the lusotans hating the carthaginians butt now

  11. #221
    Symbasileus ton Rhomaioktonon Member Maion Maroneios's Avatar
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    Default Re: AW: Win Conditions

    Changes can be applied to any version, it doesn't affect any altered files AFAIK. So basically you should get more or less the same results as with 1.1

    Last edited by Maion Maroneios; 12-01-2008 at 15:37.

  12. #222

    Default Re: AW: Win Conditions

    Quote Originally Posted by theoldbelgian View Post
    is there any testing going to be done with 1,2?
    or are the changes considered minor to this subject?
    there was something about the lusotans hating the carthaginians butt now
    i used this while beta-testing 1.2...worked perfectly
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  13. #223
    master of the wierd people Member Ibrahim's Avatar
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    Default Re: AW: Win Conditions

    Quote Originally Posted by mcantu View Post
    i used this while beta-testing 1.2...worked perfectly
    as commentary to that, the romani are obsessing over taras, AS and the ptolies are butchering each other, and I'm having a bad day fighting 3 factions off (as Pahlava)

    a more random AI doesn't give me such grief.

    a question though (too lazy to look): have you fellows tried to confine the factions to EXACTLY the areas the EB team decreed should be faction objectives? or is there a problem with that?
    Last edited by Ibrahim; 12-01-2008 at 17:53.
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  14. #224
    Whatever Member konny's Avatar
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    Default AW: Re: AW: Win Conditions

    Quote Originally Posted by Ibrahim View Post
    a question though (too lazy to look): have you fellows tried to confine the factions to EXACTLY the areas the EB team decreed should be faction objectives? or is there a problem with that?

    The win conditions are made to control AI expansion and set defence priorities. In most occasions they do more or less match the scripted win conditions of the game (those are still active and can be achieved). There are of course a couple of differences. For example, EB's Romani win condition require to conquer most of the NW part of the map. This file tells the AI exactly to don't do so to prevent from the Drang nach Norden.

    For the other questions, yes this works with EB 1.2 the same way. The file assings settlements as targets to factions. As long as neither the factions nor the settlements are changed the file works.

    Disclaimer: my posts are to be considered my private opinion and not offical statements by the EB Team

  15. #225
    master of the wierd people Member Ibrahim's Avatar
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    Default Re: AW: Re: AW: Win Conditions

    Quote Originally Posted by konny View Post
    The win conditions are made to control AI expansion and set defence priorities. In most occasions they do more or less match the scripted win conditions of the game (those are still active and can be achieved). There are of course a couple of differences. For example, EB's Romani win condition require to conquer most of the NW part of the map. This file tells the AI exactly to don't do so to prevent from the Drang nach Norden.

    For the other questions, yes this works with EB 1.2 the same way. The file assings settlements as targets to factions. As long as neither the factions nor the settlements are changed the file works.
    I see. thanks for clarifying that.
    I was once alive, but then a girl came and took out my ticker.

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  16. #226

    Default Re: AW: Re: AW: Win Conditions

    after playing w/this for many months, it makes a very good impact on AI faction movement. i recently reinstalled EB and forgot about installing this mod and after a few years it was obious that something was wrong...
    Those who would give up essential liberties for a perceived sense of security deserve neither liberty nor security--Benjamin Franklin

  17. #227

    Default Re: Win Conditions

    Hello! I wanted to ask if this mod only affects AI expansion or if it also changes the player's victory conditions during a campaign. I was a bit confused by the earlier posts and just wanted to be sure that the conditions in the downloadable text file are different from the EB ones that allow the player to "win" the game.

  18. #228
    Whatever Member konny's Avatar
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    Default Re: Win Conditions

    When you have achieved the conditions of this file, the engine considers your game as "won".

    Disclaimer: my posts are to be considered my private opinion and not offical statements by the EB Team

  19. #229

    Default Re: Win Conditions

    Hi, I was thinking of rolling this feature into the EB for BI installer. With your permission, I would like to include it. I wanted to confirm what I saw in another thread: you will actually get *two* victory screens, correct?

    Also, where is the latest version of this minimod? Could you permalink it on the first post? (If you want I can offer a permanent link off my server)
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  20. #230

    Default Re: Win Conditions

    Where is the link for this mod?

  21. #231
    Urwendur Ûrîbêl Senior Member Mouzafphaerre's Avatar
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    A couple pages back...
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  22. #232

    Default Re: Win Conditions

    I dont think its accurate or historical for Armenia to be expanding into modern day Kuwait Expansion should be south to babylon, southeast into Media, southwest into the levant, and west across anatolia

  23. #233

    Default Re: Win Conditions

    Download link and text is given on Post 177 (page 6).

    Cut and past text into file \EB\Data\world\maps\campaign\imperial_campaign\descr_win_conditions.txt

    Confirm that that file is empty (it is in EB 1.2) before you replace it or its contents; if it isn't, then the EB team will have gotten around to giving the AI some guidance on objectives.

  24. #234

    Default Re: Win Conditions

    Hmm, do I have to download the file for some additional details or would it be enough simply copying the text in post 177 into the right folder?
    And why are there no hold xx-regions notices. In the earlier posts starting on page1 they are seen as important.

    And when the victory screen pops up and I continue the campaign will it pop up a second time when achieving the predefined VC of the EB team?

  25. #235

    Default Re: Win Conditions

    Is it any limit to how many regions you tell a faction to hold?
    If I want Arche Seleukia to be very big, is it a smart idea to give them many regions to hold?

    Thanks for any help

  26. #236
    JEBMMP Creator & AtB Maker Member jirisys's Avatar
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    Default Re: Win Conditions

    199 is the limit (198 for EB without cheating to the 199)

    Also (A little preview exclusive for the win conditions in my mod pack):

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    ~Jirisys (It will be present in the mega mod pack)
    Last edited by jirisys; 01-13-2011 at 00:16.
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  27. #237
    Arrogant Ashigaru Moderator Ludens's Avatar
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    Default Re: Win Conditions

    Quote Originally Posted by Tore View Post
    Is it any limit to how many regions you tell a faction to hold?
    If I want Arche Seleukia to be very big, is it a smart idea to give them many regions to hold?
    If I recall correctly a faction that already held many of its target regions would become lazy. It's probably best to plan "expansion corridors" to direct a faction's aggression rather than make every last city a priority. In any case: you are not making the factions any stronger, you're just making them more inclined to attack certain cities.
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  28. #238
    JEBMMP Creator & AtB Maker Member jirisys's Avatar
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    Default Re: Win Conditions

    I'm making a new set of Win conditions map, which will be found on my Mod Pack or I can give it to you separately.

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  29. #239
    Minister of Useless Tidbits Member joshmahurin's Avatar
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    Default Re: Win Conditions

    So anyone know if this works with Alexander? If so do I need to make an Alexander folder in my campaigns directory similarly to making this work with BI?

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