View Full Version : The Art of Diplomacy and War

03-06-2017, 12:08
So finally here we are:

This is a multiple players alternate history, where the decisions are made primarily by posting here, but also to some extent by PM. The first turn the players will also need to do research about their factions, if needed with each others' assistance. The outcome of actions is decided at the end of each chapter/turn. Rules and more details about the system is listed at the bottom of this post.



The year is 1603. After the defeat of the Armada and the de facto independence of the Netherlands, Spain is no longer the major power in Europe. England has through diplomacy and warfare successfully prevented many invasions and with it's colonies and fleet become a power of considerable importance after a century of internal problems. The newly independent Netherlands have developed very effective trade and is a flourishing nation with an untraditional power structure, open-mindedness to trade and an effective fleet, but with limited offensive capabilities. The Holy roman empire is comparatively stable, even though many external threats are in the process of building up. Russia has gone from being a number of smaller principalities occupied by mongols to, under the leadership of Muscovy, become a large empire intent on expanding further west. The Ottoman empire might be expanding well inland, but their naval domination has been limited since the battle of Lepanto many decades earlier.

It is a time when many nations are about equal in power, but also a time of instability where the strategies of the leaders could have huge consequences and make one nation insignificant, while another becomes an empire.

Map of 1600 AD: http://www.euratlas.com/big/big1600.htm

Tasks for this turn:
1. first choose a faction to play as (England, France, HRE, Poland, Spain, Sweden). After choosing faction, make a post in this thread to reserve that faction. The first who posts that he wants a certain faction gets that faction.

2. make some research about your faction. This information will be available to all players, and is later to be used to plan your strategies. The knowledge about what happened after 1603 is supposed to be used to better understand the present situation in 1603, not to be abused as hindsight - I'll deliberately lay out the story in a way that prevents hindsight that couldn't have been known at the time from having any effect (after the first chapters it'll become clear what I mean by this). Things to research:
a. name of your leader, and of the living heirs of your leader
b. your current alliances in 1603. Look at which alliances were broken in the coming 50 years and why, to try and find information about the nature and strength of the alliances at this time
c. current pacts/leagues (with pact I mean a bunch of nations all in alliance with each others, the pacts must also be public whereas alliances can be of a more secret character)
d. current wars that your nation is engaged in
e. regions that historically rebelled against your nation during the period 1603 to around 1648, and why. Did any of the rebellions happen at critical times during wars with outside nations, or did the rebellions for other reasons have greater effect than their military strength alone would imply?
f. a list of the major military campaigns, crucial economical conflicts and other major events during the period 1603 to around 1648 for your nation
g. in 1603, how is your army organized? how many men are available through conscription? how many men constitute a standing army? what equipment and training have they got? how is the quality of the artillery? and how did these things change in the coming 50 years?
h. how well is your nation doing economically? are you in debt or is the economy flourishing? which are the key strategic locations that gives you income? tax, trade routes/tolls, farming or industries? How many people live in your realm?
i. which countries are your major trading partners at this time and what products do they buy/sell from/to you?
j. how centralized is rule? what is your role as leader? military defender of your people? reformer? if your rule isn't centralized, is local unhappiness most directed towards you or the local rulers?
k. what is your leader's religion? what is the stance of different religions in your nation - acceptance, tolerance, non-tolerance or persecution?
l. what's the social situation for farmers, workers etc.? are they in a position to rebel over their social situations?
m. are there any provinces of your nation that are eager to break off and form an own country? i.e. Portugal for Spain etc.


Here the players commanding the nations will be listed for reference when during play you need to contact them by PM for diplomatic deals.

England - Fisherking
France - Swordsmaster
HRE and Austria - Arjos
Spain - Prince Cobra
Netherlands - El Barto

Poland - Free (formally Csargo)
Sweden - Free (Formally autolycos)


- Your objectives: the objective is to achieve as much as possible in all these fields: conquest of provinces, conquest of strategic positions, strengthening the economy and controlling trade, having an appearance of strength and determination to outside threats by successfully defending and counter-attacking aggressors, have a good diplomatic rumor, and help spread whatever religion you choose. All these factors will be added together and the factions which achieved most in all these aspects will be winners by the end of the game.

- First turn - in the prologue turn you'll not make any decisions but only do research about your faction.

- How to play - every turn, I'll list questions about the most relevant matters for the player to decide about. However, each turn it's also possible to decide about things that aren't listed under that turn. Examples of things that you can decide are listed here for reference during the game:
* thing made publicly in this thread:
a. declaring war
b. hiring mercenaries
c. propaganda - if your nation wants to use propaganda actions it's posted as a public proclamation in the public thread. This can also be a general call for, say "the Catholic cause" etc. but also actions for your own population. Normal actions that aren't explicit propaganda can also have propaganda effects.
d. choosing stance on religion, and the leader's religion - this will affect relations with the pope, relations with other countries, relations with local rulers etc.
* things made by sending a PM to me that turn (sometimes this information risks to leak out to the public forum):
e. reorganizing your army - this is made by PM, but info will leak out
f. diplomatic discussions - it'll always leak out that a meeting has taken place, but very seldom what was said during the meeting, unless the two parts wish to make an official proclamation as result of the meeting. Because some of the diplomatic correspondence can leak out, try to make the PMs with historical phrasing, and it's also a good reason to, even if you're planning on backstabbing, not expressing such things too explicitly in the PMs... The diplomatic discussion in a turn may only be carried out as a series of max 3 PMs, i.e. 1. offer, 2. counter-offer/accept/decline, 3. accept/decline/counter-offer to consider for next turn/suggest discussions continue next turn. The reason for this rule is to make the discussion fast enough to not delay chapters, but also to simulate some of the difficulties of diplomatic discussion and not make the diplomacy an overly effective tool. The PMs from the correspondence should be sent to me by PM each turn so I know which deals took place so I can determine the outcome of the turn.
g. choosing where to launch offensives and which tactics and key targets to use - you're allowed make very complex strategies with conditional plans and diversions etc. Just remember it must be logistically feasible within the length of the chapter. Also remember that pushing soldiers too hard can result in undisciplined behavior, mutiny and desertion etc.
h. starting war without formal declaration
i. determining what to do about rebels - you decide which and how many troops, what tactics they are to use etc. I'll ask more specific questions and give the suitable player options for how to act when a rebellion takes place
j. choosing whether to use your own leader in combat - using the leader in combat can boost morale, but also keeps him away from home which may be tempting to some rebels, and it also puts him at the risk of dying in action. If the leader has gone to the front, the other nations will know it before long through hints in the public thread (this thread).
* other decisions:
k. you can decide about almost anything you can think of that isn't very historically unlikely, say send away mercenaries without pay, choose whether to kill prisoners of war or not, etc. etc. Those decisions can be sent to me by PM. Bear in mind that every character affected by your decisions has some form of power which he can use against you.

03-06-2017, 12:47
I would like to pick France. If that is ok. I will start researching about this realm.

03-06-2017, 16:08
I will be SWEDEN! I've started research, and will publish information this evening or tomorrow night.

03-06-2017, 17:19
I'll take England please and begin research.

03-06-2017, 23:07
I'll take Poland.

03-06-2017, 23:09
Swedish Research (I'll keep coming back and editing this as I learn more):
Current leader: Charles IX. Technically regent until 1604 (Then proclaimed king)
Living heirs: 1. Gustavus Adolphus (b. 1594) Eldest son
2. Charles Philip (b. 1601). Other living son
3. Catherine (b.1584) eldest daughter
4. Maria Elizabeth (b. 1596) other living daughter
Other potential claimants: Sigismund of Poland, recently deposed King of Sweden (Charles' nephew)
John, Duke of Ostergotland (b.1590) formally renounces his succession rights in 1604

Alliances: None in 1603, but will fight on the Protestant/French side in the 30 years war
Wars: At war with Poland-Lithuania over both the Swedish crown and control of the provinces of Estonia and Livonia. Continues until 1629 with a few breaks
Upcoming wars: Kalmar War (1611-1613( with Denmark-Norway over tolls for naval traffic. Won by the Danes, resulting in major costs
Ingrian War with Russia(1610-1617): Attempt to put a Swede (Charles Philip) on the throne of Russia. Gain the provinces of Ingria and Karelia, but Michael Romanov stays on the throne

Religion: Lutheran. Adamantly so, as we just deposed a Catholic and disinherited all Catholics!
Dissident regions: Finland's Governor-General supported Sigismund before his death in 1597, but no major uprisings since 1580 (and that was probably not directed at secession but rather changing the leadership of all of Sweden), and none historically for several centuries

Military: Infantry conscripted, Cavalry incentivized volunteers. Conscription and army reorganized on Provincial lines with the next decade. Approximately 17k in army. In 1604, relatively untrained and underteched, primary experience from border skirmishes with Denmark and Russia. Over the course of the 1620s, rapid modernization and training on a "combined forces" model, with shot, artillery and pikes/cavalry working in concert for devastating effect. Size of army rapidly grew as well (83k in 1631), but majority mercenaries around a corner of native Swedes. This includes the introduction of the "regimental gun" a 3 pounder, which was one of the first examples of artillery that was used in a mobile fashion during combat.

Economy: Poor, primary resources wood, iron, copper, fish and other commodities additional sources of funds: customs tolls levied on Baltic trading ports and raiding. Went into deep debt to the Dutch in paying the fees from the Kalmar war.

Social Status of farmers, etc. Very poor, but no tradition of feudal system or serfdom. Represented as one of the Estates in the Diet, but often ignored. The Diet gained some power over this time, but power and governance mostly remained centralized in the king.

03-07-2017, 08:09
I'll be the HRE/Austria, by the evening I'll have the research done ;)


- Leader: Rudolf II, several illegitimate children (Julius, Karl, Charlotte, Matthias, Anna Dorothea, Dorothea), alive brothers (Matthias, Maximilian III, Albert VII), alive first cousins (Ferdinand II, Maximilian Ernest, Leopold V, Charles II).

- Allies: Spain, very strong, ruled by a branch of the same house.

Duchy of Modena and Reggio (Cesare d'Este), strong, supported his claim during a succession war. Duchy of Mantua (Vincenzo Gonzaga), strong, dynastic ties. Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth (Sigismund III Vasa), strong, desire by Sigismund to centralise power.

Wallachia (Radu Șerban), Moldavia (Ieremia Movilă), Zaporizhian Bazavluk Sich (Ivan Kosyi), Grand Duchy of Tuscany (Ferdinando I), Duchy of Savoy (Carlo Emanuele I), Republic of Ragusa (Marin Tudišević), Papal States (Clement VIII) and Serbian Hajduk due to common league against the Ottoman Turks.

- Pacts/Leagues: Holy Alliance against the Turks.

- Current Wars: Long Turkish War, mainly over the possession of Wallachia, Transylvania and Moldavia.

- Rebellions: Bocskai Uprising in 1604-1606 due to Rudolf II accusing Hungarian nobles of treason and war weariness.

Habsburg "succession crisis", not a rebellion per se, but the Habsburg house was not pleased with Rudolf's tolerance and when later Rudolf fell ill his brother Matthias was made head of the house and the latter used a personal army to force Rudolf to yield the rule of more and more territories from 1608 until 1611, when he effectively became ruler in all but name. Matthias was also looking to strengthen the empire by tolerance, but without heirs he was eventually forced to nominate the later Ferdinand II as successor, backed by the other brother Maximillian, leading the inflexible Catholic faction within the family. This led to the following.

Bohemian Revolt in 1618, following the defenestration, it was the first of the religious rebellions, which started to spread across Europe, due to the policies of the intransigent Ferdinand II, who panicked and called for international support, eventually bringing the intervention of other powers, losing any religious ideals as the cause of the conflicts (since the revolts were generally dealt with and never expanded beyond their local areas), escalating as the Thirty Years War.

- Major Campaigns: Long Turkish War (29 July 1593 – 11 November 1606), within of course was also the Bocskai uprising.

War of the Jülich Succession (10 June 1609 – 24 October 1610 and May 1614 – 13 October 1614).

Thirty Years War (1618 - 1648), with also its peripheral conflicts like the Bohemian Revolt (1618 - 1620) and the War of the Mantuan Succession (1628 - 1631).

- Army: the imperial army was attached to the person of the emperor, who could raise troops directly only in imperial cities and his personal domain. This was structured in regiments, between 1,200 and 2,000 men each, costing every year 260,000 florins for infantry, 450,000 florins for cavalry and 600,000 florins for artillery. It is difficult to determine the size of the Habsburg standing army, since the concept pretty much took off with the Thirty Years War, but for example in 1601 35,000 men and 40 cannons were mustered. While later Ferdinand II agreed to raise 20,000 infantry and 6,000 cavalry under Wallenstein. By 1628 the imperial army numbered 110,000 men, a fifth being cavalry.

The electoral states were largely autonomous and it was the Imperial Diet that could muster the army of the Holy Roman Empire, whose contingents had been fixed at around 20,000 infantry and 4,000 cavalry. This was called a Simplum, and its upkeep stood at 10 florins for cavalrymen and at 8 florins for infantrymen. During wars the number could be doubled or tripled, in theory even more, by calling extra contingents (the Duplum and Triplum). Indeed by 1681 the Simplum consisted of 28,000 infantry, 2,000 dragoons and 10,000 cavalry. Nevertheless this force due to political differences could hardly be called upon, especially because the nobles and the clergy were reluctant in parting with their workforce.

- Economy: Europe was slowly experiencing the transition from a predominantly agrarian economy to a monetary and market economy. Indeed all the conflicts of the time required money to pay for the soldiers and the control over taxation became vital. The Habsburg Empire had a populous and productive manufacturing center in Bohemia, complemented by textile and iron industries in Upper Austria and Styria. While the Hungarian plain, the Archduchies and Silesia provided a firm agricultural base. Moreover the resources from mountainous territories made the Habsburgs one of Europe's foremost producers of key minerals. However the regional economies tended to operate independently and were not yet integrated in a single economic policy, but this was mainly due to the political administration of the empire.

Issues were the shift of trading routes towards the Atlantic, influx of American gold and silver, plus the increased Swedish extraction of copper and iron. Together with the war weariness in Hungary and the constant Turkish raids. Overall the economy in the previous century had focused on commodity production, ignoring investments in the manufacturing, as a result, when the downturn in Europe at the start of the 17th century brought a decline of 50% in grain and livestock prices, the economy of the empire lost a good chunk of its income, this being felt particularly in Hungary. To contrast this the noble landowners strove to maximize productivity, increasing the number of days the serfs had to work for them and by starting small cottage textile industries. The lords also imposed that the peasants use mills, breweries and other facilities within their own domains, so that they could buy the products at lower rates and then export them through their own agents at the market price. They could also force their peasants to make purchases in their own towns, causing the imperial free towns to also lose business. Indeed the imperial free towns were losing the favour of the emperor and in Austria and Hungary all together came to have just a single vote in the Diet, while the magnates were gaining individual representation.

- Trading Partners: productive areas mostly focused on trading the the German states, but also overall trading with English and Dutch middlemen.

- Centralisation: although having to deal with the framework in place within the empire, the figure of the emperor was quite strong. Generally uncontested, however the emperor relied on the cooperation with the electoral princes and the Spanish Habsburg House to preserve prominence. Troubles arose with emperors like Ferdinand II, whose pro-Catholic position made it impossible to keep friendly terms with most princes. Also the choice by Rudolf II and Maximilian I, Duke of Bavaria, to reestablish Catholicism in 1607 and the later decision by the Imperial Diet in 1608 to restore catholic land as it was at the time of the Peace of Augsburg caused the establishment of the Protestant Union (internally split between Lutheranism and Calvinism), which was answered by the formation of the Catholic League.

- Religion: in theory Rudolf II was a Roman Catholic, being also forcefully raised at the Spanish court, but he was very tolerant and held more occult and scientific interests. He rejected a lot of aspects of the Catholic life and supported different political lines, when it comes to religious matters, depending on his needs.

- Social Status of Farmers and Workers: as noted here there was a patchwork of serfs and freemen, but with little representation. Overall without a prince taking their side, the commoners really couldn't do anything.

- Possible Break-off Regions: not really any in particular at this time. In the eastern territories it was more of a matter of whose side provided more benefits to the local nobility between the Habsburgs and the Ottomans. While Protestant territories became rebellious with the change in policies by Matthias and the ascension of Ferdinand II.

03-07-2017, 18:42
Welcome autolycus! Good to have you in the game ~:grouphug:

divitorobert is still missing. Maybe one or two other jump on, too.
Please try to gather your information until end of the week. Obviously it is very important to have an idea abut your forces, your economy. Also a statement about your religious intentions would be nice (does not have to be the historical one, of course).

