View Full Version : A 60 minute battle for nothing

06-20-2003, 18:35
Man this is so not cool, I'm the Saxons and went in to fight the rebels, while the Irish heir re appeard, and the Welsh, my ally sent in units. Irish had the biggest army but used it to stupidly. I watched the 3 factions go at it and the irish sent like 2-3 horse units at me, wasting em. Anyway after 50 mintues the Welsh wer3 compelelty wiped out and what was left was me and the rebels. I beat em and guess what, the province goes the the Welsh wtf this is so not fair, I understand if they end the battle with more men but they had 0 men on the battlefield grrrrrrrr

06-20-2003, 23:19
It's not the size of the army that survives, but the one that is sent to fight the battle. In essence, he who makes the greater commitment, reaps the rewards(even if someone else does all the work).

06-20-2003, 23:21
Thats kinda lame, but I couldnt stand loosing all my men, had like 35 left so I reloaded and didn't help. Darn buggers, lol