View Full Version : Caligula Question ( not affecting?)

anelious phyros
05-05-2008, 01:15
Okay when ever I use Caligula on Rome - Total War, and take for example add a officer to a unit. Then I boot up Rome and see if it's there but it isn't there. Nothing I do on Caligula affects Rome. why?:dizzy2:

The Die is Cast....
- Julius Ceaser

05-10-2008, 09:14
Ok, first make sure you have backup copies of the original (unmoddified) files. Now open up Caligula and open the export_descr_units.txt like you normally would. Do what you want but make sure you don't change the unit you are editing... that is, if you are modding roman_hastati don't swap over to another unit otherwise any changes you've made will be lost. To get around this you must click on the button that says "Save Changes" (or something along those lines) everytime you want to swap over to another unit. Once you've finished editing the units you want, click the "Save Changes" button once more, and then click "Save Unit Data".

Try it now, if that doesn't work, then I'm lost... :confused:

anelious phyros
05-18-2008, 18:56
Where do you save the data?