By the way, maybe this helps you a bit: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_population_in_1600

Population in 1600:

Kingdom 8 mio
Naples: 2 mio
Portugal: 2 mio
Spanish Netherlands: 2 mio
Sicily: 1.8 mio

France: 20 mio

HRE: 20 mio (Habsburg: 5.5)

Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth: 8 mio

England: 4 mio
Ireland: 1.2 mio
Wales: 0.25 mio
Scotland 0.8 mio

Sweden: 1.3 mio

Russia: 14 mio
Dutch: 1.5 mio
Denmark: 1 mio

03-07-2017, 19:28
Kingdom of France


King: Henry IV of France (13 December 1553

Heir: Louis (born 1601)

Other issue: Elisabeth (born 1602)

illegimite: César de Bourbon (born 1594), Catherine Henriette de Bourbon (born 1596)

Foreign relations:

Kingdom of Spain, Peace of Vervins 1598, Spain recognise´s Henry as King of France.Peace is made between the two Kingdoms.
Duchy of Savoy, Treaty of Lyon 1601, France releases Saluzzo to Savoy and Savoy gives up areas West of Rhone to France.
Franco- Ottoman alliance, last confirmed in 1601 by embassy of Mehmed III
England, good relations. Fought together against Spanish during French wars of Religion.
Scotland, good relations. Fought together against Spanish during French wars of Religion.
Grand Duchy of Tuscany, Henri is married to Maria medici.

Conflicts during the era:



Population of France:

20,000,000 people


After 1597, France economic situation improved and agricultural production was aided by milder weather. Henry IV (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henry_IV_of_France), with his minister Maximilien de Béthune, duc de Sully (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maximilien_de_B%C3%A9thune,_duc_de_Sully), adopted monetary reforms (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monetary_reform). These included better coinage, a return to the livre tournois (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Livre_tournois) as an account money, reduction of the debt, which was 200 million livres in 1596, and a reduction of the tax burden on peasants. Henry IV attacked abuses, embarked on a comprehensive administrative reform, increased charges for official offices, the "paulette (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paulette_(tax))", repurchased alienated royal lands, improved roads and the funded the construction of canals, and planted the seed of a state-supervised mercantile (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mercantilism) philosophy. Under Henry IV, agricultural reforms, largely started by Olivier de Serres (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Olivier_de_Serres) were instituted.

Rural society:

]n the 17th century rich peasants who had ties to the market economy provided much of the capital investment necessary or agricultural growth, and frequently moved from village to village (or town). Geographic mobility, directly tied to the market and the need for investment capital, was the main path to social mobility. The "stable" core of French society, town guildspeople and village laboureurs, included cases of staggering social and geographic continuity, but even this core required regular renewal. Accepting the existence of these two societies, the constant tension between them, and extensive geographic and social mobility tied to a market economy holds the key to a clearer understanding of the evolution of the social structure, economy, and even political system of early modern France



To be continued...

03-07-2017, 19:32
Thanks Franc! Would the next countries playable be Russia, Netherlands and Ottomans?

03-07-2017, 20:28
divitorobert is still missing. Maybe one or two other jump on, too.

You might want to tag him - he was last online an hour ago (so he's still around) but hasn't viewed either this thread or the previous one.

/mod advice

03-07-2017, 21:54
Monarch: James I of England/ James VI of Scotland

Heirs: Henry 9, Elizabeth 7, and Charles 3

Alliances: France and Netherlands.

Pacts, etc: Russia, Sweden, various German States and trade agreements with the Ottoman Empire.

Wars: Spain, though mostly a cold war most recent fighting in Ireland 1602. Rebellion in Ireland (9 years war) is nearly at an end.

Ireland has been the most rebellious region for the Crown, though James is cautious of Scottish Lords.

Major Military Actions: Anglo-Spanish War 1625-1630
Anglo-French War 1627- 1629
Bishops’ Wars of 1639 & 1640
Portuguese Restoration War 1640- 1668
Irish Confederate Wars 1641- 1653
English Civil War 1642- 1651

Military Organisation: There are two standing Corps of military; The Yeomen of the Guard and the Honourable Corps of Gentlemen at Arms. Additionally there are independent garrisons in major towns and cities of importance. The means of raising armies is still on the feudal concept of levies from fiefs and the yeomanry. At start there are 17,000 troops in Ireland. There is the government position of Lord of the Admiralty governing naval forces. Most naval forces are privateers and impressed transports at this time. For information on artillery development : http://deremilitari.org/wp-content/uploads/1999/11/Walton_TudorArtillery.pdf The Royal Arsenals of England and Scotland produced Artillery as well as small arms, produced at Conwy.

Economy: The private economy is flourishing. However, the Crown is in debt due to the 9 years war. There are a number of private corporations in partnership with the Crown for trade in the far east, North Africa, and trading interests with North America. Major exports are cloth, wool, weapons and armour. Imports are sugar, tobacco, and a wide range of other goods. Agriculture is also enjoying a productivity boom. The current population, all told is some 6.25 million.
Other than Taxes levied by Parliament the major source of government income is imports and import duties.

to be continued.

03-08-2017, 16:43
Thank you!

Bad divitorobert :whip:

Would the next countries playable be Russia, Netherlands and Ottomans?
If Poland and Sweden are occupied, we could go on with the Netherlands and maybe Denmark.

03-08-2017, 17:48
divitorobert. Have you found the game thread?

03-08-2017, 19:08
Thank you!

Bad divitorobert :whip:

If Poland and Sweden are occupied, we could go on with the Netherlands and maybe Denmark.

Our friend Csargo has already picked Poland. So there is only Spain not handled by a player.

03-10-2017, 11:13

feel free to start your diplomatic activities. You may also post public statement or declaration. Here is one from the old thread, just to inspire you::study:


May I introduce myself? My name is Henry IV le Grand, born as Henri de Bourbon in December 1553 in Pau, Navarra. Since 1589 I am King of France and Navarra. My subjects in the Gascongne call me “lo nòstre bon rei Enric”, the French "le bon roi". This gives you indication about my capacity and the reverence of my peoples.

I was raised at Navarro in a very countrified ambience. Then, Navarro was the shelter and center for Protestants, which we call Huguenots. Although I was baptized Roman Catholic, my education was Protestant.

The country had had a hard time. My predecessors created a modern realm, with a strong centralized government. The administration lay in the hands of catholic clergy and was very effective. However, Protestantism came together with Humanism and shook the fundament of this order. The former King Francois I. had been in conflict with the Habsburg Karl V., who ruled the Netherlands, Germany and Spain. In Italy there were open hostilities between France and Habsburg. If Francois would have tolerated the Huguenots, the Pope would have supported Karl and Karl would have been able to invade France. Therefore, due to political reasons, Francois had to oppress the Huguenots.

The Kings that came after him did the same. However, the Habsburg Empire decayed. Karl V. could not control the Reformation any longer and the Augsburg concept „Cuius regio, eius religio“ created the schism of Germany. Henry II. did not accept this concept for France. The religious wars began.

In 1570 I married Margarete de Valois, the sister of three French kings. This wedding became the frame of the Massacre de la Saint-Barthélemy. I was arrested and forced to become Catholic.

In 1576 I could escape to Navarro and return to Protestantism. I became the leader of the Huguenots. In 1589 before he died, King Henry III., appointed me as his heir. However, the condition was that I would become Catholic, again.

«Paris vaut bien une messe.» After long fighting I finally converted at Saint-Denis in 1593. In February 1595 I was crowned at Notre-Dame de Chartres.

Obviously God had chosen me to give my country peace, justice and wealth. From the very beginning I had to fight my enemies. I repelled an invasion from Spain and I survived plots of radical Catholics.

After all this struggling I managed to give peace to my country. I banished the Jesuits. I made reconciliation with Phillip II, King of Spain; I regained control of the Bretagne and the Provence. In the Edict of Nantes Huguenots received equal rights (although Catholicism was still state religion). France had peace again.

Peace was not my goal; it was only a step on the way to bring wealth to my subjects. Si Dieu me prête vie, je ferai qu’il n’y aura point de laboureur en mon royaume qui n’ait les moyens d’avoir le dimanche une poule dans son pot! The Duke of Sully, Maximilien de Béthune, became Minister of Finance and France made an economic and financial boom. National dept is gone; we built harbors and channels, and encouraged agriculture.

So here we are today! France is a strong country, unified under a strong government, with a good economy and excellent finance. The religious confusion is over. We live in peace with our neighbors. However, we see that the confusion in the Habsburg countries is still going on and we could be roped in again. We are not worried. We are prepared!

Additionally there are still some Catholic scatterbrains, who think that murdering will save their souls. We know how to deal with them!

03-10-2017, 11:17


During the game you might want to increase your armed forces to vitiate the evil plans of your opponents or to foster your own evil plans.

As we all know, money is the root of all evils and this is especially true at the 17th century. If you want to have an army, you have to pay them.

So if you have some money to spent, here is how you can recruit troops. I think it is plain to see that Europe needs a common currency so I introduces the gulden.

First of all the land forces. These are based on foot soldiers, let' call them lansquenets. To raise a new regiment (about 3.000 men), you appoint a colonel and give him the money to recruit a new regiment. The colonel then will go to a certain area, this could be a part of your country, but you may also recruit regiments from abroad, esp. from Switzerland, Germany or Italy. Here he gathers volunteers and equips them.

Practically you give the order to form such a regiment, pay the money (300.000 gulden) and at the end of the year, the new regiment will be ready for service. A regiment has a standard mixture of different weapons, halberds, swords, pike, archebuses etc. Of course you may want to change this, but other equipment may raise the costs.
Please note that you will have to keep on paying the same price each year as long as you want the regiment fight for you. And be careful if you disband troops, cause this might also cause trouble.

Of course you may also want to recruit cavalry, the most noble branch of service. In principle, it is the same, however, the regiments are smaller (500) and the price is 500,000 per year.

Last but not least there is the new branch of artillery - although you may say that this is certainly something a Christian sovereign should keep his hands off – others may use them. Artillery is extremely expensive. Therefore, an artillery regiment of 100 men with four guns costs 150,000 per year. Please note that there is a limit in increasing the numbers of guns in your army due to the capacity of your casting houses.

Some of you may also want to extend their military actions to the sea. Alright, there are two different ship types available, Great Ships, galleons mounting 38 guns and
Small Ships with 28 guns. They cost 300,000 and 200,000 per year. Building takes on year and is limited to the capacity of your ship yards.

Additionally to your regular troops you may also want to have some city guards. These are free, but they have a limited fighting power and the more men are in service the less are working and paying taxes.

Some countries have special troops with special regulations, like Polish hussarias. We will find a way to handle this.


By now you may realize that money is something you would like to have. There are basically several ways to get money. First of all there is the income from taxes and customs. However, if taxes are too high, this may cause unrest or people may leave the country. Therefore it may be better to support the growth of your economy. You may make trade agreements with other countries, but keep in mind that custom fees are an important source for money.
Trade is everywhere in Europe, but the most important areas are the Mediterranean and the Baltic Sea as well as the Oversea Trade across the Atlantic. Military conflicts may interrupt trade routes and lead to less income.
Some of you may have a kind of constitution, which limits their ability to raise taxes.
There are two other sources for money, though. First of all you may find an ally, who does not want to get involved directly into your wars but may be willing to support you with gold. As said before, money is as good as soldiers. And if you are successful, you may have rich prey or may force the enemy to pay tribute.
So get yourself some money and have fun.

By he way, I will send you the status of your forces and your finances soon. Do not worry if you think you do not have enough soldiers, you may recruit more. And do not be too happy if you have a big army, you will have to pay for it.

03-11-2017, 09:32

Greetings from France!

We would like to have this opportunity to introduce our great realm to our benevolent neighbours. We at France have been carefully observing the situation at Europe and based on our past experiences we are worried about the current situation and the high tensions outside our borders. France calls for moderation and hope that peace can be achieved in Europe.

We have had our fair share of war during the past decades. To be exactment 36 years and 1 month we had turmoil that sprung from religious differences and hate. Once the affair which is also known as "French War of Religion" was settled. Our Roi, Henry IV in all his wisdom decided to sign the Edict of Nantes, thus making toleration an Royal notion in our Kingdom. Tolerance is defining feature of France. We do not oppress our minorities and the Roi has made his first priority that while a Catholic country, we will all be under protection of Roi and France. Those persecuted are always welcome to our Kingdom and together learning from past mistakes we will build our Kingdom as best place to live and prosper under the Sun.

We would also like to invite any ambassadours of our trusted neighbours and other Princes of Europe to discuss with us about any issues or prospects you might have that could involve France.

yours truly, On behalf Henry IV Très haut, très puissant et très excellent Prince, par la grâce de Dieu, Roi de France et de Navarre

Maximilien de Bethune, 1st Duke de Sully, Mareshall of France

03-11-2017, 10:33

In the name of His Imperial Majesty Rudolf II, by the grace of God elected Holy Roman Emperor, forever August, King in Germany, of Hungary, Bohemia, Dalmatia, Croatia, Slavonia, Rama, Serbia, Galicia, Lodomeria, Cumania and Bulgaria, Archduke of Austria, Duke of Burgundy, Brabant, Styria, Carinthia, Carniola, Luxemburg, Württemberg, the Upper and Lower Silesia, Prince of Swabia, Margrave of the Holy Roman Empire, Burgau, Moravia, the Upper and Lower Lusatia, Princely Count of Habsburg, Tyrol, Ferrette, Kyburg, Gorizia, Landgrave of Alsace, Lord of the Wendish March, Pordenone and Salins.

It is my pleasure to welcome any embassies to the Imperial Court in Prague. His Imperial Royal Majesty is a most learned man and patron of arts, whose private collection is unparalleled in Europe. Our Holy Roman Emperor decrees that he dedicates His person to preserve and protect all Christians, regardless of their church, and Jewish people. As such His Imperial Royal Majesty is now leading a Holy Alliance against the infidels, who are plaguing the Balkans and desire to invade the very heart of Christendom. Artists, philosophers and ambassadors are hereby invited to Prague, to discuss and better life and knowledge on this earth.

Wolfgang von Rumpf, Imperial Court Chamberlain

03-11-2017, 18:49

Announcement from Kingdom of France!

From this day forward. All games of mafia or wolf as they are called are to be forbidden in the Royal realm of France under the pain of death!

yours truly, On behalf Henry IV Très haut, très puissant et très excellent Prince, par la grâce de Dieu, Roi de France et de Navarre

Maximilien de Bethune, 1st Duke de Sully, Mareshall of France

OOC: This because of the recent more then disastrous events in the French revolution mafia game at gameroom!

Prince Cobra
03-12-2017, 22:27
I will try to take Spain. (despite some busy schedule but I can't miss that!). When is deadline?

Can I have time until the end of the coming week?

03-13-2017, 03:10
I need a bit more time as well, should have my research in the next day or so hopefully.

03-13-2017, 08:38
I will try to take Spain. (despite some busy schedule but I can't miss that!). When is deadline?

Can I have time until the end of the coming week?

Excellent! Welcome on board!!!!!!

Do not worry about timing. Right now there is still the prophase, where you can learn about your role and begin the diplomatic discussion.

I am going to post the first chapter, this may help you find your tasks. But there is still enough time to do the intro.

03-13-2017, 12:38
Chapter 1 (Year 1604)

The great Russian famine continues. During the last two-and-a-half-year period, 127,000 bodies were buried in mass graves in Moscow alone. Widespread starvation killed perhaps two million in Russia, a third of the population.

The government of Csar Boris Godunov distributes money and food for poor people in Moscow, but that only leads to refugees flocking to the capital and increasing the economic disorganization. The oligarchical faction, headed by the Romanovs, considers it a disgrace to obey a boyar; conspiracies are frequent; the rural districts are desolated by famine and plague; large bands of armed brigands roam the country committing all manner of atrocities; the Don Cossacks on the frontier are restless; and the government demonstrates it could not keep order.

Under the influence of the great nobles who had unsuccessfully opposed the election of Godunov, the general discontent is expressed as hostility to him as a usurper. Rumours circulate that the late tsar's younger brother Dmitri, thought to be dead, was still alive and in hiding.

A man calling himself Dmitri and professing to be the rightful heir to the throne, appears in the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth, looking for support against Boris Godunov.

Sigismund III Vasa, at one time king of both the Commonwealth and Sweden, lost the throne of Sweden. Few Commonwealth troops participated in that conflict, and it is mostly regarded as a Swedish civil war, not part of the Polish–Swedish wars. After an early stalemate, Sigismund was defeated at the Battle of Stångebro in 1598. By 1599 Sigismund was dethroned by his uncle, Duke Charles and forced to retreat to the Commonwealth. This also spelled the end of the short-lived personal union between Poland and Sweden. However it is uncertain whether Sigismund is willing to give up his claims on the Swedish throne. There are rumors, that he will try to gain support of the Sejm. Many Polish noblemen agree that Estonia was promised to become Polish and seem to be willing to give Sigismund military support to gain this land for the Commonwealth.

At Sweden, Carl is crowned as King Charles IX. Now this country has once again a protestant king. However, Charles must proof his ability to protect his country and the Protestant faith against all enemies, esp. against Sigismund.

At the Netherlands, war continues and so is the siege of Ostend. Dutch troops prepare a new operation to relief the city.

James receives the crown of England and Ireland as James I of England by the Anglican bishop and representatives of the Puritans. Now he is King of England and Ireland as well as King of Scotland. One thing he has to care about is the on-going war with Spain.

At France a conspiracy of a group of Catholic fanatics, called wolves of mafia, is revealed. The French government arrests several suspects and bans all activities of this group[/SIZE].

Desicions for chapter 1:

What is your position regarding Russia. Should Poland support Dimitry? If yes, how?

What is your position regarding Sweden?

There is always some trouble at your souther border and an invasion of the Ottoman Empire is always possible. What are your orders?

