View Full Version : How Full are the Unit Rosters?

09-14-2014, 19:14
Hey everybody,
So thusfar my main two games have been Baktria and Armenia. However, I ended up being pretty disappointed by the depth of the Baktrian roster-there's no cataphracts, as far as I can tell, and most of the heavy infantry is gone.

How full is the Armenian roster? I edited the script so that I can build advanced government types, but all the troops I can see that are recruitable right are wicker shield, cloth armored types.

Anyone confirm/deny that the rosters are this limited at this early stage? If so there's not really a point to playing Armenia.

Antigonos Karchedonios
09-14-2014, 19:32
All the rosters are "work in progress" so far. Especially cataphracts are only done for Phalava at the moment (afaik). But most factions are quite good to play. I am especially taken with the Celts so far, a lot of different infantry and some basic but decent cavalery.
Can't say much about Armenia and Baktria as I haven't tried yet. But Baktria should have acces to most hellenic units (if culture permits) and elephants!

09-14-2014, 20:14
Hey everybody,
So thusfar my main two games have been Baktria and Armenia. However, I ended up being pretty disappointed by the depth of the Baktrian roster-there's no cataphracts, as far as I can tell, and most of the heavy infantry is gone.

How full is the Armenian roster? I edited the script so that I can build advanced government types, but all the troops I can see that are recruitable right are wicker shield, cloth armored types.

Anyone confirm/deny that the rosters are this limited at this early stage? If so there's not really a point to playing Armenia.

200+ of a total of 500 eventually (many years from now)

Edit: I've had several wonderful campaigns as Hayasdan.

09-14-2014, 22:46
I suspect I will eventually as well, but at the moment playing as Hayasdan with a unit roster composed entirely of unarmored units seems not only onerous but to miss the entire appeal of Hayasdan. For me, at least, the appeal is that the Hayasdani represent the future-their combination of heavy infantry and cataphract are the future. Without that, they're just a pure barbarian faction.

09-15-2014, 10:20
I had the same feeling after playing as Averni (and I guess most other celtic factions) as they seemed so much more fleshed out as compared to other factions (especially but not only in terms of unit roster). So Pontos is a nice faction as well since they have acces to a lot of celtic units too (galatian?!). Unfortunatly Hay does'nt get better units now even after reforms. But I agree Baktria allready has a very nice mix of hellenic and eastern units.

By the way I do feel that unlike the description in the faction selection screen before the start of campaign, Hayasdaan has a much easier starting position now than in EB1 or at least compared to Pontos.

But I'm glad to see the numbers 200 of 500 as I was afraid there would only be a couple of units missing (like camel-units for Saaba).
Until then we just have to stick with mercanerys and regional troops I guess. So lets just be patient ;)