View Full Version : Sweboz AAR- Isles of myth and myst

08-30-2014, 08:45
Hey guys this is my first AAR ever so if it sucks sorry =P The whole concept of this is a game I just started where I am migrating the sweboz from its home province in Germania to the British Isles. Tried this twice already and got sunk by pirates both times. So this is the third attempt and its had some crazy stuff happen so far and I based the story off that. This is kind of the backstory so if it generates any interest will post the rest with some screens later.


"Your mad"......the words came out slowly more like a realization than an accusation. Hrabnaz stared across the crowded room in the great hall at his chieftan in shock and disbelief. He was waiting for a rebuke of some kind. Anger. An explanation. Something. Anything.... but Heruwulfaz just stared back with that damned demon half smile of his. Just days ago while feasting his warriors in the hall he had announced his intention to search out new lands across the sea for plunder but also for colonization.

Heruwulfaz had warred for the better part of his life. Against rivals for power. In blood feuds for revenge. Against the easterlings who were just as battle hungry as his own folk if not more. And to the south and west against the Walhoz in search of silver and weapons of bright iron. He had already won renown to his name amongst his own people but the truth of the matter is ...he was restless for something more. He wanted to etch his name in time and make such a name for himself that his memory would live forever. Like the story the traveling bard had told him about a king who had won a great kingdom that reached from the southern lands where men live in great cities and all the way east until the end of the world.

"Aye hes mad and three parts drowned already by the look of it" as laughter rolled around the room the other man grinned and took a long swig of mead from his cup. It was Athawulfaz who spoke this time. He had known Heruwulfaz for most of his life by now and both men knew the measure of the other. They were like brothers. "But even so the mans got some black iron in his heart...by Wodanaz I will go!" murmurs and nods of approval came from the assembled nobles and freemen in the long hall.

"Yes..yes heroes the both of you and food for the crabs you'll be before the new moon....AND ANY FOOLISH ENOUGH TO FOLLOW YOU!!" It was Hrabnaz again and he shouted the last part so all in the great hall could hear. Another round of murmurs and looks went round the crowd. At this Heruwulfaz finally stirred in his great wooden chair. When he stood he looked around the room at all those assembled before him. His own retainers. Those of noble birth through their ancestors. The elders in attendance. And the great bulk of the freemen from the surrounding territory. He said in an even tone that all could hear "I would gladly give my life tomorrow to have my name written in song and carved into the hearts and memories of all the folk than live a thousand years and have my memory lost and carried away by the wind." He paused for a moment and spoke directly to the crowd now. "I see before me my kin. Warriors all. Freemen all. Irminaz folk. Wodenaz folk. Sleep bringers. Death singers." "The blood of gods and heroes and giants runs through all our veins." The room was silent now with all eyes locked on the warchief. He had bound men to himself many times before to face death by the sheer weight of his charisma and courage. This time was no different. He stared off into the great fire burning in the center of the hall. "My fate lies before me across the great whale road....through tempest and storm whipped sea.....through mist and rain and into lands unknown.....with my friends and kinsmen by my side.....or alone...... I will go." And Heruwulfaz sat back in his chair once more and left the air heavy with the power of his will.

At this a great clamor and roar went up from all those present and the deafening sound of spears beating shields drowned out all else in the room. The bravest men began to come forward one here one there and recite oaths of loyalty and promises of great deeds to come before the gods and their Warlord. At each new volunteer roars of approval and the sound of weapons beating shields would commence again even louder. A great many of the folk would join on this expedition. After what seemed like every god from the high one to the gods that grant good fishing on a sunny day had been invoked people began to filter out of the hall.

Just then Hrabnaz emerged from the crowd and came towards Heruwulfaz with sword in hand. Athawulfaz moved forward between his lord and Hrabnaz his hand resting lightly on the hilt of his dagger. He cocked his head to one side "You require something of our lord?" was the challenge he used. Before he had time to answer Hrabnaz heard the sound of a blade leaving its scabbard behind him. Heruwulfaz made a dismissive gesture with his hand. Hrabnaz heard the blade slide back into its sheath and Athawulfaz moved back to his lords right side but his hand never left his dagger. Hrabnaz turned in time to see a cloaked and hooded warrior press back into the shadows at the far end of the hall. Brandawulfaz! He thought. It was said that his lord killed cleanly on the battlefield and in the sight of both gods and men but when he did not it was this man who did the killing for him. He cleared the thought from his mind. " I ask for no favors of my lord today only that he take me with him on this expedition. I still think this a fools errand and no doubt it will be the death of us all but I will not be shamed before the gods or men. I will go." At this he laid his sword at his lords feet. Heruwulfaz regarded him for a long moment in silence then nodded his head. "So be it."

The Gypsy
08-30-2014, 11:21
Cool start and an interesting idea. Beat the Romans to Britain eh.

But it seems like I have some competition now....

08-30-2014, 15:21
great stuff .

08-30-2014, 15:52
Thanks guys and Gypsy don't think of it that way. I just read your story and it was so interesting I decided to try and make one of my own. Im a huge fan of Norse mythology/warrior ethos and sweboz being the closest ancestors of those peoples that's who I like to play most. Probably why this story resembles a viking expedition too lol. Probably wont get very far as I don't think I have the patience to write out the whole story of my campaign anyhow but will see.

The Gypsy
08-31-2014, 02:08
Don't worry Skald I'm joking.