Please deploy your troops. Do you wish to recruit new ones?


the Spanish economy – Any activities to raise your income and reduce your debt??

Deploy your troops. Do you want to recruit new ones?

What are your orders regarding the wars against England, Netherlands and the Ottomans?

colonial competition - English and Dutch influence on the seas is increasing. What to do about the situation? The Spanish colonists ask for more support, more money, more troops, more settlers and the right to produce and own weapons.


How do you want to deploy your troops? Want to recruit new ones??

Sweden is a small country with a big army. Any plans to raise more money to pay it?

What is your plan regarding Russia? The country is in times of troubles and should not be able to resist any invator.

What are your plans regarding Sigismund and a potential Polish attempt to gain Estonia?


How do you want to deploy your troops? Want to recruit new ones??

You are still at war with Spain. What are your orders?

Netherlands: Are you going to support the Dutch in their fight against Spain?

Religion: How do you treat Protestants, Puritans and Catholics in your country? Are you going to support the rights of Protestants in other countries? How??

Colonies: Spain and Netherlands are competitors in the oversea trade. Any plans to increase your share?

Baltic Sea: The trade in the Baltic Sea gives you a good income. Now it seems as tensions are growing there. How do you deal with that?


Want to recruit new troops?

What is your policy regarding Catholics and Protestants?

What is your stand regarding the war between Spain and the Netherlands?



How do you want to deploy your troops? Want to recruit new ones??

What is your policy regarding Catholics and Protestants?

Any idea to unify and centralize the empire?

Do you support the Spanish against the Dutch?

What is your plan regarding the Ottoman Empire?

03-14-2017, 16:37

Leader: Sigismund III Vasa, King of Poland and Archduke of Lithuania

Anne Marie (Polish: Anna Maria; 23 May 1593 – 9 February 1600)
Catherine (Polish: Katarzyna; 9 May 1594 – 5 June 1594)
Vladislaus (Polish: Władysław; 9 June 1595 – 20 May 1648), reigned 1632–1648 as Władysław IV Vasa of Poland
Catherine (Polish: Katarzyna; 27 September 1596 – 11 June 1597)
Christopher (Polish: Krzysztof; 10 February 1598)

And secondly, on 11 December 1605, to his first wife's sister, Constance of Austria (1588–1631). They had seven children:

John Casimir (Polish: Jan Kazimierz; 25 December 1607 – 14 January 1608)
John Casimir (Polish: Jan Kazimierz; 22 March 1609 – 1672), reigned 1648–1668 as John II Casimir Vasa of Poland
John Albert (Polish: Jan Albert/Olbracht; 25 May 1612 – 22 December 1634)
Charles Ferdinand (Polish: Karol Ferdynand; 13 October 1613 – 9 May 1655)
Alexander Charles (Polish: Aleksander Karol; 4 November 1614 – 19 November 1634)
Anna Constance (Polish: Anna Konstancja; 26 January 1616 – 24 May 1616)
Anna Catherine Constance (Polish: Anna Katarzyna Konstancja; 7 August 1619 – 8 October 1651) was the first wife of Philip William, Elector Palatine.




Military Campaigns:

Military Org:



Religion: Catholic

03-14-2017, 19:48

Leader: Sigismund III Vasa, King of Poland and Archduke of Lithuania

I think you still use the title King of Sweden, although you been defeated by Charles. ~D

03-14-2017, 22:14
Announcement from Kingdom of France!


On this day the 17th of February Anno Domini 1604.

With great sorrow we have to inform that the King´s sister Catherine de Bourbon has passed away to eternity at the Palace of the Dukes of Lorraine only six days after her 45th birthday. Catherine will be remembered as a resourceful lady. She served for a long time as regent of Bearn when her brother the King had to fight in the religious wars. She also served the Kingdom at King´s Royal council until her death and among other things was an avid writer.

While stricken with grief. Our King in all his wisdom has declared that from this day onward this day February 17th is to become a "Day of Women". So we can knowledge and celebrate the Loyal and dutiful women of France. No matter were they our Wives or mothers, sisters or daughters. Because in the end what we would be without our lovely and wise women, who tend to us and take care for all we men are too busy to handle?

yours truly, On behalf Henry IV Très haut, très puissant et très excellent Prince, par la grâce de Dieu, Roi de France et de Navarre

Maximilien de Bethune, 1st Duke de Sully, Mareshall of France

03-15-2017, 16:41
I am very pleased to see that diplomatic discussion is going on. Please note that you do not have to send me a copy, only if there are agreements I have to know for the story.

How long do you think you will need for discussions and decisions?

03-15-2017, 17:21
I think could get my decisons for Friday, but those who have joined later might struggle with such deadline. In any case it is crucial to keep things rolling, as it can become easy as a player to try and make too many policies in one year and that can also start to drag the speed of the game.

Prince Cobra
03-15-2017, 23:01
We will request time until Sunday. We already considered some actions but we still need to move forward our diplomatic correspondence.

Kind regards from the court of His Most Catholic Majesty Philip III, King of Spain and Portugal
King of Naples, Sicily and Sardinia and Duke of Milan

Prince Cobra
03-18-2017, 10:01
Building on the efforts of Swordsmaster in the previous game.

Ruler: Philip III https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philip_III_of_Spain

Heir: Philip IV (succeeded in 1621)

Other Children: Anne
Maria Anna
Charles (died heirless)
Ferdinand (became a cardinal)

Prime minister: Duke of Lerma https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Francisco_G%C3%B3mez_de_Sandoval,_1st_Duke_of_Lerma

Lerma, a financial wizard, succeeded in turning Spain’s account books around and made himself one of the richest men in Europe with a fortune of some 44 million thalers, Lerma’s personal success attracted enemies and well-founded allegations of corruption; in 1618, the king replaced him with on Baltasar de Zúñiga. While the Duke of Lerma (and to a large extent Philip III) had been disinterested in the affairs of their ally, Austria, de Zúñiga was a veteran ambassador to Vienna and believed that the key to restraining the resurgent French and eliminating the Dutch was a closer alliance with Habsburg Austria.

Alliances: a close union with the Austrian Habsburgs, member of the Holy Catholic League

in wars against the Ottomans (almost since the beginning of 16th century) and protestants (against the Dutch rebellion since 1566, against the English (since 1585), France (1589-1594 and 1595-1598) )

Army Organisation:

Military https://crossfireamersfoort.wordpress.com/2012/07/02/the-spanish-army-of-the-thirty-years-war/

Wiki Tercio https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tercio

Economic & military situation

Faced with wars against England, France, and the Netherlands, each led by extraordinarily capable leaders, already-bankrupted Spain was outmatched. Struggling with continuing piracy against its shipping in the Atlantic and the disruption of its vital gold shipments from the New World, Spain was forced to admit bankruptcy again in 1596. The Spanish attempted to extricate themselves from the several conflicts they were involved in, first signing the Treaty of Vervins with France in 1598, recognizing Henry IV (since 1593 a Catholic) as king of France, and restoring many of the stipulations of the previous Peace of Cateau-Cambresis. A treaty with England was agreed upon in 1604, following the accession of the more tractable Stuart King James I.

Peace with England and France implied that Spain could focus her energies on restoring her rule to the Dutch provinces. The Dutch, led by Maurice of Nassau, the son of William the Silent and perhaps the greatest strategist of his time, had succeeded in taking a number of border cities since 1590, including the fortress of Breda. Following the peace with England, the new Spanish commander Ambrosio Spinola pressed hard against the Dutch.

In 1618 Spain got involved into the european 30 years war, but by 1640, with the tensions generated by the war, Portugal and Catalunya rebelled. While the rebellion in Catalunya could be supressed, Portugal was lost to the Crown forever.

More detailed economic situation

At the time the lands under the Crown of the Spanish Habsburgs were not unified country but lands unified only by the person of the ruler. Philip III had lands in the Western part of the Holy Roman Empire and was also an overlord of the Spanish Netherlands (and titular head of all of the Low Lands as the Dutch were considered rebels). The King of Spain was also a duke of Milan and Naples and Sicily, this having a considerable powerbase in Italy. Through a personal union with Portugal he was also a King of Portugal and all its colonies under the name of Philip II of Portugal.

To make the things more complicated, Spain was also a union of states: the Kingdom of Castile and Aragon with an autonomous region of Catalunya. All of these lands have their own administration, councils and taxes and significant autonomy. The most taxed Kingdom was Castile but Castilian nobility also occupied most of the high ranked positions in the royal administration. As a result, although hard to manage, the Iberian lands did not experience almost any major rebellions until the later 30's unlike many contemporary countries. However, the complicated tax system of the Spanish Habsburg and constant wars led to a constant shortage of money and heavy borrowing from the bank houses. The silver from the Americas had an important role in balancing the bills of the Crown and covering the debt.

The influx of silver led to a inflation significantly higher than the rest of Europe. The wages were slower to raise which led to impoverishment of a large part of the population. In addition, the higher inflation undermined the competitiveness of the Spanish economy as imports were cheaper and exports more expensive. The Iberian countries exported predominantly raw products (famously wool) that used to be processed abroad ( in the Low Lands). Due to rural poverty and primogeniture there was a trend of immigration towards the bigger cities and New World.

More information on economics



The Spanish Habsburg were devout Catholics. The rebellion and loss of what is now the Netherlands was to a large extend a religious conflict caused by the determination of the Spanish Habsburg to restore Catholicism. All of the remaining lands of Philip III were fully Catholic. In 15th and 16th century virtually all of the Muslim and Jewish minority was expulsed or converted to Catholicism , though there was a general distrust towards the new converts. Spaniards had to even demonstrate "purity of blood": "old Christian" background in order to access certain positions of authority. This distrust led to expulsion of converts from the country and confiscation of their property. This was acclaimed by the rest of the population and church but was ruinous to the economy of certain Spanish regions.

The Spanish Inquisition had an important role in keeping the zeal and eradicating heresies. While far from the religious tolerance, the Inquisition was much demonized in the coming centuries. For example, the famous witch hunts were far more widespread in the other parts of Europe (France, Scotland and Germany).


03-18-2017, 14:59
Deadline is Sunday, HRE-time.

03-18-2017, 22:34
https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/b2/55/3c/b2553c4dfbbdadc9214597eadeacc694.jpg https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/fe/54/43/fe5443e5c2b1f4c4e885277b39bea8b9.jpg

Let it be known throughout Europe and the whole world that His Imperial Majesty Rudolf II, by the grace of God elected Holy Roman Emperor, forever August, King in Germany, of Hungary, Bohemia, Dalmatia, Croatia, Slavonia, Rama, Serbia, Galicia, Lodomeria, Cumania and Bulgaria, Archduke of Austria, Duke of Burgundy, Brabant, Styria, Carinthia, Carniola, Luxemburg, Württemberg, the Upper and Lower Silesia, Prince of Swabia, Margrave of the Holy Roman Empire, Burgau, Moravia, the Upper and Lower Lusatia, Princely Count of Habsburg, Tyrol, Ferrette, Kyburg, Gorizia, Landgrave of Alsace, Lord of the Wendish March, Pordenone and Salins; and Lord Christian the Fourth, King of all Denmark and Norway, the Goths and the Wends, duke of Schleswig, Holstein, Stormarn, and Ditmarsh, count of Oldenburg and Delmenhorst, etc have agreed to and signed a defensive pact vowing to support one another. May God preserve the Empire and Denmark!

Kryštof Harant z Polžic a Bezdružic, Imperial Advisor

Prince Cobra
03-19-2017, 11:42
Spain, Portugal, Naples, Sicily and Milan proudly announce that a peace treaty has been agreed with the Kingdom of England and Scotland.

Philip III
King of Spain, Portugal, Naples, Sicily and Duke of Milan

(details will come out in the chapter)

03-19-2017, 20:50
Orders sent.:bow:

03-20-2017, 17:18
I have all orders but still a couple of question. There is quite a huge work, so it will take until end of week to write the new chapter.

By the way, I am in a bad mood - expect the worst!!

03-20-2017, 17:31
Take your time Franc. From experience i know how laboursome writing these is.:bow:

03-20-2017, 19:07
Yeah, thank you very much Franc ^^

By the way, I am in a bad mood - expect the worst!!

Quickly have all the churches play the Miserere non stop!

03-24-2017, 11:19
First, I would like to say that it is a honour to play with you, as you all are such nice, peace-loving and tolerant guys. Maybe too good for the world.

Second: I wrote the chapter for Sweden, HRE, Spain. Poles, French and English are still missing. Work is in progress, but will take some time.

03-27-2017, 12:24
Chapter 2 – Anno Domini 1604

Baltic Sea
This year Russian harvest is a bit better than the year before, but there are not enough peasants to crop the acres. Trade and artisanry are down. The Russian czar Boris Godunow is doing his best to help his people. There are bad news from the west. Dmitri left Poland at the end of spring and gathers an army. Many Russian boyars like Wassili Schuiski support him as well as Polish noblemen. There are also regular Polish and Swedish cavalry detachments observed in the northern and western provinces. Boris Godunow is forced to gather his troops to face this new threat, but his force is small. However, he hopes that the Russian winter will defeat Dmitri before he reaches Moscow.

Sweden ends the dispute with Sigismund, who gives up his personal claims on the Swedish crown as well as the Polish claims on Estonia. This gives King Charles the opportunity to reduce his army. Although the situation at the border to Poland is calm, Swedish riders penetrate deeply into the Russian realm.
Swedish noblemen are very satisfied with the peace treaty. They hope that the King will use the Russian weakness to gain control over some provinces there.

The Polish aristocrats are taken by surprise about the new friendship with Sweden. Although they do not care whether Sigismund gives up claims on the Swedish crown, they do not accept that he is giving up Polish claims on Estonia. Some very influential families advance the view, that the transfer of Estonia from Swedish property to Poland was a precondition of the election of Sigismund and that his nomination as Kong of Poland would be valid, if Estonia falls back to the Swedish. In this case, Maximilian of Habsburg could be a substitute.
There are also some irritations about the fact, that some 50 noblemen are allowed to go to France to serve as Hussatias there.
The noble families of Poland agree that the Polish Sejm should meet in the beginning of AD 1605 to discuss these issues in detail.

During spring there is a number of Tartar raids in souther Poland. The army of Sigismund is sent to fight these raids and after July, the Tartars retreat and disappear. However, there are also Cossack raids across the Russian border, which go on until end of October.

Kaiser Rudolf II calls to a Reichstag at Regensburg. In March the first noble men from the empire appear and are welcomed by the Kaiser. Rudolf takes care that they are entertained well. Soon the news leaks that the emperor is going to start a new crusade against the Turks. The attendants spontaneously promise to support him. During the following months, more and more noblemen from all over the realm appear. In Mai the members of the House of Habsburg arrive, among them the Emperors brothers Matthias and Maximilian, as well as Ferdinand, Archduke of Austria. They are accompanied by agents of the Pope. Soon a new discussion takes place about the rule Cuius Regio Eius Religio. Rudolf makes a declaration that there shall be tolerance and that high officials can be from all religions. Matthias, Maximilian and Ferdinand oppose and make a pact to implement Cuius Regio Eius Religio and to fight Protestantism all over the Habsburg countries. They agree with the agents of the Pope that Jesuits shall begin with the conversion of the Protestants, that Protestant churches shall be converted and their priests forced to leave the countries.
Finally, all representatives from the Empire joined and the Reichstag can begin. The Reichstag decides that the Reichsarmee shall be mobilized and brought to Vienna until June Anno Domini 1605. However, some princes complain that they will probably not be able to set up their contingent so quickly.
Harmony is interrupted as the Kaiser makes two other declarations: first all refugees, even Protestants may find shelter and are to be settled in the Hungarian and Croatian territories. Second, the cities are to have a single vote each. Of course this causes a storm of protest. The prince-electors refuse to give up any rights to the cities and the Catholics protest against the settlement of Protestants. Soon rumors go around that the Kaiser suffers from mental disease and that his illegal son Julio is completely insane. Several noblemen urge the Kaiser to fix the succession.
Before the Reichstag ends, there is a new issue coming from the Free Imperial City of Donauwoerth. The city is populated mainly with Protestant. At April 25th, however, five monks from the order of St. Benedictus with a couple of Catholics made a Marcus procession through the city, singing and waving their flags. Although this was their right according to the Treaty of Augsburg, it was a clear provocation of the Protestant majority. When they tried to return through the city, they found the gates blocked. The procession ended in a brawl. A notary of the Bishop of Augsburg attended the accident and recorded it in writing. Now the Bishop of Augsburg brings this case to the Emperor and demands guaranties for the Catholics and punishment of the Protestants.
There are also news from Hungary. There is evidence that local noblemen are in contact with the sultan to start a conspiracy against the Emperor.
In the meantime, the whole army of Habsburg marches from Vienna eastwards. The commander, Hermann von Russwurm deploy the army of about 35,000 men near the fort Raab (Gyor). Here the organizes the supply and prepares for winter.

