View Full Version : Loyalty

Gaius Sempronius Gracchus
09-04-2014, 20:01
What would be the best way to ensure the loyalty of fms...to stop them 'defecting'? Playing another run through as SPQR and Cnaevs Cornelivs Scipio Asina is besieging Medilanon (sp?). He's a pro-consul (having been a Consul for the second time), I've been checking to make sure all is ok, he's remained well supplied throughout and then, without warning he takes his army and becomes Eleutheroi.

09-05-2014, 03:43
I've started a couple campaigns (Rome, Boii, Brits) and more or less given up on all of them because I can't give anyone that's not my faction leader an army. They always end up defecting if they're away from a city for more than a turn or two. There seems to be no way to raise loyalty and I've never seen a family member that had more than 4 loyalty ring thingys.

Meanwhile I've seen multiple AI family members with mostly full ranks in every stat.

09-05-2014, 06:46
Yeah I was just using my faction leader in my brits campaign. Then he died and the new faction leader was 2 turns away from the stack. Guess what happened.:) I assume this will be tweaked in future versions a bit.

09-05-2014, 15:28
I have a similar sort of problem. In my Makedon save, out of 12 characters 6 have 0 or 1 loyalty, 3 of them have 3, and the faction heir and one dude that's a 60 year old supervisor have 4-5. My king has almost maxed out authority.

I don't find it hard to believe that loyal people would be hard to find. I just don't like how it ends up working mechanically. The game basically decides for me what's a character going to be - general if his loyalty is good, administrator if it's not. If he's both bad at administration and disloyal, I just send him to a minor settlement (for a rest in the country, so to speak).