View Full Version : Armies management in Shogun

06-22-2004, 03:13
Yes I'm still playing Shogun and its not even Mongol Invasion
I have 3 questions:

1)I have many troops in this province but not arranged in armies. A neibour decides to attac me and i find myself in battle with only the yari ashigury I have 30 plus units, cavalary etc. How does the computer chooses which unites I should start the battle with? This is an old province of mine and troops have come and gone here.

2)Well I lost the battle and since my +3 honor general runned away(cant belive it) i didnt even get reinforcements at all I had 4 Yari Cavalary in reserve and after the battle they were gone Why?

3)What is the order of reinforcements?

thanks in advance for your answers.