There are many rumours going around at Paris. Most of them deal with “maitresses”, Catherine de Balzac, Antoinette de Pons, Jacqueline de Bueil, only to name a few. Of course, these affairs amoureuse are nothing that the Parisiens would blame their king for, but lately there are some strange rumours that the king cares more about his affairs than about the political duties. His maitresse and the queen, they say, have more and more influence on the French policy. Some well informed sources even tell that these women are under the influence of Jesuit priests, which pop up lately all over the realm and especially at the royal palace. Is it any wonder that the Huguenots are getting uneasy? In this context the announcement of Henri to introduce a new “woman day” leads to unrest. A crowd of furious people attacks the carriage of Lady de Pons. The Royal Guard is able to prevent any personal damage and gendarmes quickly restores order at Paris. However, the tensions remain.
In August there is a new accident, that may cause more trouble. At a small town south-east of Paris Huguenots begin to build a new church. Catholic citizens assault the construction area, wound several workers and destroy the building. While the Huguenots begin to reactivate their militia, the Catholics write a letter to the King to complain about the violation of the Edict of Nantes.

In September, a strange delegations lands at Marseille: twelve ships bring the representatives of the Ottoman Sultan and his entourage. He travels to Paris, where he is welcomed with highest honours by the King and his ministers. He lives in a Palais near the Royal Palast and is soon the centre of the social life. Of course, his visit has a diplomatic reason, too, and rumours are spread that Henri prepares an alliance with the Sultan to invade the Holy Roman Empire.

France sends an expedition to build a new colony at Northern America, which will be called La Nouvelle France.

The Dutch War
The siege of Ostend goes for the climax. The Spaniards increase their efforts to assault the last harbour of the rebels at Flanders. With Ambrosio Spinola a new Spanish commander appears at the scene. With new troops and support of an Italian besiege engineer he begins a war of attrition.

In January, however, a Dutch convoy reaches the town and supplies it with food and reinforcements.

Between February and March the city is badly damaged by severe storms and the Spanish continue to dig trenches ever closer and began constructing a mine under the fortresses Porcepisc and the West Bulwark.

On 12 March the Spanish launch a determined effort to carry the lesser Polder bulwark. The little fort is soon overwhelmed and the defenders are at last driven out of it and forced to take refuge in the next work; the first attrition success for Spinola.

On 18 April Spinola orders another assault this time on the Western ravelin. After a hand to hand action in which great numbers of officers and soldiers are lost on both sides the fort is eventually carried. This is an important success for the Spanish who have now worked their way with galleries and ditches along the whole length of the counterscarp till they were nearly up with the Porcepsic. Soon after the Spanish assault the main Porcepsic itself but are repelled with further losses, but despite this Spinola then undertakes a formal siege of the enceinte

Maurice of Orange receives the news of the capture of the West and Polder ravelins with astonishment and harbours first fears about the fate of Ostend. He decides to launch an attack at either Ostend or Sluis; the latter was chosen hoping to draw out the Spanish or to capture Sluis, an inland port similar to Ostend as a back up plan.

More bad news for the Dutch is the English-Spanish peace treaty, which interrupts the English support for the Netherlands. However, Maurice is able to convince the English and Scottish regiments at least as long as the Dutch are able to pay them.

Maurice at the head of a Dutch 18,000 men enters Flanders in April 1604, and laid siege to Sluis on. Spinola quickly sends his cavalry to support the Spanish garrison of Sluis and to stop the Dutch advance. Although he slows down the advance of the Dutch, he cannot hinder them to isolate and besiege Sluis.
In July Spinola himself makes another attempt to relieve Sluis with 10,000 men. Maurice however ses the plan and sets a large force to work, and in forty-eight hours he has dug a trench which effectually stopped the passage. He then mounts several guns and opens a heavy and continuous fire on the Spanish troops.

On the evening of the 6th of August Spinola makes an attack on the Dutch lines, and there is a desperate fighting in the trenches. In the end the Spanish are forced to retreat after a Dutch column comes and surprises the flank of the assailants causing the loss of some 700 men.

On the 18th after two months of trying to relieve Sluis, Spinola gives up hope and marches away dispirited and returns to resume the siege of Ostend.

The garrison of Sluis is now reduced to great straits by famine, the 4,000 half-starved garrison troops, some of them scarcely able to walk could not hold out any longer. On 20 August 1604, upon hearing the news of the retreat of Spinola, Governor Serrano surrenders the city to Maurice

In the meantime, the Dutch commander of Ostend builds new defences inside the city. The remaining Spanish forces continue the war of attrition. They
ignite several mines under the Dutch position managing to push them further backwards.

On 25 July a convoy manages to get into Ostend with reinforcements of 800 Zealanders. Soon after unseasonable storms play havoc on the defences of Ostend and with it Dutch supply ships are finding it difficult to make their way into Ostend

On 22 August two days after the surrender of Sluis, a combination of high tide and another storm sweeps away a significant proportion of the new fortification shrinking the defenders position further; the Northern defences are abandoned. On 13 September the Spanish take possession that had defied them for nearly three years and begin to bombard the walls in front of the Old Haven. The position is now untenable, the besieged are now holding out in the rubble strewn old town. The bloody war of attrition has last succeeded and the garrison sents messengers to Maurice to try and assist.

Maurice's capture of Sluis however has made it less essential for the Republic to hold on to Ostend; The decision is made to grant the Ostend garrison the permission to surrender.

Finally, the accord is signed on 20 September; d'Hertaing surrenders the city to the forces of Ambrosio Spinola. The articles of capitulation grant the defenders full military honours.

At Spain the people are relieved by the peace treaty with England. In September, the bells ring to celebrate the victory of Ostend. However, the King is still waiting for the convoy from Americas, which is a bit late this year. Finally he arrives loaded with precious metal and other goods. However, he brings bad news, too. In spring four Dutch ships raided the coasts of the Philippines, sinking merchant ships and burning down Spanish settlements. Therefore the gain from the America convoy is 1 mio less than it could have been.

The Spanish armada succeeds to attack Dutch convoy on the way from Africa homewards. The Spaniards sink two ships, while the rest is able to escape.

England & Scotland
James ends the old hostilities of his precursor and makes a peace treaty with Spain. He also calls the parliament to discuss combining the two crowns and also to raise new taxes to strengthen the armed forces and foster colonization.
Although parliament honours the king, there is a lot of scorching criticism. Most of the parlamentarians do not agree with the peace treaty. The protestants are are furious, because this treaty means betraying the protestant brothers of the Netherlands, which are desperately fighting against the Catholic invaders. The merchants also disagree with the treaty as the raids against the Spanish ships used to be a very profitable business. The parliament also refuses to raise taxes, as obviously there is no need to increase the army now that war is over. And the parliament is not willing to finance the royal ambitions to increase the realm by colonization and to fill the royal treasure. Further more both parliaments remind the King that there is a personal union but not a united kingdom of England and Scotland, and this is how it should remain.

Finally there is a compromise regarding tax: parliament agrees to keep taxes at the current level for another year. Next year there will be another meeting where the King ought to present his ideas about colonization and how he thinks private investments could participate in these enterprises. The Scottish parliament demands that the king also supports the foundation of Scottish colonies and supports the efforts of Scottish noblemen to earn money in the New World. Furthermore parliament urges the King to keep on supporting the Netherlands, as a victory of the Spaniards would be a threat for England.

In July, the royal guard arrests three Jesuits at Dover. Catholic citizens protest against this violation of religious tolerance.
After the fall of Ostend in September, the Protestants protest against the policy of the King and demand immediate support for the Netherlands.

03-28-2017, 17:52
Did I forget sth? Any questions??

I am going to send you the new numbers for your planning soon.

1) you can order expeditions to explore and exploit colonies. Just send the info to me.
2) You can get into contact with any neutral party - just send a message to me
3) You can discuss with your noble or parliament - via me
4) There are some actions real noble men would not do - using spies or bribing noblemen from his own country or from someone others country.
5) please keep in mind that building up new troops takes at least one year.

Prince Cobra
03-30-2017, 23:16
Just some apologies. I will do most of my diplomatic actions during the weekend. Great work, Franc.

03-31-2017, 10:28
Don't worry. I am very busy, too.

04-03-2017, 13:50
Brother Kings,

We all have been wronged and this heinous breech of order has disturbed God’s just order on Earth.

Every kingdom of Christendom is beset with rebellion and the questioning of Royal Authority.

However, this is due to the usurpation of kingly authority by an interloper.

The state of monarchy is the supremest thing upon earth, for kings are not only God's lieutenants upon earth and sit upon God's throne, but even by God himself they are called gods. There be three principal [comparisons] that illustrate the state of monarchy: one taken out of the word of God, and the two other out of the grounds of policy and philosophy. In the Scriptures kings are called gods, and so their power after a certain relation compared to the Divine power. Kings are also compared to fathers of families; for a king is truly parens patriae [parent of the country], the politic father of his people. And lastly, kings are compared to the head of this microcosm of the body of man.

In Romans 13 Paul refers to Monarchs as God’s Ministers. The wielders of rightful earthly authority.

Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.
Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation.
For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same:
For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil.
Wherefore ye must needs be subject, not only for wrath, but also for conscience sake.
For this cause pay ye tribute also: for they are God's ministers, attending continually upon this very thing.
Render therefore to all their dues: tribute to whom tribute is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honour to whom honour.

In the case of England, Scotland, and Ireland we have subjects who cannot enjoy full rights because they mistakenly believe others have first call on their loyalties.

In the case of Spain and others among us, they question the authority of the Pope to rule their Kings and to tell all how God is to be served.

For it is not a low borne elected pope who should be obeyed but the Kings who wield Gods authority on earth.

The Pope and his churchmen usurp our rightful authority and in doing so divide the people as to where rightful authority lies. He commands kings to follow his wishes to war on those who do not put him above the kings and calls upon our subjects to make war on their rightful kings who will not obey his will.

There is no rightful power between King and God to interpose their will. This is the cause of our continual strife. An abomination to God’s Ordering Of the World.

We do not wish war with others who would follow his rule but we do not recognise any authority between us and God telling us what is the correct order of life. Nor should you.

On there three counts alone the Church should submit its self to keeping souls and not to commanding kings.

1 The Old Testament, in which God chose kings to rule over Israel, beginning with Saul who was then rejected by God in favour of David, whose dynasty continued (at least in the southern kingdom) until the Babylonian captivity.
2 The New Testament, in which the first pope, St. Peter, commands that all Christians shall honour the Roman Emperor (1 Peter 2:13–20), even though, at that time, he was still a pagan emperor. St. Paul agreed with St. Peter that subjects should be obedient to the powers that be because they are appointed by God, as he wrote in his Epistle to the Romans 13:1-7. Likewise, Jesus Christ proclaims in the Gospel of Matthew that one should "Render unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's"; that is at first, literally, the payment of taxes as binding those who use the imperial currency (Matthew 22:15–22). Jesus told Pontius Pilate that his authority as Roman governor of Judaea came from heaven according to John 19:10–11.
3 The endorsement by the popes and the church of the line of emperors beginning with the Emperors Constantine and Theodosius, later the Eastern Roman emperors, and finally the Western Roman emperor, Charlemagne and his successors, the Catholic Holy Roman Emperors.

The wars of Religion must stop or they will devastate all our lands. The Pope must recognise our authority to order our States where he has no right by the Word of God to interfere.

These wars are over the power of Rome to tell the people what they must do and what they must believe. Will you fight for the power of Rome or for your own rights as Kings?

Are we united in asserting our right to rule or must we war to empower authority for one man over kings?

Where do you stand?

We must pressure the Pope to renounce his supposed authority over all secular matters. In Ecclesiastical Courts if need be.

This would reestablish Royal Authority over all our subjects. Allow us to grant the rights deserving to all subjects. End the arguments over church control over publishing Bibles and the interference of churchmen in the rule of secular law and our rightful due.

James IV King of Scotts, James I King of England & Ireland

04-03-2017, 15:05
Dictatus papae

The representatives of the Holy See want to remind all sceptical and misled to the Dictatus papae, which is part of the Christian believe and tradition since Anno Domini 1075:

1.That the Roman church was founded by God alone.
2.That the Roman pontiff alone can with right be called universal.
3.That he alone can depose or reinstate bishops.
4.That, in a council his legate, even if a lower grade, is above all bishops, and can pass sentence of deposition against them.
5.That the pope may depose the absent.
6.That, among other things, we ought not to remain in the same house with those excommunicated by him.
7.That for him alone is it lawful, according to the needs of the time, to make new laws, to assemble together new congregations, to make an abbey of a canonry; and, on the other hand, to divide a rich bishopric and unite the poor ones.
8.That he alone may use the imperial insignia.
9.That of the pope alone all princes shall kiss the feet.
10.That his name alone shall be spoken in the churches.
11.That this title [Pope] is unique in the world.
12.That it may be permitted to him to depose emperors.
13.That he may be permitted to transfer bishops if need be.
14.That he has power to ordain a clerk of any church he may wish.
15.That he who is ordained by him may preside over another church, but may not hold a subordinate position; and that such a one may not receive a higher grade from any bishop.
16.That no synod shall be called a general one without his order.
17.That no chapter and no book shall be considered canonical without his authority.
18.That a sentence passed by him may be retracted by no one; and that he himself, alone of all, may retract it.
19.That he himself may be judged by no one.
20.That no one shall dare to condemn one who appeals to the apostolic chair.
21.That to the latter should be referred the more important cases of every church.
22.That the Roman church has never erred; nor will it err to all eternity, the Scripture bearing witness.
23.That the Roman pontiff, if he have been canonically ordained, is undoubtedly made holy by the merits of St. Peter; St. Ennodius, bishop of Pavia, bearing witness, and many holy fathers agreeing with him. As is contained in the decrees of St. Symmachus the pope.
24.That, by his command and consent, it may be lawful for subordinates to bring accusations.
25.That he may depose and reinstate bishops without assembling a synod.
26.That he who is not at peace with the Roman church shall not be considered catholic.
27.That he may absolve subjects from their fealty to wicked men.

04-03-2017, 18:54
Where as, Royal Authority is founded in Scripture and the Word of God, none of the Papal claims are to be found there or even the apocryphal writings but are merely the assertions of men wishing to expand their illegitimate claims to power above the Holly ordering of God.

This is a case the Church can not win if tried before any honest and learned man of God.

It causes much grief and the shedding of blood and only to the benefit of an ever more corrupt clergy. Honest and forthright men would repudiate claims which can not be found in Scripture and can only be the wanton graspings of power by those not entitled to weald it.

Do honest men of God rely on trickery, fraud, and forgery? Questioned from its very revolution it has been more than 150 years since the device by which Popes claimed Royal Authority was proven for all time to be a fraud and a forgery. The said Donation of Constantine. Is it by such device and deceit that they rest upon infallibility?

Are kings to base their authority upon the undisputed word of God or to submit to the whims and declarations of proven deceivers?

James Rex

Prince Cobra
04-03-2017, 19:42
Announcement from the Palace of El Escorial

We, Philip III King of Spain, Portugal, Naples, Sicily and Sardinia, Duke of Milan, disapprove the mention of Spain in this context. We do not doubt the power of the Holy Father and our place in the family of the Holy Catholic Church. It is to our faith and divine support we owe the expelling of the infidels from our lands, the triumph over the pagan empires in the New World and our recent victory in Lepanto against the Turks. Furthermore we believe that Spain is a perfect example of how Kings and Popes can help each other and bring about great fruits. Indeed, there has been challenges but this is only a test for our faith and determination.

However, we, Philip III are not a cleric, despite our knowledge, deep faith and dedication to the Holy Catholic Church. We advise our fellow monarchs to mostly leave the religious discussions to the clergy. For after all, too many people suffered because of false interpretation of the Holy texts.

Loyal son of the Holy Catholic Church

His Most Catholic Majesty

Philip III

04-04-2017, 16:20
Deadline on Wednesday?

04-04-2017, 16:59
Deadline on Wednesday?

Tomorrow is bit fast for me. How about Saturday?

04-04-2017, 17:30
Tomorrow is bit fast for me. How about Saturday?

04-04-2017, 17:34
The Holy See has to inform all Christians that our Holy Father Pope Clement VIII died tonight. He passed away from sorrow over his beloved but went astray children of England and Scotland. His last words were a prey for the English King. Now he is united with all the martyrs, which died for the faith of the Catholic belief.

Prince Cobra
04-04-2017, 20:35
All of Spain and Portugal grieve the loss of our spiritual father. We will pray for his swift ascension to Heaven.


Philip III & II

04-07-2017, 09:40
Cardinal Alessandro de' Medici was elected as pope. He chose to be called Leo XI in honor of his uncle Pope Leo X.
His election was strongly supported by the cardinals of the Reich.

[ 19590

04-07-2017, 18:48

His Imperial Majesty, Kaiser Rudolf II, welcomes the new Holy Father and looks forward for His Holiness guidance in dealing with the current turmoil in Christendom, which is only favouring the infedel Saracens.

04-08-2017, 05:01
France also welcomes the New Holy father.

Concerning the issues brought up by the King of England and Scotland. We think that the Church ought to to look into to the matter internally and and seek the guidance of the God in the matter. In matters of religion there are many possibilities for misunderstandings. Let us give you an example.

