View Full Version : The battle of Watling street

09-12-2003, 07:26
The following is an article taken from DBA about the battle.

Battle of Watling Street (61 AD)
When Prasutagus, King of the Iceni, died in 60 AD, the local Roman procurator Catus Decianus confiscated Iceni lands, and had his soldiers flog Prasutagus' wife Boudicca and rape her daughters. This outrage, coupled with repressive Roman taxes to recover previous loans to the Iceni and tributes levied on the neighboring Trinovantes to build a Roman temple at Colchester, prompted a revolt of the two tribes lead by Boudicca.

Boudicca's host first sacked Colchester, massacring the inhabitants and tearing down the new temple. A vexillation of the 9th Legion (Legio Hispania) from Lincoln rushed to the region to suppress the rebellion, but was ambushed in line of march, with over 2000 Roman legionaries killed. Boudicca's army continued their march of retribution, torching Chelmsford and then Verulamium (near St. Albans). Londinium (London) was next, its buildings set to the torch and its inhabitants put to the sword. At this point, rather than dispersing with their loot, Boudicca was able to convince her host of the need for a decisive battle against the Romans in Britain before reinforcements could arrive from Gaul. Boudicca's army continued their advance northwest along the Watling Road to seek battle against the army of the Roman governor Seutonius Paulinus, as the war of retribution had become a war of liberation.

Seutonius had been campaigning with the 14th Legion against the Druids at Mona on the Isle of Anglesey. Returning at first news of the revolt, he was forced to abandon St. Albans and Londinium to their fate for lack of available troops. Instead, he gathered his forces at a defensible position along the Watling Street, which has been tentatively identified with the Roman fort at Mancetter (Manduessendum or "Place of Chariots"). Here he purportedly positioned his legions at the head of a wide defile (the valley of a small tributary to the River Anker), with thick forest and the fort itself to guard his flanks and rear. The River Anker also ran parallel across the front of the Roman position, although its effect on the subsequent battle is not clear.

Tactitus (Annals XIV) described the position as follows: "...He chose a position approached by a narrow defile and secured in the rear by a forest, first satisfying himself that there was no trace of an enemy except in his front, and that the plain there was devoid of cover and allowed no suspicion of an ambuscade."

According to Tacitus (Annals XIV), Seutonius had a total of 10,000 men, including his 14th Legion, a vexillation of the 20th Legion, and auxiliaries. Other estimates put the Roman force at 7000-8000 legionaries and 4000 auxiliaries (including cavalry). The size of Boudicca's army is more speculative, with Tacitus reporting 100,000 and Cassius Dio estimating a quarter of a million. Both sources agree, however, that the British forces had brought their families along to witness the decisive battle, and that their carts and wagons were arrayed encircling the rear of the British position, forming a signficant barrier to movement.

As the armies arrayed for battle, the commanders sought to motivate their respective soldiers. Boudicca is reputed to have told her followers, "win the battle or perish, that is what I, a woman will do; you men can live in slavery if that is what you want." Suetonius' remarks, recorded by Tactitus from the recollections of Agricola who was present at the battle, were more business-like: "Ignore the racket made by these savages. There are more women than men in their ranks. They are not soldiers - they're not even properly equipped. We've beatten them before and when they see our weapons and feel our spirit, they'll crack. Stick together. Throw the javelins, then push forward: knock them down with your shields and finish them off with your swords. Forget about booty. Just win and you'll have the lot."

The accounts indicate a fairly straight-forward battle along the lines encouraged by Seutonius. Boudicca lead her army forward across the plain and into the narrowing defile in a massive frontal attack. As they advanced, they were channeled into a tight mass. At approximately 40 yards, their advance was staggered by a volley of Roman pila. The Roman army then advanced, their superior discipline, tactics and equipment giving them a decisive edge in the close quarters fighting against the tightly packed British. As the British losses quickly mounted, the warbands began to give way, only to find that their encircling wagons provided an almost impassable barrier. The overall impression of the battle is of a "Cannae" effect, with the British wagons and carts providing the decisive containment.

The Roman army cut down an estimated 80,000 Britons, including women and children spectators in revenge for depredations committed at Colchester and London. Only 400 Roman soldiers (and an unknown number of auxiliaries) lost their lives. Fearing capture, Boudicca poisoned herself, and the great Iceni revolt was brought to a decisive end.

09-12-2003, 09:26
Interesting account, Shadeswolf. This seems like one of those battles - rather like Agincourt - which it would be very hard to simulate in a game like Total War and get the historical outcome. Unless the Romans are treated as the equivalent of huscarles or given a very high command leader, I can't see this being replicated on the battlefield.

09-12-2003, 10:37
Agreed Simon. I suppose the only possible way would be to set up the famous "Alpine defence" for the Romans... didn't you know there was a mountain at Nuneaton http://www.totalwar.org/forum/non-cgi/emoticons/smile.gif

09-13-2003, 13:42
I have created a small section on my web site about this battle.

The battle of Watling Street (http://www.rometotalwar.co.uk/timecommanderswatling1.htm)

09-13-2003, 19:55
very intresting.