View Full Version : "Your Generals" in the Campaign help please

05-08-2003, 20:30
as i play this single player camapaigni am learning more and more.....

i never really pay attention to my generals vice and virtues, his loyality and info much....

but i am guessing there important....when u have generals some come out to be bad?

what am i looking for on vice and virtues that is not good for me to keep this general? and if he is bad what u recommned to do? also is it ok to move a general to one providence to another.

for spies on the enemy of the general, how does vice and virtues help me when i know what the enemy general has? to see a enemy of the general Vice and virtues..do i plce it on the enemy providence or on directly to the enemy general?

any tips on my generals and enemy generals.


05-08-2003, 23:55
All Generals arent good, and should nto be kept.
THere is alot of V&V that is not good to ahve on your general, drunkness is one of thoose. If u click ur general u will see what V&V he got and highlight them to see what each does.

I dont often usually build spies, i prefer the old fashion way of fighting wars =) But u should drop ur spy onto the general and then u can find out if he ahve any secret V&V that will damage his reputation.

Did this help?

05-09-2003, 00:16
Quote[/b] (jbmagic @ May 08 2003,14:30)] ...but i am guessing there important....when u have generals some come out to be bad?

what am i looking for on vice and virtues that is not good for me to keep this general? and if he is bad what u recommned to do? also is it ok to move a general to one providence to another.

If he is not a commander of a whole army, you can put him under the command of a better general. He will remain as a useful fighting unit. If he is a high command general, you will have to count the effect of his command stars and V&V. Sometimes, one or two bad vice can be overcome by the bonus provided by command stars and other virtue. Another thing you can do is put him under the King command.

If he is a governor ot a title holder, you can drop an emissary on him to ask him to resign (give up the title). If he is holding more than one title, he will resign all title at once. Then you can give the title to someone else. The loyalty of the general will drop a little. You will need to count the effect of all V&V to see if it worth keeping him or not.

Quote[/b] (jbmagic @ May 08 2003,14:30)]for spies on the enemy of the general, how does vice and virtues help me when i know what the enemy general has? to see a enemy of the general Vice and virtues..do i plce it on the enemy providence or on directly to the enemy general?

To discover hidden V&V of an enemy general, drop a spy on him. Depending on the V&V discovered, it may benefit you if it is a bad vice or it may benefit the enemy if it is a good virtue.

05-09-2003, 02:31
The only hidden virtues are bad ones, i thought? am i correct? or else why would he hide them? http://www.totalwar.org/forum/non-cgi/emoticons/dizzy.gif http://www.totalwar.org/forum/non-cgi/emoticons/joker.gif

Demon of Light
05-09-2003, 20:14
Secret zealot gives bonus to zeal if a governor and actually gives an additional bonus if it becomes public.