As you all know at 1598 France decided to ratify the Edict of Nantes in order to bring to the end the religious wars. In the edict several rights and privileges for the French people were given and while the Edict is quite clear, the possibility for misunderstandings is always present. Just last year in a town near Paris those with reformed faith decided to build a new church, since their old one was become unsuitable to use. This provoked the Catholic people of the town to dismantle the new church and rightly so, because in the Edict of Nantes the reformed were allowed to continue to follow their faith in areas where they already had places of worship. The reformed at the town made the mistake to build a new church, when they should have repaired the old one. Thankfully the good catholic citizens helped them to fix the issue by dismantling the new church. Now in order to end the dispute and guarantee the reformed their place of worship. The crown of France will help the reformed to repair their old church, like they should have done to begin with.

yours truly, Henry IV Très haut, très puissant et très excellent Prince, par la grâce de Dieu, Roi de France et de Navarre


Prince Cobra
04-08-2017, 21:44

I would be late with my decisions with about a day/ max. two. I will do my best to deliver them on Sunday. :shame:

04-10-2017, 13:06

things are not going well.

1) I have just received orders from England and HRE. Csargo has to leave the game, I am trying to get a substitute. So there are still Spain, Sweden and France missing. Please hurry!!!!

2) Pope Leo XI died after a mandate of only 27 days. We have to do another election. All catholic sovereigns may send their support.

04-11-2017, 14:47
Now France and Sweden are missing!

El Barto
04-11-2017, 20:11
So, can I haz into Polen, da or nie?

(@Franconicus, check your inbox!)

04-12-2017, 06:10
Now France and Sweden are missing!

I will give mine today.I am missing some communications, but those have to wait.

04-12-2017, 08:57
So, can I haz into Polen, da or nie?

(@Franconicus, check your inbox!)

You are in and welcome. Please wait a moment until I received this move. Your time begins after the next chapter!

04-14-2017, 08:23
Still waiting for France and Sweden :wall:

04-18-2017, 07:26
anything happening? :sweatdrop::shrug:

04-18-2017, 17:01
No idea! There are several rumours:
1) The French King spends the holidays with his maitresses in bed.
2) He is with his troops on the way to lay besiege on La Rochelle.
3) He caught the plague.

Come on, Kage!

El Barto
04-18-2017, 23:15
I can't substitute for all players, even if I do like playing with myself.

04-20-2017, 10:41
I assume Kage is ill, otherwise he would have told us why he cannot send his orders. I suggest to wait until the end of the week.

In the meantime, El Barto will get the leadership of the (Free) Netherlands. :ave:
You can already begin to contact him and exchange diplomatic notes. ~:grouphug::knuddel:

El Barto
04-21-2017, 02:47
In the meantime, El Barto will get the leadership of the (Free) Netherlands. :ave:
No, no, no such gestures worthy of the Roman Empire. The Low Countries shall be free and equal, free of the tyranny of the Catholic Church and their Habsburg puppets. The entirety of the lands will be free, safe from sea, from man and from beast, and from religious intolerance. Long live the Reformation, may it shine the light on you all.

El Barto
04-23-2017, 00:21
Could we have the player list in the OP updated? I'm reading through the thread -I might have to take notes.

04-24-2017, 12:52
Began to write the new chapter! Still waiting for France, though!!

El Barto
04-24-2017, 19:27
I'll put me clogs on.

04-26-2017, 16:22
I'll put me clogs on.

If you're ready you can make your introduction post.

El Barto
04-26-2017, 22:22
I don't have any introduction written. I thought I would start play after this update.

04-28-2017, 10:23
Chapter 3 – Anno Domini 1605


In the year of the Lord 1605 the rift inside Christianity expands as James, King of England and Scotland, claims both the secular and the spiritual power. Pope Clement VIII vetoes this. While this dispute is going on Clement dies, some say due to the affront of James.

The Papal conclave comes together and elects Alessandro Ottaviano de’ Medici with the votes of the German and Spanish cardinals. He is consecrated as Leo XI on April 1st. Leo is known as a moderate and people expect him to ease the conflict inside Christianity. However, after a papacy of 27 days, Leo XI dies and leaves Christianity unshepherded once again. Most of the Catholics recognize that the death of two popes in a single year forebodes bad times and in dead it is obvious that evil times are imminent.

The cardinals return to Rome. This time they elect 63 year old Roberto Bellarmino. He is a well educated Jesuit and as Urban VIII he leaves no doubt that he is willing to match for the evil.

HRE & Austria

In the meantime Kaiser Rudolf renders a judgement in the case of Donauwoerth: the town has to repay the damage of the Catholics. However, April shows that this does not guarantee peace. This year the Catholic Marcus procession is bigger than last year, as many Catholics from Bavaria came to join the procession. Protestant sources report that many of the visitors are armed. The habitants of Donauwoerth are well prepared though and close the city doors once again. The Catholics insist on the imperial judgement and try to open the gates with force, but when Protestant militia appears on the city wall, the Catholics have to withdraw. Immediately, the Bishop of Augsburg sends a message to the Bavarian Prince Elector who immediately sends an agent to the Kaiser to demand to place the town under the Imperial Ban.

Kaiser Rudolf II congregates with the Catholic and Protestant Imperial clergy asking their help in preventing the people to come to violence. The Kaiser points out the need for the Imperial clergy to support the crown and peace, against the papal Jesuits, which would otherwise foment chaos and minimize the Imperial clergy authority. The clergy do not respond as the Kaiser expects. The Protestants point to the fact, that Jesuits may not operate on Protestant areas, so that the wish of the Kaiser is irrelevant to them. However, they support the idea that Jesuits should be banned from all territories of the Empire. This is something that upsets the Catholics. They remind the Emperor that received his power by the mercy of the Lord through the hands of the catholic church and that his most important and most noble task is to support the spreading of the Catholic teachings by word and by sword.

During the meeting still takes place the Kaiser announces that he is going to adopt his 19 year old cousin Leopold. Leopold is also appointed as heir and the Kaiser is looking for an appropriate marriage.

In the beginning of May, Maximilian of Bayern arrives with news from Donauwoerth. These ends the dialogue between the two confessions, as the Catholics demand the immediate punishment of the city while the Protestants blame the Catholics for the escalation. Maximilian of Bayern offers to send forces to enforce an Imperial ban on Donauwoerth.

The announcement of the adoption of Leopold causes trouble within the house of Habsburg. Rudolf's brothers Maximilian and Matthias and his cousin Ferdinand make a pact against the Kaiser. They demand to meet the Emperor at Prague to discuss the succession. However, Matthias first travels to Hungary to deal with the revolt there. Furthermore there are news that new troops are recruited at Austria.

There are also bad news from Mainz – Black Death returned and about a dozen citizens dies. The Bishop of Mainz acts immediately and expulses the Jews. Their property is confiscated.

Turkish War
According the decision of last year troops of the Reichsarmee gather near Vienna. The building up is rather slow and especially troops from the northern provinces of the realm are still missing. In September, there are 9,000 men in camps around Vienna waiting for further orders.
The Imperial Field-marshal Hermann von Russwurm does not wait for the enforcement from the Reich. He had used winter to organize his supply and to build river boats. In spring he begins his operation against the Turks. He leaves 5,000 men at Raab and advances with 30,000 men to Komorn and further to Gran (Esztergom). Here he lays siege on the Ottoman fort. Additionally he sends his avant-garde towards Buda. His reconnaisance reports that the Ottoman sultan gathers an army east of Buda, but that the Ottoman army is not ready for combat. Russwurm decides immediately to use this chance. Leaving a small besiege detachment at Gran he hurries to Buda to attack the Ottoman army. He takes them by surprise and soon the Ottoman troops disperse. Russwurm makes his cavalry haunt them while the rest of the army lay besiege on Buda. Soon, bad news stops his operations.

From Transylvania there is an upraise against the Habsburg reign. The leader, Stephen Bocskai, a prince of Transylvania and Hungary, formerly a follower of Habsburg, realizes that his home is destroyed by the never-ending wars between Habsburg and the Turks, suck dry by taxation. Furthermore the population does not accept the policy of Rudolf, who tries to settle men from the Empire here to “Germanize” the country.
The local commander sends 300 Haydus to arrest Bocskai, but Bocskai is able to convince them to join him. Bocskai gathers support of the local princes and soon he occupies several towns in the Partium.
Bocskai issues a proclamation to the noblemen from Kassa, reminding them the tyrannical acts of Rudolph and his officials. The delegates of the counties and towns of Upper Hungary come to Kassa and vote the necessary funds to continue the fight. Kaiser Rudolf offers Bocskai amnesty and an official title, but Bocskai refuses.
Therefore Russwurm is forced to send an army of 10,000 to stop the anti-Habsburg rebellion. The disciplined Habsburg army defeats a troop of Hajdús near Osgyán.

In September Lala Mehmed Pasha's envoy who hands the sultan's ahidnâme (or charter) to Bocskai, which styles him prince of Transylvania. Lala Mehmed Pasha also sends reinforcements to Bocskai.

This gives Boscai the opportunity to start an offensive operation. Bocskai's army captures Nagyszombat (now Trnava in Slovakia), Sümeg, Szombathely, Veszprém and other towns in Transdanubia and also pillaged Lower Austria, Moravia and Silesia. Bocskai`s troop threaten the city of Pressburg. Russwurm has to break up the besiege of Buda and call his troops back to defend Pressburg. The Ottoman army uses this opportunity to break the siege of Gran and lay siege on Raab.

In December Rudolf's brother Matthias arrives at Pressburg to organize the defence. He also gets in contact with Bocskai to negotiate a truce.


At Madrid, Philip III greets a delegation of nobles from Portugal. These give him their wishes regarding the support of the colonies, esp. the protection of bases and ships against Dutch raids.

At Seville there is some unrest when a plot of Moriscos is foiled. These have tried to poison the wells of the town. Three Moriscos are killed and several houses burn down.

The Dutch War slows down this year. Both parties discuss the possibility of a truce and at the front of Flanders it is relatively quiet. In October Spinola attacks and occupies the fort Wachtendonk.
The war at sea continues. A Spanish fleet based at Gibraltar catches the Dutch convoy from South-East Asia and sinks three ships. In return, the Dutch attack a Spanish convoy in the Channel and sink 1 galleon and 2 small ships. At Asia a fleet of the Dutch Trade Company commanded by Steven van der Hagen attacks the fort of the Ambon Island and occupies the island.
As an answer to this, Phillip gives orders to strengthen the fortifications in the Far East.

A Royal Committee to investigate the situation of the natives in America comes to the result, that it is best for the natives if they are converted to Christians, if necessary by violence. It is pointed out that these natives are not able to live free so it is proposed to give them into the keeping of Spanish grandees. There they shall learn how to work and how to become useful members of the Spanish society. The Jesuit members of the committee are contrary to this. The natives should be taught to the Catholic teachings and then should live freely in their own communities under the eye of the church and the protection of the crown.

England & Scotland

Although war with Spain is over, James asks the parliaments of England and Spain to introduce new taxes to increase the armed forces.

The English parliament discusses his proposals controversially. In general, demanding 8 million gulden seems far too much. This would mean that the English taxes raise about 60%. Parliament offers a compromise. Taxes shall be raised by 5 million. 3 million of this shall be invested in the navy. Furthermore the parliament decides that a new trade company shall be found to explore and exploit America. The remaining 2 million from the tax shall be the share of the crown, additionally 5 million shall be raised by private investors.

Scottish noblemen found the Royal Scottish Trade Company to exploit the Caribbean Islands. The new company invests 2 million and would raise another million by taxes. The new company buys and arms 5 small ships and hires volunteers for an expedition in 1606.

At Ireland war is over. Ireland is exhausted and there is currently no one able to resist. James tries to pacify the country by renewing the authority of the old clan leaders, which had fought England before.

All these issues are in the background of the religious conflict. After affronting the pope by claiming universal power for the king, James makes all Jesuits leave England, Scotland and Ireland. There are still three Jesuits imprisoned at Dover Castle. Catholic priest which are visiting the prisoners of Dover are under permanent observation by the secret service. Noblemen expressing Papal loyalties are arrested for incitement against the crown and treason.
These continuous attacks against their religion provoke of opposition. 20 knights from North-West England write a letter to the King in which they express their loyalty to the Pope and demand religious freedom. The English authorities send out troops to arrest these traitors. Five of them were killed during the action at Chester Castle, 15 more are imprisoned at London Tower. Soon Chester becomes a place of pilgrimage, where Catholics admire the Five Martyrs of Chester.

In September secret serves discovers and prevents a plot against the English parliament. The
plotters had the intention to kill the King by blowing up parliament by an explosion of gunpowder. Several traitors are arrested, some were killed.

After this event, there were riots at London and many other English town, where Protestants attacked Catholics on the street, churches were plundered and religious pictures destroyed. At several town houses burst into flames.

Shocked by these events and the restrictive policy of the English government many Catholics try to leave the country for France or Spain.


At France, the rift between Huguenots and Catholics is getting bigger. The Huguenots are disappointed that the King supports the Catholics which had attacked and injured several workers of the Huguenots. They feel that they must defend themselves and their rights by themselves as the crown is obviously not willing to protect them against violence acts. They stop the building of the new church, but more turmoil begins when an nearby Catholic church burns down. As revenge Catholics set light to several houses of Huguenots and 13 people die. In reply Huguenots call up their militias and prepare the defence of La Rochelle and the other strongholds. Many Huguenots leave the country, though, and go to the Netherlands or the Protestant north of the HRE.


The false Dmitri is defeated and killed in a battle west of Moscow. However, Csar Godunow is wounded deadly and the Boyars begin to fight for the power.


The Sejm dethrones Sigismund and offers the crown to Matthias, the brother of the Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire. Sigismund does not accept this and gathers his army to defend the crown.


It is rather quiet here, but the troubles at Russia and Poland decrease the Baltic Sea trade and leads to economic problems. Therefore the King is forced to reduce his armed forces.

05-02-2017, 09:06
I don't have any introduction written. I thought I would start play after this update.

Now you can!

05-02-2017, 17:26
Dutch Republic has 1.5 million citizens. :netherlands:

I think we should have a faster game. Deadline on Sunday, right?

Prince Cobra
05-02-2017, 19:43
Coming weekend is quite busy for me. I would ask for two days more. Say Tuesday next week. Next Saturday is even better. I hope that won't be too big of a problem...

El Barto
05-02-2017, 23:22
This is exam week, so I'll be around to start making sense of this in the weekend, hopefully. I should be able to meet a Sunday deadline. Should.

05-03-2017, 17:59
Alright, let's make Wednesday!

El Barto
05-10-2017, 03:29
So, tomorrow I am supposed to post here, or not, or what…?

(it is already most vexing that those Spaniards have not yet taken the chance to engage in any diplomacy to extricate themselves from this quagmire)

Prince Cobra
05-10-2017, 21:18
We hear that the Northern Low Provinces are interested in talks. The governments Spain and Portugal are willing to accept and hear the representatives of the Northern Low Provinces. We would like to point out two major points of the talks. Any proposal to leave the fellow Catholics in the Southern Part of the Low Provinces will be rejected. The terms should include the return of the Ambon Island to the Spanish Crown. For the rest, we are interested in discussing terms.


Philip III of Spain and II of Portugal

P.S. I would like to humbly request the deadline be extended until the end of the week. Work and some personal issues prevented me from complying before Wednesday. :shame:

El Barto
05-10-2017, 22:28
We hear that the Northern Low Provinces are interested in talks. The governments Spain and Portugal are willing to accept and hear the representatives of the Northern Low Provinces. We would like to point out two major points of the talks. Any proposal to leave the fellow Catholics in the Southern Part of the Low Provinces will be rejected. The terms should include the return of the Ambon Island to the Spanish Crown. For the rest, we are interested in discussing terms.


Philip III of Spain and II of Portugal
Return to the Spanish crown? As far as we understand it in the civilised, non-fanatic, properly religious parts of the world, Ambon Island was taken from the weak-minded and poorly-armed Portuguese by our heroic traders. Without firing a single shot, it should be remembered.

05-11-2017, 08:32
I already received orders from HRE and England.

According to PC's wish deadline will be end of the week.

If you want to negotiate with France, contact me (Kage is still missed in action!)

Still waiting for Dutch self introduction!!!

Prince Cobra
05-11-2017, 20:38
Return to the Spanish crown? As far as we understand it in the civilised, non-fanatic, properly religious parts of the world, Ambon Island was taken from the weak-minded and poorly-armed Portuguese by our heroic traders. Without firing a single shot, it should be remembered.

It is weird how you take a fortress without a single shot. It seems you have been deceived by exaggerated reports. This may actually not be the first time the Dutch East India Company uses dishonest methods in our war. We should remind the world of the numerous acts of piracy committed by the Dutch East India company. While we are still open to dialogue, we can not bear such kind of offensive behavior against one of the peoples under our rule. We can not also hide our confusion: the chief representative of the Northern Low Provinces talks of peace and at the same time he does his best to sabotage any peace efforts. Could the Stadthouder of the Northern Provinces dare to clarify his position before the world?

His Most Catholic Majesty

Philip III of Spain and II of Portugal

El Barto
05-11-2017, 20:44
Still waiting for Dutch self introduction!!!
We here, men of the Low Countries, which, hopefully, will one day be known as the Low Country (Nederlands), are men who don't only wear clogs, but good plate and nice hats when needed. We are not Spaniards, that we assure you, and will not rest until such day and hour as the illegitimate occupiers of this land are fleeing, dead, or Reformed. We can count on the support of many, many friends oppressed by Habsburg and other monarchs, friends of great piety and ample means to cover our backs, and will not give up on our quest for the freedom to choose our own religion, the freedom to rule ourselves, the freedom to conduct our business and establish our factories wherever that may be, whatever the wine-imbibing Popish authorities might have to say regarding spheres of influence awarded to the houses of Avis and Österrijk, and the freedom to wear clogs instead of those ridiculous shoes the Spaniards wear. We shall be independent and prosperous, the richest country in the world. God shall guide the Nederland to its rightful place as one of the great among the free!

