View Full Version : Latin

Anastasios Helios
12-29-2008, 18:02
I have never studied Latin before, but I am really curious about the Latin that the soldiers on EB speak. Which stage of Latin is it? The literary classical, or is more like the Vulgar Latin spoken in the provinces that the Romance Languages are derived from? I can speak French and i'm learning Romanian now, so it really interests me.

12-29-2008, 18:32
Certainly not Vulgar Latin (which was still a long way from Romance languages), which is AFAIK rather unknown since it was a spoken language. (And it was spoken only from 200AD onward, so outside the EB timeframe.)

I Think it is classical Latin albeit sometimes spoken with a national accent (but that doesn't really matter since we don't exactly know how the Romans spoke... We assume "c" = "k"-sound, "v" = "w"-sound, "-tiones" is spoken with a "t" and not "-siones"). Could be Old Latin (since EB plays largely before 1st century BC), but I doubt it.