View Full Version : Multiplayer campaign

Swoosh So
08-24-2010, 13:14
I cant tell you how happy ill be to play the mp campaign in shogun2 (provided i can find an opponent in a mp foyer) 1v1 will be great but what of 2v2 and 3v3 and even gasp 4v4!

Having played more campaigns now than actual online battles i can say that CA have done a great job adding the 1v1 mp campagin its A+ it really is. Its just so good much better than i could have hoped for! It even has snazzy features like build during your opponents turn, play as the ai in battles v the other player. Stuff id have expected to be a few builds down the road.

I mean with the campaigns im playing at the moment im doing 3 minutes per player thats 10 turns an hour! which is outstanding!

K so the praise is over now onto the future campaigns.

Whats next for the mp campaign? 2v2 surely would be nice but people fear it would take forever to play a campaign, i dont think so heres why...

Experienced campaigners dont need more than 3 minutes a turn. In actual fact you get 6 minutes per turn, You do diplomacy movement battles etc during your own 3 minute turn and use the time the opponent is taking their turn to Build and construct.

Now in a 2v2 Campaign we dont have to move into 4 player turns we can keep it at 2, 1 per side and BOTH players can take their turns from each side at the same time therefor keeping the campaign flowing as with 1v1 at 10 turns per hour! Now if you need 5 minutes turn (and a cosy fire and a pipe) thats still 6 turns per hour! 1v1 or 2v2 which is really great.

The only thing that adds to the time ofc is the battles but hey if you have them enabled you love them anyway so no problem.

Anyone else have any ideas for improving the mp campaign?

Ps: as a side note, If you like the sp campaign and so does your friend you really should give the mp campaign a try its really something special in totalwar. Id even say that ntw is worth the money to an old totalwar vet whos sitting on the fence till stw2 just because of the chance to play the mp campaign and see the potential of it and how polished it is already.

08-24-2010, 20:40
You really hyper about the MP campaigns aren't you Swoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooshy?

Shigemasa Oyamada
08-26-2010, 04:15
I'd love to try a Multiplayer campaign sometime but I'm afraid I'd get pretty thoroughly beat.... I'd just be the forever neutral Prussia...