View Full Version : WotB The Battle of Delta Neilou

08-09-2009, 09:57
The Battle of Delta Neilou


https://i259.photobucket.com/albums/hh311/ibnkhaldun/WotB/klwarrior2.jpg|After Arrhenides "Cunobelinus" Gedrosianos and Alexandros Syriakos had declared war on Basileus Sarpedon they had gathered most of the units in Egypt under their banners. Some isolated loyalist provinces had remained but they did not represent any danger to the mighty armies led by the Rebels. But now things have changed. Basileus Sarpedon and Euandros Stratonikeias Karikes had marched south to deal with the Rebels there. The Nile delta will see another epic battle just as it had witnessed them many times before...

The situation:

The map:
Rebel forces are in west and Loyalist forces will be in east.

Basileus Sarpedon Syriakos
Euandros Stratonikeias Karikes

Arrhenides "Cunobelinus" Gedrosianos
Alexandros Syriakos


The Battle for Antioch will be between Arrhenides Gedrosianos (Celtic Punk) and Alexandros Syriakos (Incitatus) against Sarpedon Syriakos (The Celtic Viking) and Euandros Stratonikeias Karikes (Cultured Drizzt fan). The battle will be umpired by me in the classic Throne Room tabletop style. It is expected that Cultured Drizzt fan, The Celtic Viking, Celtic Punk and Incitatus will not communicate with anyone outside the battle while it is taking place.

Since the full tabletop battle has been chosen, the battle will take place over a number of turns. At the start of each new turn, players are to draft new orders and send them to me. The turn schedule is as follows:

Turn 0: Deployment of advance guards
Turn 1: Early morning (and deployment of rear guards)
Turn 2: Mid-morning
Turn 3: Late morning
Turn 4: Early afternoon
Turn 5: Mid-afternoon
Turn 6: Late afternoon
Turn 7: Early evening

...with a night turn and additional day turns to follow as needed.

Divisions, deployment, and orders:

Players are to draft concise, in-character orders every turn and send them to me along with a map diagramming their movements. If orders are too complicated they run a risk of confusing the division commander and causing inaction. All divisions, unless being one of the two nearest the commanding general, are subject to an orders test (my rolling the die). 2-6, orders are executed, 1, they are not and the units are inactive for that turn. Exception will be units in Swamp area where die roll has to be 4-6 for the orders to be executed(1-3 means that they are not).

To properly simulate the battle, orders will be given on a divisional level rather than a regimental one. Refer to the Word document (see below) to see a list of proposed divisions. Division commanders are generally experienced people and know how to execute operations such as wheeling, pivoting, and flanking. If you tell them to flank the left side of the line, they don’t need more information, such has how to do it in detail.

Sarpedon Syriakos(overall commander) can command six divisions, Euandros Stratonikeias Karikes can command five divisions, Arrhenides Gedrosianos(overall commander) can command six and Alexandros Syriakos can command five divisions.

Battle structure:

The sides:
Arche Seleukeia
Basileus Sarpedon Syriakos (The Celtic Viking) - available immediately - Overall Commander
Euandros Stratonikeias Karikes (Cultured Drizzt fan) - available immediately

Arrhenides Gedrosianos (Celtic Punk) - available immediately - Overall Commander
Alexandros Syriakos (Incitatus) - available immediately

Overall Commander coordinates all in-battle actions and covers for people who do not send in orders by providing skeleton, vague orders that will be implemented in the stead of the absent commanders.

Example of how orders should look like:

Infantry: Advance in line with the rest of the army and attack the enemy's infantry in front of you. We outnumber them by one regiment of DFKs so I want them to wrap around and hit them on the flank.

Archers: All fire is to be concentrated on the enemy general unit. If you are charged then fall back to the spearmen.

Spearmen: Guard the archers, but if it becomes apparent that the enemy cavalry is going to make an attack then shadow them and respond as necessary.

Cavalry: Once the enemy flank is engaged then swing around and hit the enemy's rear.


include the map of course as well.

Deployment instructions:

For Turn 0, players must inform me which two divisions (besides their general unit) will consist of the advance guard and place them on the map. In addition, if they wish to rearrange divisions, they must inform me. Any divisional rearrangements that take place after Turn 0 will have to face an orders test for each regiment.

For Turn 1, players may choose to move their Advance Guards or hold them in place. In addition, they may deploy (but not move) their Rear Guards.

For Turn 2, combat is possible between Advance Guards, but not if players did not move them. Combat is not possible between Rear Guards until Turn 3.

For Turn 3 and beyond, combat is possible between all forces, provided that players have moved them forward.

Please use a red or blue line, depending on what I put in the map, to indicate which direction your forces are facing. Refer to the various maps in any of the other battle threads(in KotF forum) to see exactly what I mean.

DEADLINE FOR DEPLOYMENTS: 24 hours after Cultured Drizzt fan(gave TCV permission to move his army because he is away), The Celtic Viking, Celtic Punk and Incitatus acknowledge in the OOC thread that they have read this post and understand it. Please use the Word document in this file (http://www.filefront.com/thankyou.php?f=14235823&k=af7a7a53a11652d3cc80b1d648a611be242c22da8a6e1fd0dc93d99b509791da) to copy and paste your units to the map in that file.

