View Full Version : Influence bug in v2.01 ???

10-23-2003, 16:26
I do not know if anyone has noticed this or not. But after installing the new patch (thank god its out) i have noticed some weird happenings with kings influence.

I am currently playing French GA Early Expert campagn. My king Louis VI who i call the "Crusader King", has reclaimed the majority of Middle East by Crusades as per requirements of GA game. So my kings influence was 9. Continuing the war in the Middle East i have conquered a few more key provinces and my influence has jumped to ..........1. I was like wtf? I checked and reloaded the game and it was still 1. After a few more years of conquest and 2 successful crusades against the Germans (who were excommed) my kings influence was back at 9.

So the progression was like this: 9 1 4 5 6 8 9 and then the king died.

Can anyone tell me what is up with this annoying "feature"?

10-23-2003, 19:17
I had a similar experience with an Egyptian sultan. After a few successful jihads his influence was up to 9. Then, checked his influence bar after the Pope had called for crusades against Egypt, it was 2... Once I had defeted the crusades, the influence was back to 9 (I didn't record the progression in between). I thought it had something to do with the Pople calling for crusades against my emperor. However, your example defied that line of reasoning. I guess, it is a bug...

10-23-2003, 19:21
Hey Rev http://www.totalwar.org/forum/non-cgi/emoticons/biggrin.gif

Off Topic: sorry for not replying earlier to your suggestion for the heroes. Are you going to go ahead with that small project ?

I think it's a good idea. http://www.totalwar.org/forum/non-cgi/emoticons/pat.gif http://www.totalwar.org/forum/non-cgi/emoticons/wave.gif

10-23-2003, 20:15
Hey Sinan http://www.totalwar.org/forum/non-cgi/emoticons/wave.gif I see you have changed your name abit http://www.totalwar.org/forum/non-cgi/emoticons/wink.gif
About that small project, as soon as i find more time i will definitely try to do it. But right now i can barely write a few posts. Lol I still havent finished the write up for my Spanish reign - i know its bad.

Back on topic. Kristaps, I am sort of glad that someone else has noticed this irregularity with influence. At the same time I am abit saddened because that probably means that it is a bug.

Oh well, cant fix em all eh? Let's see what other people have noticed. I just hope that it doesnt have an adverse affect on the game, i.e. your king going from the most feared ruler in the world (9 influence) to a laughing stock of the day (1 influence). Needless to say i was panicking and prepared for a multi front war if necessary. Thankfully it didnt happen.

Thats it for now.

10-23-2003, 20:58
i have experienced this bug, before patch.

Brutal DLX
10-24-2003, 11:07
I think I have experienced it too, pre patch, but it might still be in there. I believe it is about the same problem that you often see on byz kings with 9 stars. Every now and then an heir is born whom the game thinks to be even a better commander than his father, so he gets one extra star, this will result in 10 stars, and as that is out of range the heir gets reset to having 0 command stars. So the math there goes like 9+1= 0, 9+2=1 and so on.
I suspect that it is maybe be the same with influence, that you can accumulate so much of it that it simply is over the limit and the counter is restarted.
However the event with the Egyptian Sultan might be really related to the crusades and possible loss of allied Christian factions as well as war declarations.

10-24-2003, 13:43
i too experinced it as the Turkish

strangely my influence dropped mid jihad and then went back up again?

happened on at least two seperate occasions

all pre patch....

Odyssey of War
10-24-2003, 15:48
This is not a new feature of the new patch. It does have to do with the rollover problem with command stars and influence is affected the same way. The program ignores any number with more than one digit. Essentially, MTW shows 1 for 11, 2 for 12, 3 for 13, and such. This does not make your general less competent and less of a general if he goes over 9, but less stars or crowns will be shown to the user.

10-24-2003, 16:43
Quote[/b] (Odyssey of War @ Oct. 24 2003,09:48)]This is not a new feature of the new patch. It does have to do with the rollover problem with command stars and influence is affected the same way. The program ignores any number with more than one digit. Essentially, MTW shows 1 for 11, 2 for 12, 3 for 13, and such. This does not make your general less competent and less of a general if he goes over 9, but less stars or crowns will be shown to the user.
Hmm, I don't think this is right. On several occassions, I've had muslim leaders with 9 influence stars. Once 9 stars have been reached, successive jihads (i've launched up to 10 at the same time) do not improve the influence rating at all... (i.e., the influence rating does not go to 10, 11, 12 stars).

Also, in the case of the particular egyptian sultan I mentioned, the influence drop (from 9 to 2 stars) was accompanied by loss of loyalty amongst troops.

10-24-2003, 23:27
I must agree with Kristaps here. I DID NOT experience this in v2.0 at all. I was aware of teh rollover for the Byzantine heirs, ie 9 star king producing "better" 0 star heirs cuz the game thought that the heir had 10 stars.

But i repeat, I have not exeperienced the influence fluctuations like that in the old VI and MTW. Unfortunately i did not pay attention to the loyalty after the drop to 1 influence, but i did notice that it was impossible to make alliances. After my influence was back at 9 I was back in bussiness.

So i think this is a new issue. I must add to this that there was no way for me to lose influence as I had no rebellions was never excommed didnt lose any battles (at least with taht king anyway). All my Crusades were successful etc etc.

I hope you get the point. So i think Kristaps and I may be onto something. If I am wrong then please correct me and back yourself by facts.

Bowing out,

10-24-2003, 23:32
Also forgot to mention that pre-patch I have had many kings with 9 influence conducting successful wars, gaining many new territories and their influence still stayed at 9.

Quote[/b] ]Hmm, I don't think this is right. On several occassions I've had muslim leaders with 9 influence stars. Once 9 starts have been reached successive jihads (i've launched up to 10 at the same time) do not improve the influence rating at all... (i.e., the influence rating does not go to 10, 11, 12 stars).

This just makes more sense and adds abit more facts. Thanks Kristaps.

10-26-2003, 00:24
well, better than the "56" bug. Didn't happen to me yet, but I haven't played as catholic yet.