MTW Orthodox Bishop

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Orthodox Bishop
Cost: 150
Turns to Build: 1
Culture: Orthodox
Buildings Needed: Cathedral
Unit Card: OrthodoxBishop.gif

The Orthodox Bishop is an upgraded Priest available to Orthodox factions. They are available from the unique Cathedral, and therefore will not be as widely available as Priests. Once recruited, Orthodox Bishops cost no upkeep and will only be removed from the game if they are assassinated.


  • An Orthodox Bishop positioned in a province owned by another faction will reveal all buildings and troops present in the province. Religious agents are less likely to be assassinated by other factions than emissaries, but they are not immune.
  • An Orthodox Bishop positioned in any province will convert the populace of a province to Orthodoxy, with a 5% conversion rate. This conversion is believed to be limited to 3 Orthodox Bishops or Priests in a single province, and the conversion rate may be increased with higher valour. Orthodox Bishops that cause a religious revolt in an enemy province will gain valour.
  • An Orthodox Bishop can be used to propose ceasefires and alliances with other factions. This is done by dropping the Orthodox Bishop on the leader of the faction desired (or an emissary?). The faction does not have to be Orthodox. If the Orthodox Bishop is successful, he will gain valour.


Entrance Hall Agents thread

Medieval: Total War | Grand Campaign : Agents
Alim | Assassin | Bishop | Cardinal | Emissary | Grand Inquisitor | Imam | Inquisitor | Orthodox Bishop | Priest | Princess | Spy