View Full Version : Titles in VI

05-15-2003, 08:33
Has anyone else noticed that the titles in VI are so much better? They give much more of a stat increase, often increasing three stats as well as loyalty. Is this because there are fewer overall provinces, do you think? Or does it reflect an age when war and conquering were even more important than the medieval period?

05-15-2003, 08:50
I'd say its because of the age really. Alot of the titles that add to multiple stats are in the historically war-torn provinces or seats of powers for various Kings. It does certainly make pumping up a general easier however. Though even with that I didn't get a 6 star general until recently, he still has a spot open to rule a province so i'm thinking of bringing him up to 7 stars.

Got kinda off track, but in a roundabout way I meant to say its probably also because of the weaker generals everyone seems to get. I've seen maybe two 6 star+ generals. Though this might be because of the green generals command line more then a change in VI. Its hard to build up any uber-general over time unlike in M:TW. If only the popups about their deaths would display correctly.

05-15-2003, 10:15
I've only had one really good general die on me, but he was replaced by another who was very nearly as good - same command rating, exactly the same v&v, just a bit lower stats.

05-15-2003, 11:06
All my generals seem to become alcoholics sooner or later. Maybe it`s because they don`t have much to do. Playing the Saxons and I don`t have much room to expand because the Mercians block the way north and they are strong. Guess I have to invade Ireland.