View Full Version : Stainless Steel Mod

04-20-2013, 10:43
I have recently been looking into the Stainless Steel Mod and am now downloading it. Is there any advice that you would give a First-time user of this mod? I have played MTw2 somewhat extensively and I'll be playing as the Byzantines for my first campaign,but is there anything major that I need to be aware of,going into the campaign,once I get in installed on my system?

04-20-2013, 13:55
pay attention to what buildnings you are building, some are unnecessary most of the time.

Retinue and traits are also important, as they may give hidden bonuses or negatives, depending on description.

also, if you play late campaign the mongols completely rock.

try to get trade rigths with kiev, the black sea rocks for trade

04-24-2013, 19:34
The AI is much more dangerous in the field compared to regular M2TW. Also, siege assaults may prove to be a huge pain for a first-time user since castle walls have been quadrupled in strength, siege engine accuracy has been lowered, ballistae can't open anything and castles have two or sometimes even three independent layers of walls protecting them.

Beware enemy cav, archers/HAs and GB units especially, and also the boiling oil at the gates. Also, don't expect to ever be able to bankrupt an AI - they get scripted money and stacks out of thin air when you apply pressure, so a quick and dirty blitz against a troublesome faction is better than a prolonged war or leaving them half finished.

08-15-2013, 10:11
I layed 6.4 so little, I remember there are many options after install, so you can pick which improvements you want to attach.

I remember one economical improvement really bugged me, made the game unplayable. It was like the nobles get paid every year, and it makes me bankrupt one turn, and makes me rich in another... Couldn't understnd the logic.

Alse, the game was toooo slow to play, I got bored. I hope someone helps me to disable some options to make it faster.