View Full Version : Quitting during online games

06-10-2003, 01:42
To the Total War multiplayer community:

Do Not Quit A Game Until After Your Army Is Completely Routed

Wait for the message "Please wait while this conflict is resolved" before dropping.

When you drop it has a tendency to crash the game for the remaining players. This has been discussed ad nauseum but apparently SOME FOLKS DONT GET IT http://www.totalwar.org/forum/non-cgi/emoticons/mad.gif

Dropping from a game 'cause you are getting beaten is poor form.

Dropping from a game 'cause you dont like the @$$h*l#$ you are playin with is OK - just rout before you drop.



06-10-2003, 02:17
That's because they don't read this forum :)


06-10-2003, 02:37

Assuming of course that they can read.


06-10-2003, 02:47
Gah read Gah http://www.totalwar.org/forum/non-cgi/emoticons/wacko.gif


06-10-2003, 08:44
it is very frustrating and seems to great number of times when im the host

06-10-2003, 12:53

I hate quiters, especially when u are setting up a game and thye just vanish without saying why

agh agh agh agh agh

06-10-2003, 14:14
Yes, quitters should quit in lobby - not in game.

06-10-2003, 16:35
In game, a quit results in out of sync/crash only if the quitting party has units still unrouted on the field, if you decide to quit (cause you want to get to another game ASAP) select all rout,.... I think you must also wait a few secounds...

06-11-2003, 15:44
Safest way remains of course to stay in game....

but I think you may safely leave a game the moment there are no units of your army anymore on the field. So simply routing or withdrawing your whole army does not work... You have to wait till they left the field as well...

I've got the feeling that the fault, which causes this crash by exiting, is somewhere hidden in the auto-switch of turning a standing army into a routing army when player leaves the game or/and the checking whether that players army is routing (with or without possible regroup potential, withdrawing or still in action)

When you dont have any units of your army on the field, then that fault cant be made since there is nothing to check or auto-switch

06-23-2003, 18:53
I simply dont know why people quit. I dont know if its only because of my psychotic admire towards total war but I really enjoy watching the games of other people.

06-23-2003, 21:02
I know i actually like seeing what tactics the enemy uses after i have been defeated (which is also becoming less and less thankfully but still cant beat the best so i try to play them if possible also because i can trust them http://www.totalwar.org/forum/non-cgi/emoticons/pat.gif )

Brutal DLX
06-24-2003, 08:12
Well, I always watch games till then end after I'm out, mainly because I don't want to take a chance on ruining the game for everybody else if I quit. (you know, it still might crash after all your men left, better not try it out).
Another annoying thing is people taking just a few units, and still have thousands of florins left when they start the game because they didn't even upgrade those few units...

06-24-2003, 10:54
Bah your even lucky for that. What I saw once was, in a 4v4 I was on the very right flank and when I looked at my allies's deployments, two of them were facing my army, instead of the enemy http://www.totalwar.org/forum/non-cgi/emoticons/eek.gif I warned them and thankfully they managed that the visible armies during the deployment time were your ally's armies, and the enemy forces were invisible unitl the battle starts. Doh that had really pushed my patience http://www.totalwar.org/forum/non-cgi/emoticons/rolleyes.gif