View Full Version : EA/CA still together?

07-16-2002, 17:30
Are EA/CA still affiliated for this game? If not then EA have the right to just pull the plug on the server, but if CA still have a say surely they can put a stop in that. Or is it that CA don't give a dime either?

The Soul

"What people do to other souls
They take their lives - destroy their goals
Their basic pride and dignity
Is stripped and torn and shown no pity....
When this could be Heaven for Everyone"
Queen - Heaven for Everyone

MaJesticSoul Sakai

07-16-2002, 17:58
I am really really pissed off by this whole saga. I am having to bite my tongue as not to offend anybody of what I would like to do to workers of ea. Grrrrr

07-16-2002, 19:07
Well they can't just unplug it Soul. EA and CA are still legally tied and EA have rights on Shogun.

Would be a terrible blow on their reputation if they just unplug it.

Clan Kenchikuka (http://www.totalwar.org/kenchikuka)
evil is within us... http://www.totalwar.org/site/emomalta.gif

07-16-2002, 23:38
Old McDonald had a farm,
And on that farm he had a pig,

Shoggy will get more support from EA when John Madden and Goldberg become taishos in the Takeda and Hojo clans.

07-17-2002, 01:44
Tank, I bow to you! I know it is hard to bite your tongue, that's why a double bow http://www.totalwar.org/ubb/wink.gif


07-17-2002, 02:50
Yes, double bow also, to Tank....

It is difficult not to vent my frustrations against EA... the pressure in Tank's skull must be incredible.

Bravo for holding it back!

07-18-2002, 17:45
Well done tank m8

Nice one Vanya