El Barto
05-11-2017, 20:51
His Most Catholic Majesty
That is the problem right there in your way of thinking, O Popish One: you have not been enlightened by the teachings of Calvijn. The ignorant thinks of all as being in the same condition as he. What piracy? Surely beating you to the first place among the traders in the East Indies (also, it is an interesting observation to make, you refer to the Portuguese as your subjects rather than your equals). The hipocrisy of the Spanish crown would be laughable if not for the number of mindless mind-slaves whom they command: was it not only two decades ago that they attacked the English without even declaring war?

05-16-2017, 17:49
Waiting for Spain!

El Barto
05-17-2017, 03:29
Pah, the eighty years aren't even up yet. ;)

Prince Cobra
05-18-2017, 00:10
Orders sent!:book2:

Sorry for the delay.

05-19-2017, 19:53
Great! Still have some questions though, but work is in progress!

El Barto
05-19-2017, 20:26
OOC: Given that this is the first time I've sent in orders, if there's anything that remains unclear, drop me a line.

Prince Cobra
05-22-2017, 20:54
Royal Proclamation from His Most Catholic Majesty King of Spain, Portugal, Naples and Sicily and the Duke of Milan, King Philip III and II

We would like to publicly accuse the "Stadhouder" of the Netherlands, Maurice of Nassau for the continuation of war of attrition between the Northern Provinces of the Low Lands and the Union under our scepter. Our government was led by good intentions and we were ready to open peace talks but this noble effort was failed by the leader of the so called "Republic". This man seems to aim to expand his influence and grip over the other factions by maintaining the war efforts regardless the material and human price.

We are welcoming the mediation of France and England but our skepticism is growing as the Dutch leadership seems to be fully under the control of an arrogant man and warmonger. We are still ready to extend the olive branch of peace to those who are willing to accept it but our Union will take the measures deemed appropriate to defend our state and trade interests.


Philip III & II

El Barto
05-23-2017, 21:55
Royal Proclamation from His Most Catholic Majesty King of Spain, Portugal, Naples and Sicily and the Duke of Milan, King Philip III and II

We would like to publicly accuse the "Stadhouder" of the Netherlands, Maurice of Nassau for the continuation of war of attrition between the Northern Provinces of the Low Lands and the Union under our scepter. Our government was led by good intentions and we were ready to open peace talks but this noble effort was failed by the leader of the so called "Republic". This man seems to aim to expand his influence and grip over the other factions by maintaining the war efforts regardless the material and human price.

We are welcoming the mediation of France and England but our skepticism is growing as the Dutch leadership seems to be fully under the control of an arrogant man and warmonger. We are still ready to extend the olive branch of peace to those who are willing to accept it but our Union will take the measures deemed appropriate to defend our state and trade interests.


Philip III & II
Regarding the first paragraph, we can point out that if His Majesty is willing to cast such aspersions as ‘Catholic’ on his own name he is allowed to, being a citizen of a foreign country, but we will not take such liberties with it. Secondly, we will point out that the crown of Portugal rightly belongs to the House of Avis and their oppressed people, whether noble, merchant or common, deserve to be ruled by one of their own. And last but not least, His Majesty forgot to add ‘zeroth’ after his name, as he's the zeroth ruler of the Low Countries.

Regarding the second paragraph, this is an accusation of such calibre that we cannot accept it. His Majesty might complain about material and human price, but it is our freedom and our possessions that are at stake, not his. If he should not like the situation, he might very well look at how our fellow Nederlanders are allowed to take their possessions with them to whichever Popish-inclined land, they being so obtuse as to think that they cannot be Dutch and follow the Roman priests.
Also, this mention of ‘price’ is too hard for us, given the way in which Papists have long sold indulgences to each other for their own sins.

Finally, the mediation of saner powers is always welcome, but we would like to remind the Spaniards that the Dutch leadership is under no control whatsoever of any Habsburg. Of course we can agree to peace.

-The people of the Nederlands.

05-26-2017, 10:25
I am a bit busy, so the new chapter will be posted on Monday!

06-01-2017, 10:38
Chapter 4 – Anno Domini 1606


Pope Urban condamns the Hungrian unrest.

Mediterranean Sea

The Sultan of the Ottoman Empire grants French merchants the sole right to trade with his subjects. Ships and merchants from other Christian countries are ordered to leave the Empire as well as the Merditerranean Sea immediately.


A Dutch assault against the Porugese fortress "São Jorge da Mina" at the Gold Coast fails.

Indian Ocean

A trade expedition of the English East India Company fails, as they do not get the permission to trade due to the influence of the Portugese.

A squdron of seven Dutch ships operates in the Indian Ocean, sinking several Portugese ships and bombards the town and fortress of Colombo.


France increases the settlements at Arcadia and finishes the fortress "Port Royal". France also claims all rights of settlement and trade on the Fleuve Saint-Laurent area including all tributary streams.

Foundation of Jamestown by English colonists.

Foundation of the Dutch colony Nieuw Nederland. The Dutch claim the area of the islands Nieuw Amsterdam und Nassau Island as well as areas along the rivers Noortrivier, Delaware River and Fresh River.

The first Scottish expedition of five ships (Saint Andrew, Caledonia, Unicorn, Dolphin, and Endeavour) sets sail from the east coast port of Leith in July with around 1200 people on board. After calling at Madeira and the West Indies, the fleet makes landfall off the coast of Darien on 2 November.
The settlers christen their new home "Caledonia" declaring "we do here settle and in the name of God establish ourselves; and in honour and for the memory of that most ancient and renowned name of our Mother Country, we do, and will from henceforward call this country by the name of Caledonia; and ourselves, successors, and associates, by the name of Caledonians". With Drummond in charge, they did a ditch through the neck of land that divided one side of the harbour in Caledonia Bay from the ocean, and construct Fort St Andrew, which is equipped with 50 cannon. A watchhouse on a mountain complets the fortifications.

A Dutch squadron raids Spanish ships in the Caribbean Sea.

Several cities in England, Spain, Germany report that BLACK DEATH is back. Up to now, the numbers of its victims are relatively low and it seems as if the disease can be isolated, but the news spread horror all over the countries and lame trade. In August news goes around that the Black Death rules over Norway and all harbours of this country have to be avoided.

Dutch War
After a rather quiet year 1605, hostilities flare up again. The Dutch army starts the campaign season with limited raids against Spanish positions. In May, the Spaniards strike back, attacking the fortress Bergen op Zoom with about 25,000 men. The Dutch army rapidly gathers reinforcements and stops the assault. In August Spinola starts another attempt and leads his army against the Dutch strong hold of Breda, Breda is one of the strongest cities in the defence of the Republic between the States of Holland and royal Brabant. The city is strategically located on a navigable river, Mark, and near several roads, Spinola is trying to execute the plan to isolate the Republic from its hinterland, and co-ordinated with the naval war spearheaded by the Dunkirkers, to economically choke the Dutch Republic.
The Breda fortress consists of a very high earthen thoroughfare with 15 bastions and a moat. The 55 to 117 meter wide canal is five feet deep and is provided with water from Mark. Access to the city is made possible by four brick gates. Crescent ravelins are applied in the ditches. Hornwork is placed on the gates and at the monastery. Stakewall are built to complicate assault by horsemen and foot soldiers and simultaneously prevent desertion. The fortifications are in excellent condition and serve as a state of the art example of fortification.
The garrison in Breda consists of 17 companies in peacetime, each of which consisted of 65 men and 5 cavalry squadrons of 70 riders each. When it becomes probable that the city would become besieged, the squadrons are supplemented by another 30 riders each; the infantry is supplemented with 28 companies of 135 men. To save food, three squadrons sent to Geertruidenberg shortly before a siege. The castle held approximately around 100 people of the 5,200 soldiers. The male inhabitants of Breda between 20 and 70 years, about 1,800 men, are armed to support the soldiers.
The first Spanish troops arrive at Breda in the middle of August and on 30 September the number is probably around 40,000 soldiers.
Due to the strength of the fortifications, Spinola does not try to assault the city but tries to starve it out. The Dutch try to gather a relief force to end the siege, while they send their riders to interrupt the Spanish supply. In September, the reinforcements arrive from Germany and increase the numbers of the relief army to about 12,000.
In October, the Dutch army, this time not led by Maurice himself, begins to march against the Spanish forces. However, rain stops the enterprise and it is November, when Dutch hit the besiege army. The Dutch manage to break through, inflicting high casualties and sending supply to the town, but Spinola gathers his reserves and is finally able to push the invaders back and to close the besiege ring again. The end of the year finds the situation unchanged, the Spaniards are still besieging the city and the Dutch prepare for another opportunity to end it.
The Spanish casualties are about 12,000 men in total this year, while the Dutch are losing about 5,000 men.

In the meantime, the Spaniards are recruiting new regiments at Flanders and Western Germany.

The Spanish operations are accomplished by the raids of the Dunkirkers, privateers in Spanish services. Although the Dutch try to block their ports, many are able to escape and to attack Dutch merchants and even fishers. This inflicts heavy damage to the Dutch trade.

Beside this there is little fighting at sea, but both sides lay keels for new ships.


The Spanish King blames Maurice of Nassau for the ongoing hostilities.
He raises new taxes to finance the war.

A book from the author Cervantes published last year, Don Quijote, becomes more and more pobular. It tells the story of a knight, who fights against wind mills.

The Dutch government gives more privileges to the VLO and sets up new ships. For example, the VLO is allowed to recruit local troops to protect their trade bases. Ambion is declared to be property of the VLO.

The VLO sends several expeditions to investigate new trade opportunities. It founds a new trade base at a North American island which they call New Amsterdam.

In the Netherlands several burlesques about Cervantes' Don Quijote circulate. They tell stories of Spanish knight fighting Dutch windmills.

England, Scotland & Ireland

English noblemen are buying Irish land and mining cocessions from the Crown.

Shakespeare's King Lear is currently performed at London. King James cannot watch them, because he and his court are travelling around the coutnry.

The official translation of the Bible is published and is the new fundament for the worship in England and Scotland. There are some disputes about the translation between the different groups of Protestants. The Catholics refuse the translation completely.

Levant Company and East India Company comßplain about failed enterprises and have financial trouble.

The exodus of Catholics continues. Most of them try to find a safe harbor at France.

King James spends millions to increase his fleet.


Emperor Rudolf sends the Archbishop Elector of Mainz to Donauwörth to sort the conflict out. However, the citizens of Donauwörth refuse to let the archbishop inside the town and to talk to him.

The Duke of Württemberg, responsible for the Swabian Circle and the Duke of Bavaria , responsible for the Bavarian circle, offer their support to fix the problem.

Prince Elector Friedrich of Pfalz begins the construction of the Dutch style fortress Friedrichsburg near Mannheim.

The Protestant clergy refuses an invitation of the Emperor to discuss the conflict within Chrisianity. Instead they meet at Wittenberg. Here they discuss the conflict Protestant Christians have regarding their territorial rulers, which are also heads of the local churches and the emperor.

Wolfgng von Rumpf, Imperial Court Chamberlain, negotiates with the emperor's brothers Maximilian and Matthias and his cousin Ferdinand. His efforts fail. Maximilian, Matthias and Ferdinand declare that Rudolf is no longer able to lead the House of Habsburg and that Matthias is the new head. Matthias refuses the Polish crown and decides to concentrate hi efforts on the problems of Habsburg and the realm.

Turkish War and Hungarian Unrest

The imperial forces receive reinforcements by two infantry regiments sent by the Italian cities and the Pope. Additionally Matthias lead three regiments of Austrian and Bohemian troops.

Matthias sets up his head quarter at Pressburg, to deal with the Hungarian unrest. Fieldmarshal Russwurm organizes the defense against pillaging tartars.

The leader of the Hungarian unrest, Stephan Bocskai, gains more and more support from local noblemen and simple people. Matthias is not able to defeat him. However, he is able to convince Bocskai, that in the long run the only alternative to Habsburg dominion is Ottoman dominian. Matthias and Bocskai sign a peace treaty where Bocskai recognizes Habsburg dominian and Matthias recognizes him as Prince of Hungary. Matthias also guarantees to recognize the rights of the Protestant Hungary and that there will be no more settler from Germany.

This puts an end to the Hungarian unrest. However, this gave the Turks time to enforce their army. The Ottoaman army is already grown to about 60,000 men, still receiving more soldiers month by month. Russman and Matthias discuss whether the should attack with their combined forces of 50,000 soldiers before the relation is getting even more uneven, but in the end they decide to start negotiations with the sultan. Until the end of the talks an armed truce is agreed.


The French administration sets up a program to improve infrastructure. New roads and chanels are under construction as well as new ship yards.

France also builds new ships.

06-01-2017, 17:55
Swordsmaster is going to play as France!

El Barto
06-02-2017, 03:26
OOC: Could we have an updated list of players and NPC states/polities, please?

06-02-2017, 23:48
By invitation of His Majesty King Henry of France and Navarre, all subjects of the King of any religion are invited to send delegations to resolve any and all grievances. The King himself will attend the meetings and provide August judgement.

06-03-2017, 10:12
I will be offline for a week (visiting the battle ground of Flanders and on the Balkans!).

06-12-2017, 15:13
I'm back!
Hope you are ready to continue.

El Barto
06-12-2017, 21:48
Well, this is exam week, so it was proper that you pop up right now.

06-22-2017, 10:40
Alright, I think your diplomatic efforts should be done. Your moves, gentlemen!!

El Barto
06-23-2017, 03:21
What diplomatic efforts? Exams stop only next Wednesday.

06-23-2017, 08:23
Young man, don't you think that war is the real school of life and you should be doing your exams o the battle field?

Alright, let's wait until end of next week! (sigh)

El Barto
06-23-2017, 23:03
Worry not, my Franconic friend. Here in the Low Countries we have realised that the Habsburgs clearly disdain diplomacy. Does anybody have anything to discuss with the Stathouder of the United Netherlands?

El Barto
07-01-2017, 01:49
Is nobody interested in peace and trade with the sovereign state of the Netherlands?

07-03-2017, 13:23
@elbarto: You may try to send letters to the protestants at France, England and HRE.

I received moves from England/Scotland and the HRE

El Barto
07-03-2017, 23:59
Royal Proclamation from His Most Catholic Majesty King of Spain, Portugal, Naples and Sicily and the Duke of Milan, King Philip III and II

We would like to publicly accuse the "Stadhouder" of the Netherlands, Maurice of Nassau for the continuation of war of attrition between the Northern Provinces of the Low Lands and the Union under our scepter. Our government was led by good intentions and we were ready to open peace talks but this noble effort was failed by the leader of the so called "Republic". This man seems to aim to expand his influence and grip over the other factions by maintaining the war efforts regardless the material and human price.

We are welcoming the mediation of France and England but our skepticism is growing as the Dutch leadership seems to be fully under the control of an arrogant man and warmonger. We are still ready to extend the olive branch of peace to those who are willing to accept it but our Union will take the measures deemed appropriate to defend our state and trade interests.


Philip III & II
This proclamation, a copy of which has circulated widely in the Low Countries, is belied, not only by the continued presence of thuggish mercenaries in Spanish employ throughout our own lands, but also by the lack of mediation by the aforementioned states. It is wondered, in our villages, polders and harbours, whether those nations are committed to world peace, or whether they are expecting the Low Countries and Spain to fight each other -after all, France is already an ally of the non-Christian Turkish Sultans and their blasphemous, impudic, slave-taking pirates- and replace our trading fleets with their own.

Prince Cobra
07-05-2017, 22:06
This proclamation, a copy of which has circulated widely in the Low Countries, is belied, not only by the continued presence of thuggish mercenaries in Spanish employ throughout our own lands, but also by the lack of mediation by the aforementioned states. It is wondered, in our villages, polders and harbours, whether those nations are committed to world peace, or whether they are expecting the Low Countries and Spain to fight each other -after all, France is already an ally of the non-Christian Turkish Sultans and their blasphemous, impudic, slave-taking pirates- and replace our trading fleets with their own.

My King will be most flattered to hear his words are circulated around the country. I would not be surprised if other things are wondered. For example how Maurice, Prince of Oranje ruined the opportunity with peace with his offensive behavior. This caused the death of thousands of soldiers and enormous hardship to the people in the Low Lands. I hope Maurice will tread now a bit more carefully and at least, he will talk of more respect to my King.

Don Francisco Gómez de Sandoval, 1st Duke of Lerma, Valido of the Spanish Empire

El Barto
07-06-2017, 01:54
That can only be met with scepticism in this land, seeing as it is not our troops that are devastating your lands. It is the Popish rulers in Madrid who are resorting to such measures, the uncivilisedness of which is only matched by their unnecessariness.

