View Full Version : changes to unit prod

05-05-2004, 01:42
I was just wondering how, exactly, one can switch between different unit availabilities.

To clarify: I've made some different campaigns using different factions and units. Now, if I want to go play an "original" Viking campaign, my new units are still available. So for example, instead of commanding a unit of Royal Bodyguards, the anglosaxon factions command units of Royal Retainers, which are my own creation.

How can I switch back and forth between having my new units available to having only the original units available? I know I can go back through Gnome and change the VIkingUnitProd file that way, or I guess I could just delete my new additions so the game would only be able to use the original unitprod file which I have still saved.... but this seems somewhat drastic.

What's the use of backing up unitprod files if the game only uses the most recent changes you've made, and if I can't switch from my changes to the original version without a big hassle?

Not a HUGE deal, as I haven't changed a lot of things really, but there seems like there should be a better way to do this...

appreciate any info


05-05-2004, 08:05
I hope I can give you the right answer.

I don't know if you already know that you can have more then one workable unitprodfile.
Just make a copy of both the unitprodfile and buildprodfile and name them for example:


Then go to campmap/startpos and make a copy of VIKING.txt and name it for example:


Open up the new copy and scroll down untill you see this:

Code Voorbeeld //=======================================
//production files to be used for this
// ProdFile - allows you to specify the production files for this startpos
// usage: Prodfile:: <Production file type> <filename> <Production file type> <filename>
// where <Production file type> = UNITPROD or BUILDINGPROD
// <filename> = name of prod file, including file extension.
// example:
// Prodfiles:: UNITPROD "TargetsUnits.txt" BUILDINGPROD "TargetsBuildings.txt"
//all Prodfiles must be stored in the Medieval root folder

Prodfiles:: UNITPROD "vikings_unit_prod.txt" BUILDINGPROD "vikings_build_prod.txt"[/QUOTE]

And change the "vikings_unit_prod.txt" to "CountMRVHS_UNITPROD_FILE.txt" and the "vikings_build_prod.txt" to "CountMRVHS_BUILDPROD_FILE.txt".

You can also change what the ingame name will be for the era:

Code Voorbeeld //========================================
//campaign name: can either be text or a
//label. Set predefined accordingly
cn_title::"Viking Period Title"
cn_short_title::"Viking Period Short Title"[/QUOTE]

Change "Viking Period Title" to for example "CountMRVHS's Viking Era".
And "Viking Period Short Title" to something similar.

Because you did this, everytime you start with the new era named CountMRVHS's Viking Era, it will automatically use CountMRVHS_UNITPROD_FILE.txt and CountMRVHS_BUILDPROD_FILE.txt because you stated in that startpos file which prodfiles to use.

This means you do not have to alter the original unitprod, buildprod and startpos files in any way.

Note: If you change something other era's also use, for example; you change the name of Welsh Bandits to Welsh Longbowmen, then it will be reflected in all games that use the WELSHBANDITS unit entry. Things like this is what you should be aware of before editing.

05-05-2004, 12:00

Thanks a million [DnC], that was exactly what I was wondering about. I'll try that tonight.

I knew there had to be a point in backing up those files


05-06-2004, 18:56
Got it working? http://www.totalwar.org/forum/non-cgi/emoticons/smile.gif

05-06-2004, 20:56
Yeah, I tested it last night.

At first I did a real quick version, and just changed the UNITPROD from "vikings_unit_prod.txt" to "mymod.txt", and left the Buildprod as it was.

Well, that apparently caused some problems because I couldn't start MTW; got 2 strange error messages in a row. The first one said something about needing to "parse" the building selection first; and the next one was a really odd "unknown faction GERMAN_HRE" error. It was strange because I haven't been doing anything with the HRE, as obviously I'm working with the Viking map.

But I went back and made a copy of the buildprod, renamed it, and stuck it in there instead for my new campaign, and the game started again. I thought I didn't need to change it because I hadn't made any changes to the buildprod file, but I guess you need to at least rename it anyway....

Thanks for the detailed response

05-07-2004, 07:20
I'm glad you got it working http://www.totalwar.org/forum/non-cgi/emoticons/smile.gif