View Full Version : no way to meet the Pergamon-reform requirement of fighting Galatian army?

10-15-2014, 18:03
In my second try with Pergamon - i thought i will handle the problem with the weak Galatian Presence in Ankyra according to the suggestion described in this thread:

i.e.: create some additional Galatian units so that their army counts more then 10 units, defeat them and let them rebel to fight them the second time as the Pergamon Reform requires.

(Pontos anyway conquered Galatia first, as in my first try as well, so i captured Ankyra from them and abandoned it to let it rebel.)

But the thing is: the Population of Ankyra revolts to the Aruernoi! :shrug: ..like it did in EB1 all the time.
So it seems i'm not able to fight a Galatian army, >11 units, a second time.

Is there no chance in this Release to meet this condition in order to get the Reform?

Or is there a possibility to create Galatian units also outside of Ankyra?

In the Thread above the command for such a creation is somethin like this:
create_unit Ankyra "Galatian Spearmen..or whatever" 4 1 1 1 (number of units, experience level, attack upgrade, defence upgrade)
So that would make sure they are spawned in Ankyra. But dont know if its possible to create them outside, and if, how to do that.

Im curious if someone found a way to meet this condition.


10-15-2014, 22:20
While it's still Eleutheroi, fill up the garrison of Ankyra with the create_unit command. Once that happens, when the AI tries to recruit there (and it will eventually, you may have to wait 20-30 turns), new units spawn outside the city. Then spawn new units within the army outside and you have your more than 11 units stack.

You need to check the EDU for the actual names of the units.

10-15-2014, 23:45
Hopeully they will change this reform, at least the requirement involving fighting eleutheroi, leaves too much to chance. And if pontus captures the city first you are screwed.

10-16-2014, 00:08
Hopeully they will change this reform, at least the requirement involving fighting eleutheroi, leaves too much to chance. And if pontus captures the city first you are screwed.

Max out the garrison, and no one will be capturing it first, they'll most likely leave it alone.

10-16-2014, 02:05
It's somewhat annoying to have to edit the game in order to get the reforms in the first place. Perhaps attacking or capturing Ankrya is a better category for the reform than having to fight a specific number of Galatian troops.

10-16-2014, 08:22
It's somewhat annoying to have to edit the game in order to get the reforms in the first place. Perhaps attacking or capturing Ankrya is a better category for the reform than having to fight a specific number of Galatian troops.

That's far too easy a goal, especially with the small garrison it starts with. Plus that would just encourage the player to blitz the nearest settlement.

10-16-2014, 08:31
Something has to be done in any case. The player should never have to use the console just to play the game the way it's meant to be played.

10-16-2014, 17:00
^ Exactly.

10-16-2014, 18:17
QuintusSertorius: thank you that sounds to be a good solution.:bow: ..well so i have to make this in my 3.Pergamon Try - ..with this one i wouldnt get the reform anymore.
i´m curious how this beefed up settlement and Province will develop then. sure i´ll check the EDU then for the actual names (..i just typed there some fantasy name in)

To spawn new units within the army outside (of Ankyra) - is there to type in some additional special information? ..for instance in mentioned Thread it was "create_unit Ankyra ..." to make sure the units will spawn in Ankyra. ..maybe the Captains Name of the outside Army or the coordinates?

But i also definitely agree with the others that something has to be done regarding this Reform-requirements.

10-16-2014, 20:00
For the garrison:

create_unit Ankyra "celtic infantry gaeroas" 3 0 0 0

For the captain, when he appears (replace "Bolgios" with whatever his name actually is):

create_unit "Captain Bolgios" "celtic infantry gaeroas" 3 0 0 0

10-16-2014, 21:10
Thanks Quintus - the Captain then.
..guess i'm gonna take a leap in time now in my running campaign, about 8 years, and create those large Galatian Garrison.

V.T. Marvin
10-22-2014, 04:41
Yes, this reform condition was rather unfortunate and WILL be changed in the next release. Sorry we have not thought this though better.:shame: