View Full Version : Unknown Faction?!

04-30-2004, 02:46
Hi all,

I've been doing some modding work on a new campaign I'm creating, based around the Viking map. I've already added several factions successfully in the past, had no problems whatsoever after my first attempt -- until now.

I added a faction FN_12, the North Picts. As you can see, as there are 8 factions in the original viking campaign, I've already added 3 factions before this last one.

So now, after going through Starkhorn's guide (just like I did the other 3 times), I go to start up MTW and get the Unknown Faction Specified error... Man, the last time I got that was during my first attempt at adding a faction, and THAT was because I hadn't declared the new faction in the VIKING.txt. But that's not the reason this time, because I've added

DeclareFaction:: FN_12

to both my new campaign's startpos txt, and the original VIKING.txt.

I've checked all over the place, and FN_12 always seems to show up where it belongs. It looks like I did everything right.

Any ideas???

Very Frustrating

Thanks in advance,


04-30-2004, 11:56
OK, a few minutes after I posted that question I actually figured it out.

Here's the thing: I've added TWO new campaigns based on the Viking map. That means I've got THREE startpos txt files for the VIking map, one of them the original (Viking.txt); the second one is my DarkAge campaign (which I called VikingMe.txt); and the third one for an earlier Saxon invasion/Arthurian Britain campaign I'm working on as well (Saxon.txt).

I thought I only needed to define my new faction for VikingMe.txt in TWO places:


but then I realized I might have to declare it in Saxon.txt as well - even though that's not the campaign I'll be using the new faction in.

I did that, and the faction showed up on the appropriate campaign map.

Maybe my fumblings can help benefit some others who are adding new factions and working with more than just one altered campaign.

As a side note, however, my new King of the North Picts appears as Sultan Castantin I....

hmmm, have to do some more checking I guess http://www.totalwar.org/forum/non-cgi/emoticons/gc-jester.gif

04-30-2004, 13:41
I am glad you worked it out because I didn't have the foggiest :p

04-30-2004, 14:08
Glad you were able to figure it out on your own. That is usually the best way to learn something.

BTW, welcome CountMRVHS. http://www.totalwar.org/forum/non-cgi/emoticons/wave.gif May I ask what MRVHS stands for? The curiousity is killing me.

05-01-2004, 00:10
Maybe he is count of the replay tapes stored in VHS format and he wanted to be sure everyone knew he was a he. But then the word 'count' should have already denoted that, so maybe that really isn't it. Anyway, he seems a nice enough person and we have had many interesting strategic VI discussions at the COM although Obake Date may be corrupting him to the dark side as a GA player.

05-01-2004, 03:12
I'm afraid the damage is done on that account, Satyr; I'm currently in the middle of a GA Byzantine campaign. Although, I did allow myself some liberties and took Antioch.

I mean, come on, it's Antioch

I just stopped a few minutes ago, just a couple of years after the dreaded Horde emerged. I've been playing the VIking campaign so much lately, I've forgotten how much fun it is at times on the European map I just successfully defended Trebizond from Mongol attack using the famed hide in the woods and rip them to shreds with your Varangian Guard and Byz Inf approach. Good times.

In regards to the name, well, it's a bit immature. Ok, it's a LOT immature. Maybe some of you remember a SNL sketch a few years back with Alec Baldwin? He was applying for some job, and was asked about his past work experience. I can't remember the whole sketch, but he mentions how he has starred in certain movies; You may remember me as Count Monster-Rod von Hugenstein in whatever the name of the film was. Well, at the time I was a lad of 17 (this was about 7 years ago) and that made-up porn star name struck me as incredibly hilarious.

So, fastforward a bunch of years and I'm looking for a screenname for the COM. I think I tried a couple of other historical names, but they were taken. So I fell back on the immature genitalia-related acronym.

Although, having to explain it sort of sucks the humor right out of it, doesn't it? Ah well. Now you all know the horrible truth; don't hold it against me I am quite capable of carrying on an intelligent conversation, as I believe I have proved over at the COM.

Well, that's me - classy all the way http://www.totalwar.org/forum/non-cgi/emoticons/gc-toff.gif