08-14-2009, 19:29
Public feedback for Turn 0:

Old friends meet again but this time as enemies. Arrhenides Gedrosianos have brought his heavy infantry with him while Alexandros Syriakos have brought .. well.. just infantry. Both "rebels" are close to river crossings and can reach them with quick march if they want.

On the other side of the river Basileus' forces take their positions in south east of the battlefield. But what is this? Where is Basileus and his general Euandros Stratonikeias Karikes? Is it possible that they fled??


Players have time to send their orders until 18:00 GMT tomorrow.

08-16-2009, 19:28
Public feedback for Turn 1:

Finally, all divisions have arrived to the battlefield. On the western riverbank Arrhenides Gedrosianos and Alexandros Syriakos have kept their long battle line with small adjustments. Arrhenides' have moved his heavy infantry to north and his phalangitai south, to a position where his infantry just stood. It seems that they want to force Sarpedon Syriakos and Euandros Stratonikeias Karikes to attack their phalanxes. If that would happen then this battle will be over very soon..

On eastern riverbank, Sarpedon Syriakos and Euandros Stratonikeias Karikes have moved their advanced guards closer to the river. It's only a matter of minutes when this battle will have it's first casualty. As the tension rises one can only dream the outcome of this battle..


08-20-2009, 10:15
Public feedback for Turn 2

Alexandros have a lot of problems on his hand. His slingers are missing and infantry are shot by enemy missile units. With angry voice his shouts orders to his men and even Sarpedons units across the river hear " .. and find those bloody slingers.. " which makes them laugh.

Arrhenides in the same time waits royal forces to cross the river so that he could destroy them with his superior phalanx division. He seems calm and confident that they could win this battle. The only thing that bothers him is the fact that Sarpedon is still alive..

Sarpedon, on the other side of the river, looks as calm and confident as Arrhenides. Why shouldn't he? The first casualties in this battle were not his and he could cross the river using any of the crossing when ever he wants. Sarpedon smiles and thinks back to the time when he defeated another rebel near Antiocheia. Perhaps this battle will have a similar end.. one rebel leader killed in battle and another kills himself later..

The map:

08-21-2009, 09:40
Public feedback for Turn 3

Alexandros is now really angry. Sarpedons and Euandros' missile units have inflicted serious casualties to his Infantry! Though, his slingers managed to kill some Euandros' Akontistai it was not enough. In the same time Arrhenides had his own problems. His light infantry and missile units just stood there as if they never got their orders! Arrhenides was furious!

On the other side of the river Sarpedon and Euandros were quite happy with current situation. There is a rumor that Sarpedon is planning to raise his missile units pay.


08-24-2009, 14:15
Public feedback for Turn 4:

This must be the most boring point during this battle.. if we can call it a battle! Neither side wants to be the first to cross this river and are waiting when their enemy makes some wrong moves.


08-27-2009, 17:04
Public feedback for Turn 5:

Mid afternoon ended with no movement from either side. Seeing that Sarpedons heavy infantry doesn't move Alexandros' phalangitai started to taunt and insult their opponents on the other side. Sarpedon answered to that with his archers firing those phalangitai. Though some men died the losses on Alexandros' side were not big enough to make any difference. The situation remained the same. Many soldiers from both sides started to think how long to they have to stay there. This is the strangest battle they have ever "fought"...

The Map:
Same as turn 4 map

08-31-2009, 14:52
Public feedback for Turn 6:

Storm clouds were approaching but no one noticed it because all eyes were turned towards the missile duel that took place between near the middle river crossing. Arrhenides had finally called his archers from reserve and sent them to harass Euandros' infantry division near the swamp. While the first archers launched their arrows they suddenly saw that Royal missile divisions approached from south. There was a small confusion what to do next but when Sarpedons archers fired at them they decided to respond and so this missile duel started...

Casualties were high... Sarpedon had lost almost half his missile units while Arrhenides had lost his entire missile division. This meant that in the future battles archers will play a lot smaller role than they did in this one...

The map:

09-06-2009, 20:55
Public feedback for Turn 7:

Arrhenides, seeing what Sarpedons missile units had done, retreated behind his infantry division. Words he used to describe Sarpedons men were such that some of his own men looked a bit scared.

Royal missile divisions in the same time targeted Arrhenides' heavy infantry division. A small number of Thureophoroi fell by the arrows, clear sign that missile units are not the main players in this battle anymore.

The map:

09-06-2009, 21:04
Public feedback for Turn 8:

Darkness fell and covered the battlefield. Four armies had been "fighting" for almost 18 hours and it was clear that people were tires. They wanted to finish it either charging their enemies or retreating from the battlefield.

Even Caucasians, Sarpedons loyal archers, missed in the dark. Arrhenides' heavy infantry had moved a bit to north so that arrows hit only couple men who were too tired to keep up with the rest of the units.

The map: