View Full Version : Help with strategy and tactics

05-11-2003, 22:03
I need a good site that can show me some good tactics/strategy/tips/formations. I just started playing online, and I don't do so well.

05-12-2003, 00:30
You must help...

05-12-2003, 02:39
And help we shall my friend. I will impart to you the little I know.
Firstly...know the game controls and the advantages, such as grouping units for better control. During the heat of battle things happen too fast to click and move each unit. Think ahead, so you will have an idea of where your units are going , what you want them to do.
Second...know the units. Even if you just play one faction for awhile. Know their strengths and weaknesses, so you can maximize the strengths and minimize the other. Spear beats Cav, Sword beats spear, Cav beats sword.
Next...units with no valor will run early. Less units with 4 valor and you get flanked. There is usually a happy medium.
Next...get a good unit mix. Usually some sword, some spear, some Cav of lt and hvy and some missile. Spread out your missile in front no more than 2 ranks deep. Put a unit or 2 of light cav at the side with a clear path. Your enemy will try and charge your missiles. If he is inattentive you can do the same. Just rein in your cav before they go into the enemy lines or you will lose them.
Next...communicate with your allies, as far as plans, setting up, standing together, etc....do not set up far from your allies....you can get doubled and slaughtered.
Next...guard your flanks....against cav and foot once you make contact. Sometimes I use a 3-sided box, the arms can then move outward or inward as needed.
Terrain...be VERY mindfull of this. Seek the high ground, dont charge uphill. Walk to the enemy and then just before contact charge into them.
This game is much about seeing what is going on and taking the appropriate action at the right time. if you get a chance get into a game with 7Bear7Kuma. He is very patient and has a knack for the timing.
Never give up, be respectfull at all times, and above all have fun.
Am sure you`ll get a post soonest with a Strat site.
Good luck,

05-12-2003, 13:56
There is a threat in here o the very topic you raised. Just do some searching (one of the buttons on the top of the screen, to your left) and you will find it. It covered pretty nicely the MP part from the start to the end, as well as included a good discussion about tactics.

Another interesting topic that I saw covered the 9 principles of war.

I mysle do not MP, so cannot be of help to you.


Michael the Great
05-12-2003, 14:57
Quote[/b] (Dimeolas @ May 11 2003,20:39)]Spear beats Cav
Yeah,in 'some' cases

05-12-2003, 15:29
1. Follow the advice given by Dimeolas http://www.totalwar.org/forum/non-cgi/emoticons/wink.gif
2. Under the jousting fields topic in forums there are several threads with tips .
3. At our clansite is a good beginners guide written by KenchiSko ( just klick on my banner to get there http://www.totalwar.org/forum/non-cgi/emoticons/smile.gif )
4. When in the game room just ask for help and state that you are new ...and play a couple of training matches ...


05-12-2003, 17:19
Remember that mounted Knights are built for the charge, and they are nearly unstoppable (unless of course you charge into a 6 deep formation of Swiss Armored Pikemen, head-on)

The key is to outflank and use the terrain to your advantage. Cavalry can beat spearmen by charging into a flank and avoiding the spear wall...

So infantry either stand firm in the face of a cavalry charge or they crumble very quickly.

Try to make a balanced army of a few missile troops, a good chunk of spearmen, some good men at arms, and some heavy and Light cavalry.

Seige weapons are only good if you want to knock down the odd castle rather than starve out the enemy (and sometimes you have no choice but to assault). So keep some within reach but seperate from your main force until you need them.


05-12-2003, 20:26
Thanks, lately I have been learning online against various SPQR members(always at least 3 of them on). I haven't really been flanking at all, as I never seem to have enough units to go around the flanks. Last night I started using the Picts mounted crossbowmen, and I actually nearly won a battle of 2 on 2 with 1,500 kills, until my ally was defeated. Then I played a game 1 V 1, and the enemy was trying to draw my cavalry out, and I didn't realize it. When I finally lost patience and attacked, my cavalry was flanked, and since it was near his army, my spearmen got their when my Cav was routing. I sstarted using missile units in ranks of 2, and they are very effective. I also learned how archers get completely decimated by Pav Arbs, and then how the Pav Arbs fire at the rest of my army, and I lose patience yet again. http://www.totalwar.org/forum/non-cgi/emoticons/smile.gif