07-06-2017, 19:45
It is the view of the Foreign Minister of France that rebellion against one's rightful Sovereign is against the divine mandate of Kings, and should not be encouraged. It is also true that a Sovereign who does nothing to mitigate the suffering of His people will have to be prepared to deal with rebellion in their Kingdoms. France is willing to mediate in the conflict and encourages both parties to minimise the suffering of their peoples, villages, polders, and harbours. Which are all highly flammable.

El Barto
07-07-2017, 02:41
‘Rebellion against one's rightful sovereign’? These words are heard incredulously in the United Provinces. The interpreters are asked again and again, a second and third opinion sought. What is this? Is it possible that the House of Bourbon somehow has not heard that the United Provinces are ruled by no one but their own folk?

07-07-2017, 10:03
Here is an info for those who may not know where the Scots found their first colony:

The Gulf of Darién is the southernmost region of the Caribbean Sea, located north and east of the border between Panama and Colombia. Within the gulf is the Gulf of Urabá, a small lip of sea extending southward, between Caribana Point and Cape Tiburón, Colombia, on the southern shores of which is the port city of Turbo, Colombia. The Atrato River delta extends into the Gulf of Darién.

I am glad to see things are beginning to work. I am a bit busy, but I am going to reply your questions on Monday.

07-10-2017, 13:20
Still waiting for Dutch and England (?)

El Barto
07-10-2017, 21:41
Still waiting for Dutch and England (?)
Will reply tomorrow, or by Wednesday at the latest, depending on connectivity. I am trying to pay my taxes and the government seems to want to make it difficult for some reason, so I'm redacting and consolidating all stuff into one big text file until I am serene enough.

Prince Cobra
07-10-2017, 21:53
Will reply tomorrow, or by Wednesday at the latest, depending on connectivity. I am trying to pay my taxes and the government seems to want to make it difficult for some reason, so I'm redacting and consolidating all stuff into one big text file until I am serene enough.

In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes... ;)

El Barto
07-13-2017, 22:22
Or other, nastier things.

07-17-2017, 15:13
Will reply tomorrow, or by Wednesday at the latest, depending on connectivity. I am trying to pay my taxes and the government seems to want to make it difficult for some reason, so I'm redacting and consolidating all stuff into one big text file until I am serene enough.

You pay taxes? I thought you were a rebel and leader of rebels????

El Barto
07-17-2017, 23:32
I'm Dutch, I'm on drugs (http://simpsons.wikia.com/wiki/Focusyn).

Prince Cobra
07-18-2017, 21:30
When can we expect the next chapter, Franc?

El Barto
07-18-2017, 22:48
Perhaps the English could benefit from taking some Focusyn, as have I.

07-21-2017, 11:05
When can we expect the next chapter, Franc?

Even though I receive new orders every day, I began to write and you can expect the new chapter on Monday.

Here is just an appetizer:

On 30 January 1607, around noon, the coasts of the Bristol Channel suffer from unexpectedly high floodings that beak the coastal defences in several places. Low-lying places in Devon, Somerset, Gloucestershire, and South Wales are flooded. The devastation is particularly severe on the Welsh side, extending from Laugharne in Carmarthenshire to above Chepstow in Monmouthshire. Cardiff is the most badly affected town, with the foundations of St Mary's Church destroyed.

It is estimated that 2,000 or more people are drowned, houses and villages were swept away, an estimated 200 square miles (51,800 ha) of farmland inundated, and livestock destroyed, wrecking the local economy along the coasts of the Bristol Channel and Severn Estuary.
Enjoy your weekend!

07-21-2017, 22:25
OoC: ahahahah "enjoy your weekend" typical Franc's humour. Have a good one too mate ^^

El Barto
07-22-2017, 04:16
Anyone who has watched German workplace security videos can see the wry humour employed to make a point, e.g. do not play with chainsaws.

Prince Cobra
07-23-2017, 14:21
The Court of El Escorial has changed profoundly for the last year. Royal hunts has become more and more rare event, feasts are carefully planned and organized, money is less lavishly spent than it used to be. His Most Catholic Majesty seems to have strongly embraced the role given him by divine right. The King spends his long days with his Royal Council, generals, admirals and noblemen from Spain, Portugal, Italy and Flanders. Servants come in and out with maps, documents, letters, bills from all the distant corners to the Realm. The King himself has taken interests in accounting and it is rumored that he has fired one of his secretaries for mathematical errors. The King's attention seems to be focused on a single goal. Flanders. Troops there have to be well paid, well fed, well protected...

For it is under the black sun of this dark country where the pride of the Spanish Empire is defended and the holy war against the Dutch heretics is waged... I, the humble Father Mariana, pray day and night for the victory of our holy cause and for a victory at Breda. I also pray that Our Lord guides His faithful son, the King of Spain and Portugal and gives him wisdom and also physical stamina and strength to endure this test. For the nights are short and days of our King are long...

From a letter of Father Juan de Mariana, Spanish Jesuit and former tutor of Philip III.

El Barto
07-23-2017, 21:27
How ridiculous. They claim that their ears are the only ones capable of hearing God's voice and somehow it just happens to tell them that they are right about everything and the just rulers of the universe. And we are the blasphemers.

-from the mouths of passersby in any street in the Nederlands.

07-24-2017, 14:51
Chapter 5 – Anno Domini 1607

The Americas

France founds new companies to foster trade and exploration of the New World and gives them exclusive privileges. Prisoners are released if they agree to settle in Arcadia.

The Scottish Trade Society has to give up her new colony. With financial support of King James and some English ships, the settles move to find another location for their new colony. After a short attempt, where they find out that the coast is contaminated by mosquitoes, the settler sail further north and finally find a new colony at the mouth of a big river which the natives call Mississippi. The new town is called Jamestown and the colony New Caledonia.


Dutch ships intercept and raid the Spanish Galeón de Manila.


Black death disappeared again.
All over Europe there are many trials against witches.

Mediterranean Sea

The ruler of the Ottoman Empire sends his fleet to the Western part of the ocean to demonstrates the claims of the Muslims. Near Malta they meet a convoy from Venice and after a short battle most of the Venice ships are destroyed. The remaining ships flee to Rome where they report to the Pope. The Ottoman ships sail further west, along the northern coast of Africa until they reach the Strait of Gibraltar. As they cannot find any Spanish ships, they return and sail homewards again.
Even though the Ottomans have not inflicted much damage, they demonstrated the power of the Sultan. The North African provinces hurry to assure him heir loyalty and begin to intensify the piracy against the Christian ships.


The French government continues to improve the infrastructure of the country and the ability to build ships. It even begins with the next steps to improve the armed forces and to support the economy. A new national standard system is introduced and a census collects data from all over the country. There are rumours that a new tax system is prepared.
There is also a adaptationist program for the armed forces.
The navy receives an Admiralty Board and a Marine Corps. Additionally a new dragoon corps is set up.
The government spends a lot of money to increase the capabilities to produce cannons and other weapons.
Foreign experts are hired to support the army and navy reform.


The Netherlands exchange ambassadors with the HRE. The trade companies intensify trade with England and Northern Germany, but do not operate any longer in the Mediterranean Sea.

The Dutch government recruits 10,000 levies to be able to continue the war against Spain. It also gives letters of marque to Dutch and foreign ship owners willing to raid Spanish ships.

Dutch War

The besiege of Breda continues. Spinola still avoids to assault the Dutch fortifications, while Maurice is still trying to gather more troops. In the beginning of the Lord's Year of 1607 heavy rain stops all hostilities between the two armies and both have to fight against the weather. Field positions and camps turn into swamps and the roads turn into mood. Especially the Spaniards suffer, and dysentery spread around the camp. End of March the son comes out and the Spanish troops try to dry their victuals and rebuild their fortifications. However, there is a floodwater caused by the rivers from the west and flood the Spanish camp once again.

When the waters fall, the Dutch try to lift the siege. They manage to push back the somehow disorganized Spanish troops, but as soon as Spinola deploys his reserves, the ring around Breda can be closed again.

At the same time the Dutch send a fleet of 30 ships under the command of Admiral Jacob van Heemskerk to attack Dunkirk. When the fleet arrives, the warships begin to bombard the Spanish fortifications and send four fireships into the port. Confusion breaks out under the Spanish defenders, many of the Flamian privateers try to leave the harbour in haste, only to sail into the cannon fire of the Dutch ships. After about an hour the Spanish troops succeed in fighting the fire inside the harbour. Heemskerk orders five of his ships to penetrate the harbour. Soon cannon balls are flying through the harbour, smashing ships and destroying harbour facilities. When night falls, there is no more Spanish resistance.
During night the Dutch commanders discuss their next steps. Some of them want to attack and occupy the city at the next morning, others argue that the fleet should sail south to attack the Spanish fleet at Gibraltar and then intercept the Silver Fleet. However, due to shortage of ammo Heemskerk decides to divide his fleet to hunt Spanish ships in the Channel. The Dutch succeed to sink several supply ships as well as fishers. By accident they also sink four French fisher boats. Then they return from their mission.

During the next months, the Dutch and the Dutch supported privateers interrupt the Spanish sea lines. And they do care little if one of their victims sails under English or French flag.

Nevertheless the situation for the Spanish besieger improves, as there is a lot of supply coming from France and the so-called Spanish route. Along with that come fresh troops, Spanish and Italian regiments as well as cavalry. During summer, reinforcements reach the Dutch relief force too, there are soldiers from England and Germany, but the heart of the new troops are two Swiss regiments.

In August messengers tell Maurice that the City of Breda will soon run out of food and so he decides to attack.
At August 14th 6,000 English and German soldiers open the battle by approaching the Spanish lines from the North. However, spies informed Spinola about what is going on in the Dutch camp. After some volleys of artillery, the Flemish and Italian troops start a counter-attack and drive them back. The English and German troops retreat, covered by some cavalry. The Spanish mercenaries advance further, trying to conquer the Dutch camp. All over sudden, they receive cannonball volleys from the surrounding hills and soon the fire of muskets and archebuses joins in. The Flemish flee, but the Italians try to take a safe position on top of a hill. Still under artillery bombardment, they send a letter to Spinola asking for immediate support.

In the meantime, Spanish reserves gather and Spinola sends another 6 regiments with cavalry and some light cannons to the Italians. These fresh troops are again welcomed by the Dutch with bullets and balls. Spinola, leading this attack all by himself, decides to send two regiments and cavalry to assault some hills on the right flank. Here they meet a Swiss regiment and it comes to a melee. The Swiss repel the Spanish assaults twice, but with the third attempt, the Spaniards succeed.
In the meantime another Swiss regiment advanced at the left side of the Spanish, supported by artillery. Spinola finds his rows shaken and he decides immediately to throw more reserves to stabilize this side of the front line. More and more Spanish troops join the battle and slowly the Spaniards gain upper hand. They free the Italian regiment and move further ahead towards the camp of the Protestants.

Then Spinola receives the message that another Dutch detachment is overrunning the besiege ring from the West. He realizes that he may be caught between two Dutch armies and gives the order to retreat. His troops move to the camp and prepare for defence there, while the Dutch troops reach Breda.

During night, Spinola tries to get an overview over his situation and he is shocked about the state of his army. Before the battle, he had already lost about 10,000 men due to fighting, disease and desertion. Thanks to reinforcements, he had been able to field an army of 45,000 men. Now after one day of battle, he has only 25,000 men left. He is sure, that the campaign is lost and so is the Netherlands.
He prepares for defence and sends for reconnaissance. When his spies return, they report that the fields are covered with dead bodies. Inside Breda and around the city there are about 7,000 Dutch soldiers left. Spinola sends more patrols to make sure that there are no hidden hostile troops and then he decides to continue the fight. He gives his army the order to assault Bread and the Dutch positions. However, the Dutch are already retreating and at noon the Spanish flag waves over the city of Breda.


Rudolph announces the planned marriage of his son Leopold with Ana Maria Mauricia, daughter of the Spanish King. This arranged engagement costs 2.5 million gulden.

Rudolph denounces Matthias as collaborator of the Saracens. He threatens him with an Imperial Ban. He sends Archbishop Elector of Mainz to the Great Army to represent the Kaiser during the peace talks.

He also sends orders to the Duke of Wuerttemberg and the Duke of Bavaria to execute an Imperial Ban against Donauwoerth. The Dukes gather troops and move towards the rebelliously city. This operation becomes well known as the Campaign of the two Dukes.
When they arrive at the city walls, the gates are closed and the citizens say they trust in God and so the won't surrender to the armies of the godless Kaiser. The two Dukes are not at one what to do. While Wuerttemberg wants to negotiate, Bavaria wants to assault the walls to end the conflict immediately. They besiege the town, but most of the soldiers from Wuerttemberg sympathise with the Protestant sieged. After unsuccessful three months, the Duke of Bavaria decides to act all by himself. He invites his co-commander to go hunting in the Augsburg area. Before they leave, he gives his Bavarian troops orders to assault the town and when the tow Dukes arrive, the battle is already over and Donauwoerth is under control of Bavarian troops. The Duke of Wuerttemberg is furious about this treasonous act and so are his men. The Duke of Wuerttemberg has to take his army back home to avoid open hostilities with the Bavarians. When he is gone, the Duke of Bavaria sets up a huge forfeit for the citizens and declares that Bavarian troops will occupy the city until the forfeit is paid. De facto, this makes the Imperial City part of the Duchy of Bavaria.

Protestant leaders meet at Mannheim. There they found the Protestant Union under the leadership of Prince Elector Friedrich of Pfalz to protect the rights of the Protestants all over the realm. The members of the Union agree to assist each others and to increase their military strength.

In the meantime, Matthias is at the war camp of the Imperial Army. He is sending messages to all the nobles in the land and is receiving messengers. He is negotiating together with Russmann, the commander of the Imperial Army with the agents of the Sultan. Although the army of the Sultan is getting bigger day by day and is already stronger than the Christian troops, the Sultan seems to be willing to make peace with the Christians. The Archbishop of Mainz arrives in the camp and brings the news of the Kaiser. He claims to lead the negotiations in the name of the Kaiser.
Matthias acts immediately. He declares Rudolph as unable to act as Kaiser any longer. He proposes a peace treaty for the next ten years to the Ottomans . The reply is positive, but they have to send for agreement to the Porte . While waiting for an answer, Matthias gathers his Austrian troops and hires some of the Italian regiments joined the Imperial Army. He leads 15,000 men towards Bohemia to end the reign of Rudolph while Russman stays in the east to protect the border.

El Barto
07-25-2017, 04:23
Like good traders, the Dutch remain hearty after these events. One more city taken and the Spanish will have no army left. Their ‘holy’ war is too costly for them to carry on, especially if their pillaged treasure is diverted to our own lands! Rise, O men of the Low Countries! To arms! The Spanish are as weak as the chins of their inbred Habsburg rulers.

Prince Cobra
07-25-2017, 23:36
Once the news of the fall of Breda arrive in Spain, King Philip III declares a national holiday and organizes a feast inviting the ambassadors of Austria, England and France. On the feast he holds the following speech

Dear guests,

This is a great day for Spain and all those who directly or indirectly contributed to this success. We will never forget those who helped us and we will return the favor with favor.

There is one thing we cannot deny the rebels. They fought like lions and died valiantly. Almost to the last man. This only makes the feat of our soldiers even greater as they stood against a worthy opponent. We will never forget the brave souls who gave their lives for this great day and those who were ready to die for their King, country and religion. On the 15th of August, the day when we celebrate the Assumption of Mary, it will be good if we pay some thoughts as remembrance of this great battle. The battle of Breda.

We would like to name the hero of Ostend and Breda, Don Ambrogio Spinola Doria, the first marquis of Balbases. He will receive lands an honors proper to his title.

We would also like to publicly condemn the acts of savagery and piracy committed not only against Spanish and Portuguese subjects but also against innocent subjects of the French and English crown. We also hear that Maurice has become very lenient to criminals of all kinds and readily accepted them under his flag. Such acts are deemed unacceptable and we hope our fellow monarchs will not leave this without consequences.

That all being said, we are willing to send envoys to the Dutch and the Council that rules them in order to renew negotiations for peace that have been halted for two years. If the results are promising, we can consider stopping the hostilities. If not..., we will have to increase the pressure on land and sink more of their ships.

Since Maurice has lost significant size of his troops and an important fortress, we hope he will be more responsive to common sense and will stop pushing his people to death and a disaster. In the current position, we expect a peace that reflects our strong position but we will also try to be benevolent in our demands. We hope our secretaries will soon be ready with the first drafts.

May our lands prosper!

El Barto
07-27-2017, 03:07
Prince Maurice is highly offended by the suggestion that he has accepted Spaniards under his flag. There is such a thing as manners.

07-28-2017, 18:32
By Order of His Majesty Henry, King of France:

The rebel dutch fleet's idiscriminate attacks on French fishermen and refusal to pay reparations has made His Majesty reconsider the freedoms given to this nation of pirates. From this day, and until further order, dutch shipping is not welcome in French ports, and no trade is to take place with the rebel provinces. Anyone living in the dutch provinces but wishing to become French is welcome to settle in France and enjoy the freedom of religion afforded by His Majesty.

Signed in Orleans, in the presence of the King.
Nicolas de Neufville, seigneur de Villeroy

El Barto
07-28-2017, 23:22
It is most distressing to see that His Majesty has been listening to the more insidious of the Papist priests and has openly Catholicised himself, despite previous assurances to the contrary.

