View Full Version : A few questions

04-18-2003, 16:13
1. when i speed up time in a battle can i slow it back down again?

2. How do i get to deploy my units my self at the start of a battle rather than just pic from the menu part? I've been able to do this some times but not sure if it's something i did or only in certain situations.

3. And how do you win the first war of hundred years as the french battle. i managed to get one unit of horsemen out of the castle after forcing the gate, but they where really injured and only got 2 balistas before being cut down by the english.


Lord Of Storms
04-18-2003, 16:44
To question #1 :yes just slide the hourglass back and time will slow down. To # 2 Before a battle if you do not choose one of the given formations ,you can deploy your units however you want just click on them individually and position them wherever you want. To # 3 I have not played that scenario so I could not tell you...

Brother Derfel
04-18-2003, 16:59
Another answer to #2, you can also only deploy your troops yourself if you ar defending, you can not do it if you are attacking.

04-18-2003, 18:16
Quote[/b] ]1. when i speed up time in a battle can i slow it back down again?

Yes, just slide the small hourglass slider below the minimap back to the left until the screen reads zero percent. You can also Pause using the P key.

Quote[/b] ]2. How do i get to deploy my units my self at the start of a battle rather than just pic from the menu part? I've been able to do this some times but not sure if it's something i did or only in certain situations.

You can deploy your units in standard formations attacking or defending by selecting all units then right-clicking on the small symbol in the lower left corner of the screen above your General unit. To customize your deployment (only on defense) select the unit (or group of units) and left click where you want the left flank, hold the left-click and drag to where you wish the right flank to go.

Quote[/b] ]3. And how do you win the first war of hundred years as the french battle. i managed to get one unit of horsemen out of the castle after forcing the gate, but they where really injured and only got 2 balistas before being cut down by the english.

there may be a better way, and this way may seem 'cheesy', but . . .

Take your knights, your General (Joan) to the right (as you are looking out of the gate) to attack the ballista and the other two cav units to attack the Knights on the right. Send the smallest Chiv Sargeant unit also to deal with the Peasants on the far right. Do this immediately, as time is against you.

Then get your crossbows and foot soldiers out of the gate and set up a perimeter around the gate. I use the crossbows to get the billmen in the area, or another foot soldier unit.

Do not let Joan get stuck in the battle, use her to attack the ballista. Once the English Knights and Pez on your right rout, send one of your Knights after the next ballista on the right, up on the hill. Make sure this Knight unit avoids foot soldiers, and gets to the ballista before the English knights arrive. Use the other Knight unit to go after the unprotected English longbowmen.

Send Joan around the back of the Castle. You must be careful, 'cause she wants to go around the front, but if you go corner to corner (past the bridge) she will appear behind the left rear of the castle.

Once the second ballista is rubble, get your knights into position around the gate. In different games I have routed, captured, and killed the English King, but never have I survived the crush of the English army. My army always routs, and routs to the right.

But Joan is over behind the left rear corner of the catle, and now she makes a run at the far left ballista. About the time it is detroyed the English Knights start to catch on (they are busy routing your army) and begin to pursue her.

Once the far left ballista is firewood, race for the last one on the hill in front of the gate. The game ends when it is destroyed.

Make sure that you target the ballistas and not the crew. The crew will rout and if you have targeted the crew your knights will chase them and not stop to wreck the ballista. You don't have to kill the crew, just wreck the siege engines.

Also, you don't have to 'force' the gate. Just tell you men to go outside, and the gate will open for them. The way you wrote it seemed like you attacked your own gate. Don't.

I would be interested to hear if anyone fought the English head on and won.


04-18-2003, 18:26
Somehting to think about for all of us there... Cheers.

04-18-2003, 19:30
Hello Tim1986. Welcome the Entrance Hall of the Org.

Regarding #1: control-T will toggle the game speed between slowest and fastest speeds. Once I learned the key stroke I found it faster than moving the slider.

04-21-2003, 08:23
Thanks this is just what i was needing.
Yes i was attacking my own gate because when you hover over it it's name comes up red like the enemys do so i thought the game had classed it as an enemy. Oh well thanks again.

04-21-2003, 10:50
what ichi said http://www.totalwar.org/forum/non-cgi/emoticons/idea.gif as a tip i would suggest you try not to use the pause key too much http://www.totalwar.org/forum/non-cgi/emoticons/wink.gif

04-22-2003, 11:03
About ur deploy problem:
In multiplayer you can Deploy like u want in ur zone, in defense and attack position.
In Single or Custom u can only deploy like u want if u are Defender. But u can right click shield in right corner for formation setup if attack only.

Hope it helped http://www.totalwar.org/forum/non-cgi/emoticons/wave.gif

04-22-2003, 11:06
If you have artillery as attacker in SP, you can deploy it wherever you want within your deployment radius.