View Full Version : New historical battles site

12-17-2002, 21:30
hello, if anyone is interested in historical battles i have uploaded a new web site all about medieval historical battles. there is alot of historical information about the battles, the men who fought in them and the weapons and tactics used and i have recreated the battles to be downloaded and played. I intend to add a new battle every 1-2 weeks so keep checking , and there is also a forum so u can let me know what u think of the battles etc . plz pop over for a look

its at www.geocities.com/kyodaijonesy/main.html

12-17-2002, 22:13
Good luck m8

I think this will be an excellent site

12-17-2002, 23:56
thanks wolf http://www.totalwar.org/forum/non-cgi/emoticons/smile.gif

12-18-2002, 00:48
Hm, cool that you are using your time to do something creative Glad that this creativity goes into creating MTW stuff.

As far as the web: the link to the Shrew... battle does not work, and the logo at the bottom is not always black (bckground). Please let people know if you will need help.

12-18-2002, 07:01
sounds good. I like it when people actually get historical info on thier levels..

12-18-2002, 07:17
thanks Wolf http://www.totalwar.org/forum/non-cgi/emoticons/wave.gif

12-18-2002, 17:01
battle of shrewsbury is available for dload now :0

king steven
11-11-2003, 14:11
got me hocked like a fish on a rod