The apparent departure of the Duke of Sully from his post as Minister, if true, would be a deeply regrettable affair.

On the other hand, to see the French fleet departing towards Duinkerken does give us a sense of schadenfreude, so to speak, from seeing Catholic monarchs trying to take each other's lands. Either way we shall profit.

07-31-2017, 10:09
I will be on vacation this week and the next week. So take your time and enjoy the discussion!!~:cheers:

07-31-2017, 14:19
It is most distressing to see that His Majesty has been listening to the more insidious of the Papist priests and has openly Catholicised himself, despite previous assurances to the contrary.

The apparent departure of the Duke of Sully from his post as Minister, if true, would be a deeply regrettable affair.

On the other hand, to see the French fleet departing towards Duinkerken does give us a sense of schadenfreude, so to speak, from seeing Catholic monarchs trying to take each other's lands. Either way we shall profit.

The stadtholder must remain unable to see French shipping. His Majesty's fleet has not been ordered to Dunkirk. The Prince of Oranje should also remember that, while he is not yet a monarch, he is not above taking Catholic monarchs' lands himself. He just isn't very successful.

Prince Cobra
08-06-2017, 11:30
Message from the Palace of El Escorial, Spain

King Philip of Spain is surprised that the Spanish Empire was not invited on the peace negotiations with the Ottoman Empire. It should not be forgotten that Spain is still officially at war with the Ottomans and a senior member of the Holy League. As a result, His Most Catholic Majesty sends Juan Fernández de Velasco, 5th Duke of Frías to represent the interests of the Spanish Empire on the peace negotiations. The Duke of Frias will also meet Matthias Habsburg and the Archbishop of Meinz, representative of the Kaiser.

08-18-2017, 10:08
Are you ready to continue?

El Barto
08-18-2017, 17:37
*inserts coin*

El Barto
08-22-2017, 19:40

*inserts coin*
*shakes machine so that coin becomes unstuck*

El Barto
08-24-2017, 21:45
The destruction of the Dunkirk fleet and the taking of the Manila Galleon clearly demonstrate that our navy dominates the sea. Our ships are faster, more modern, and better armed. The Spanish haven't beaten the Dutch after more than fifty years of terror, Inquisition, and bloodshed. We are safe, we are strong, and we are bleeding the Spanish Empire to death. We shall win because we own the seas and because the Spanish King, in his arrogance, won't let an alien people free.

For the last time, we call on the Spaniards to seriously follow up on their so far lukewarm offerings of peace and truces. Let their Flemish vassals, who actually have an idea of what a polder is, engage in frank and open negotiations with the representatives of the Seven United Netherlands, rather than pillaging Italiotes and freebooting Asturians. Our minds are as open as yours should be.

08-31-2017, 10:41
Waiting for orders!

El Barto
08-31-2017, 19:38
Well, we were promised a reply within ‘1-2 days’, a deadline which is long since past. :stare:

Prince Cobra
08-31-2017, 21:42
Due to unfavorable weather conditions, it took longer for the message to arrive and an answer from Madrid is sent. We, the King of Spain will no longer deal with verbal skirmishes and we will proceed straight to the topic of truce. We leave to the observers from Europe to draw their own conclusions about the develoment of the war in the Low Lands. We have stated our desire for peace several years ago and we show we keep our word. We officially appoint the Prince of Arenberg as a chief negotiator from the government in South Netherlands and Spain and Portugal.

Our idea of a truce has been put on a paper and will be presented to the States General of the Dutch. We have already sent a copy to Maurice of Oranje. We hope a truce can be achieved until the coming months. If this is not possible, we offer 2 year cease fire in Flanders and the world oceans if the States General of the Dutch are not ready to agree on the truce terms. That being said, if the Northern provinces are ready to accept the document, we may announce the truce immediately. If some changes are needed, a final confirmation from Madrid and Brussels may be needed.

We also remind the Dutch that we are concerned about the consequences of the attacks on English and French ships. We think a proper compensation should be in place for the affected parties.


Edited: you can ignore the year... I did not really have time to change it...

El Barto
08-31-2017, 23:22
We now repeat publicly what has been said in private: the occupation of the city of Breda must stop. Immediately.

As for our relations with the Kingdoms of England and France, that is something to be discussed with their representatives, unless the Spanish envoy can produce adequate proof that he is also representing them as well as his own sovereign.

El Barto
08-31-2017, 23:33
Also, in the spirit of international obligations and so forth which the Spanish declaim, as it is said in their language, from the mouth outwards, we formally request the Swedish crown to explain the non-payment of the Swedish sovereign debt to a fellow Protestant country.

Prince Cobra
08-31-2017, 23:42
We now repeat publicly what has been said in private: the occupation of the city of Breda must stop. Immediately.

As for our relations with the Kingdoms of England and France, that is something to be discussed with their representatives, unless the Spanish envoy can produce adequate proof that he is also representing them as well as his own sovereign.

Breda was not mentioned in your private letter. You raised no issue about change of controlled territories by either side.

There is no such thing as occupation of Breda. What is your claim to Breda? Breda is Catholic (though we may consider some compromise about the Protestant minority there). Breda has been conquered at the cost of thousands dead. If you seriously put a claim on this city, you are effectively sabotaging the negotiations. Once again. To add one more reason to it: we have been fighting for 40 years. We can not surrender you a key fortress that we have just won and will keep you in check should you, Maurice of Oranje, break this truce. Surrender of Breda is out of question. We kindly advise you to reconsider your options.

At this stage we do not represent any of these countries. However, in the past both of these countries have shown a gestures of good will and it is not something we forget.

Duke of Lerma, vallido of Spain

El Barto
09-03-2017, 19:45
The impending arrival in Amsterdam of Charles de Ligne, Prince of Arenberg, envoy of Phillip, King of Spain, is most welcome. The West India Company and the East India Company agree that, as a gesture of goodwill, letters of marque against Spanish shipping are declared to be in abeyance for the current year –the ships can be diverted to eliminating pirate fleets or even more profitable transportation of spices.

Prince Cobra
09-04-2017, 20:08
We would like to announce our support to the future father-in-law to our beloved daughter Emperor Rudolf Habsburg. We can not approve such a challenge against the royal authority, and especially when this plot is led by his own brothers. Where is their Christian brotherly duty? How would the Austrian branch of the Habsburg's be taken seriously as they can not settle the conflicts within their family? We can not support such a behaviour and accept the removal of an anointed monarch and displacement of the fiancé of our daughter.

Therefore, we would like to appeal to the brothers so that they avoid a mortal sin against their own brother and treason against the HRE crown. We expect that Ferdinand and Matthias will resist the temptation and will discuss their conflict on more friendly terms. Otherwise they risk diplomatic isolation.

We also announce that we will follow the gesture of good will of the Dutch and we will not launch further offensives in Flanders or attack Dutch ships during the coming year.


Philip III and II, King of Spain and Portugal, King of Naples and Sicily and Duke of Milan

El Barto
09-06-2017, 21:01
We also announce that we will follow the gesture of good will of the Dutch and we will not launch further offensives in Flanders or attack Dutch ships during the coming year.
Of course we trust that the city of the church on the dunes will not harbour any ‘neutral’ or ‘self-employed’ pirates plaguing the shipping of the United Provinces.

Prince Cobra
09-10-2017, 08:40
Announcement from H.M.C.M King Philip III and II of Spain and Portugal, Kingdom of Naples and Sicily, Duke of Milan
We assure Maurice that we follow the spirit of our agreement than the letter. We effectively accept what is meant to be a cease fire. We will not commit in hostilities against the Dutch for the coming year unless the Dutch initiate hostile acts against us and our peoples during the coming year.

We also announce that we will attend a few places outside our capital such as Valladolid and a few cathedrals. We even consider visiting Santiago de Compostela, if the opportunity arises. We would like to thank our Lord for His kindness so far and gain personal impressions from the land we rule. The population and the local grandees will be informed about all the security and day to day matters during the Royal visit.

09-12-2017, 10:35
Announcement from H.M.C.M King Philip III and II of Spain and Portugal, Kingdom of Naples and Sicily, Duke of Milan
We assure Maurice that we follow the spirit of our agreement than the letter. We effectively accept what is meant to be a cease fire. We will not commit in hostilities against the Dutch for the coming year unless the Dutch initiate hostile acts against us and our peoples during the coming year.

We also announce that we will attend a few places outside our capital such as Valladolid and a few cathedrals. We even consider visiting Santiago de Compostela, if the opportunity arises. We would like to thank our Lord for His kindness so far and gain personal impressions from the land we rule. The population and the local grandees will be informed about all the security and day to day matters during the Royal visit.


I am pleased to read that the diplomacy is in progress. Nevertheless it would be nice if I receive the missing orders. Let's say on Saturday?

Here is some homework for all of you: how many men (soldiers) is the carrying capacity of 1 galleon or a small ship?

09-12-2017, 17:42
A european galleon would carry some 60-80 sailors and approximately 100 soldiers. A spanish or portuguese one would have 125-160 soldiers when at war or protecting cargo. On top of that you'd have some 15-18 officers, varying slightly depending on exact era. Additionally you may have enough artillerymen to service the pieces.

I don't know what a 'small ship' you refer to is: galleys tended to be pretty empty, but a typical enterprising pirate could have a crew of 20-40 soldiers and a few more sailors, which is why the spanish convoy system was so effective. Only other large national players or heavily sponsored corsairs could affort to maintain the necessary manpower and ships to attack a fully laden galleon. They were very heavily built - small calibre ammunition would hardly make a dent in the structure, beyond being lucky. Downside of course is that they were very slow, so once the artillery race in the XVIII century created more powerful weapons and casting techniques they were at a disadvantage compared to faster ships which were also heavily armed with newer artillery.

Prince Cobra
09-12-2017, 22:21

I am pleased to read that the diplomacy is in progress. Nevertheless it would be nice if I receive the missing orders. Let's say on Saturday?

Here is some homework for all of you: how many men (soldiers) is the carrying capacity of 1 galleon or a small ship?

Sunday would be better...

09-13-2017, 09:03
I believe that the troop capacity listed for ships of the period is much too small.Ships crews were much larger. Even the ships so far back as the Spanish Armada carries larger crews.

The Great Ships (large ships) typically carries a crew of sailors and officers of around 300 and a compliment of marines at least a third that size. Many of the large ships had a full ships compliment of 500. When pressed into service as troop transports this number would increase from 3 to 5 times that number.

Small Ships (middling ships) carried compliments of 160 to 200 and as transports, again, about 3 times the number of troops, or greater, could be transported.

Given these numbers, for game purposes, a fleet of two large ships or 5 small ships should be sufficient to transport a regiment of infantry (unit with the largest number of people).

Depending on distance and circumstances we might expect some attrition to take place in the transport.

09-13-2017, 17:52
Well, Wikipedia for one seems to agree with me:

under the Tripulacion section you can find some numbers. (Funnily enough that whole section does not exist in the english version of the article, so I suggest google translate. Or learning spanish)

El Barto
09-13-2017, 20:53
Or you can get a professional i.e. me to do it for you, rather than a substandard automated translator. ;)

And sure, by the weekend there'll be orders.

09-14-2017, 12:29
Well, Wikipedia for one seems to agree with me:

under the Tripulacion section you can find some numbers. (Funnily enough that whole section does not exist in the english version of the article, so I suggest google translate. Or learning spanish)

Indeed, the numbers are not in the English section.

A part of it is that the Galleon of the era was merely an armed merchantman. It was also an era when merchant shipping needed to be armed. Private venturers would generally be expected to carry smaller crews but this would be more likely to increase the transport capacity of the ships rather than reduce it.

The Royal, Great, or Large ships we may assume are those above 500 tons and she small ships 500 tons and below. Tonnage at the time was not rated displacement but tons of burden. Large ships could go as high a 2000 tons while the small ships sampled were 300 to 500 tons.

The crew and ships compliment numbers found by SwordsMaster are not transport capacities but merely the typical compliment when under way for any duties. The figure of soldiers given seems to be what we would call the Marine compliment or Naval Infantry aboard for defence at sea and as landing party. My crew numbers came from English Ships, which seem to be better documented, at least in English. They seem to be using double the number suggested in the Spanish text for sailors, one gunner per ships gun (the rest notionally made up of sailors to man it), and a compliment of soldiers/marines of about 100+.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_early_warships_of_the_English_navy#New_and_Rebuilt_Ships.2C_James_I_.281603.E2.80.931625.29 (much of the data is incomplete. You may get a sampling of ships of various sizes

The question is “ Troop Transport Capacity” if I understand correctly. Not the ships compliment.

As my information is on ship’s tonnage in carrying capacity, I suggest that we use the expedient of small ships being of 300 tons and carrying 600 troops and large ships being of 800 tones and carrying 1600 troops. That leaves us with 5 small ships or 2 large ships to transport an infantry regiment of 3000 troops. The cavalry regiments would take the same number of transports because of the size of the horses. Artillery regiments could be transported by 1 small ship due to their small size.

These are only expedients for size and capacity. Few naval ships were smaller than 300 tons though the Great ship vary greatly, from 600 tons to above 1500 tones. Transport of troops was usually a matter of hiring or commandeering sufficient ships for the task. Naval vessels would also be used but mainly as escorts for the safety of the troops.

Prince Cobra
09-17-2017, 11:08
Indeed, the numbers are not in the English section.

A part of it is that the Galleon of the era was merely an armed merchantman. It was also an era when merchant shipping needed to be armed. Private venturers would generally be expected to carry smaller crews but this would be more likely to increase the transport capacity of the ships rather than reduce it.

The Royal, Great, or Large ships we may assume are those above 500 tons and she small ships 500 tons and below. Tonnage at the time was not rated displacement but tons of burden. Large ships could go as high a 2000 tons while the small ships sampled were 300 to 500 tons.

The crew and ships compliment numbers found by SwordsMaster are not transport capacities but merely the typical compliment when under way for any duties. The figure of soldiers given seems to be what we would call the Marine compliment or Naval Infantry aboard for defence at sea and as landing party. My crew numbers came from English Ships, which seem to be better documented, at least in English. They seem to be using double the number suggested in the Spanish text for sailors, one gunner per ships gun (the rest notionally made up of sailors to man it), and a compliment of soldiers/marines of about 100+.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_early_warships_of_the_English_navy#New_and_Rebuilt_Ships.2C_James_I_.281603.E2.80.931625.29 (much of the data is incomplete. You may get a sampling of ships of various sizes

The question is “ Troop Transport Capacity” if I understand correctly. Not the ships compliment.

As my information is on ship’s tonnage in carrying capacity, I suggest that we use the expedient of small ships being of 300 tons and carrying 600 troops and large ships being of 800 tones and carrying 1600 troops. That leaves us with 5 small ships or 2 large ships to transport an infantry regiment of 3000 troops. The cavalry regiments would take the same number of transports because of the size of the horses. Artillery regiments could be transported by 1 small ship due to their small size.

These are only expedients for size and capacity. Few naval ships were smaller than 300 tons though the Great ship vary greatly, from 600 tons to above 1500 tones. Transport of troops was usually a matter of hiring or commandeering sufficient ships for the task. Naval vessels would also be used but mainly as escorts for the safety of the troops.

While I am nowhere near the knowledge of Fisherking and SwordsMaster, we should not forget that food for the crews also needs to be transported. A fleet overburdened with crews and supplies (food, water, cannon balls) is also slower and more vulnerable. I think Franc can look into the size of the Armada Army, the English Counter Armada for example. Then we also have disease as a factor. The food may also get spoiled. Storms also can slow down the said fleet. In addition you have also the sailors. It really depends how far this fleet will go, I think. It also depends whether there are friendly ports to resupply

Artillery needs cannonballs and artillery crew, horses are also heavier than men and require more food, more space and special accommodation. Therefore, it will be more logistically challenging to transport cannons and horses.

I played with some maths...

I would assume a soldier and his equipment (bullet, swords, muskets, pikes, armour) are up to 100 kg, a horse is 600-700 kg on average. I assume you have sailors who are engaged in quite a heavy activities during the day and soldiers that do not need that much food. We can say that the average consumption will be around 2500 - 3000 kcal per day, which was mostly dried bread. Let's be generous and place 1 kg of food per person per day. This does not include the rats that often infest ships and if part of the food gets spoiled. A person also needs fresh water (or rather watered alcohol) about 3 liters a day. It really depends how far the crew will travel. For example it took about 2 months of the Armada to get from Lisbon to the Graveillenes. This can be more or less depending on the weather conditions. A horse needs around 11 kg food per day. I would assume it also needs quite a bit of water: around 50 liters per day (1 liter of water is about 1 kg). Depending on the task of the army, supplies for some time on land will also be needed.

I also found this:

This document established predetermined rations for each sailor, which included one pound of biscuits and a gallon of beer each day and four pounds of beef, two pounds of salted pork, three eights of a twenty-four-inch cod, two pints of peas, six ounces of butter, and between eight and twelve ounces of cheese each week.


Of course, there might be the option to hire merchants ships (for a price) for extra carrying capacity. However these ships would be more vulnerable to attacks than a war ship.

El Barto
09-18-2017, 06:01
I hope that ‘the weekend’ extends into Mondays.


10-03-2017, 16:24
I began with a new job and it is killing me. Please give me some time!

El Barto
10-04-2017, 02:09
Unemployment is underrated.