View Full Version : Any patch/mod to apply Kingdoms balance changes to vanilla M2TW?

05-12-2008, 03:48
Still haven't picked up kingdoms yet, but am dusting off my fresh copy of M2TW on a new computer - going to try it with all the eye candy turned on!

Unfortunately I've lost all my old mods/saves/patches so I have the base 1.0 right now. I remember hearing that kingdoms made great strides in terms of unit balance, and I'm wondering if there's any patch or mod to apply those same balance changes to vanilla M2TW.

IN particular I remember something about the two handed infantry like english dismounted knights being agonizingly weak in the vanilla version.

05-12-2008, 04:30
I personally am not a fan of the unit balancing that Kingdoms added (calvary as effective as wet tissue), although it was much better then vanilla. Their is a older version of the Lands to Conquer mod by Lusted (who now works for CA) that works for vanilla with great unit rebalancing and an awesome AI changes, I would check it out.

05-12-2008, 07:33
1.2 will get you to the updated version of Kingdoms (at the release).

But there was a new update for Kingdoms (a month ago?) that does not apply to vanilla.

They lowered the calvary numbers because they were too powerful in the vanilla version

Monsieur Alphonse
05-12-2008, 09:17
You will need to patch the game to 1.2 to handle some major bugs (shield and partly 2h). You won't get the Kingdoms balance in the grand campaign unless you buy Kingdoms and use the retrofit mod. There is also a 1.3 patch that is only useful if you want to play MP games against players with Kingdoms. Patch 1.5 is only for Kingdoms.

05-12-2008, 10:32
If you don't have Kingdoms, you can patch up to 1.2 and use my mod (in my signature). It has a full unit rebalance and many bugfixes.

05-12-2008, 12:08
Use Factionheir's mod. It is pure awsomeness!

Once he fixes the 2handers animation that is. :whip:

05-12-2008, 12:43
Its on my list, but the current balance helps with making them relatively effective.

05-12-2008, 12:56
Not if the animation wont let them kill. :laugh4:

Luckily I only use 2 units of them, and only because I like Billmen.

05-13-2008, 19:11
Thanks for the help guys: I've downloaded and installed the 1.2 patch. However, the DEK still seem woefully inadequate compared to DFK, at least in terms of 1v1 performance in custom battles.

I remember them being quite a bit better with whatever mod set up I was using last...what's the consensus view of where 'balance' is with DEK regarding DFK?