View Full Version : longbows or arbelests

08-20-2004, 22:56
Whats your preference ???? I dont even train arbelests any more. In my opinion I find them to slow firing , Moving (with the pavice) and need a clear sight on target. The only use I find for them is in a defensive role where they can take out a few knights before taking a charge and then hold out just long enough for me to flank with another unit. Any one agree or am I just using them wrong ???? Open to sugestions.

08-20-2004, 23:01
There is another post on the exact same topic around here so I'll find it for ya.
Welcome to the forums.

08-20-2004, 23:03
Here we go



08-20-2004, 23:35
Thanks Kagetora. Read the many posts and come to the conclusion I'm a longbow man. I love tha fact that I can engage lesser archers shotly after they engage me ,even when they have the high ground. I love zooming in on an attacking armies best unit when its beeing decimated by my longbows.And I love watching my longbows in pursuit of a fleeing army, They look great with there axes drawn. Or maybe I'm just stuck in my way's. Then again that is so typicaly English.


08-20-2004, 23:36
Thanks for finding that thread Kategora... my question is, uhh...

How do you get them? :tomato: (tries ducking)

My current campaign is the first I've ever done as the English, and so I take a look at my unit chart on the wall. It says that being English and having at least a Bowyer's Guild should be enough. I finally get to build a bowyer's guild, excitedly click unit creation in Wales...! and, nothing. Rot.

I think, hmm, maybe it's a misprint and you need a Master Bowyer, so I build one. Nothing. I think, hmmm, maybe you need LOTS of them. So I have seven Bowyer's Guilds all over Western Europe (Wales included). Still I cannot build longbowmen.

I only know they're fun because I managed to BRIBE the ones in Wales early in the game.



08-21-2004, 00:02
Sorry mate I cant help. Your dead right, I've got the tech tree infront of me and all thats required is a bowers guild.

08-21-2004, 00:09
Sorry again, all a bowers guild will allow you to train is lowd dogs.(I'm sorry for every spelling mistake I make on this forum for the rest of my life)

08-21-2004, 00:12
Longbows only become available in late period. That could be your problem.

In the latest MedMod they are available immediately to the English. Also an awesome mod- I would suggest trying it. It enhances gameplay immensely IMO.

08-21-2004, 00:26
ah-ha, yes that could be the problem, still in early here... blast, thanks for the info.

08-21-2004, 01:55
Well, you guys should also look into getting the Gnome Editor, whic is great for Modifying the games units and buildings, for example your can mod it so that you can get all the archer units by just bulding a bower or you can make chivlric Knights available to the islamice factions. Pay a visit to the dungeon to find out more about modding and do a google search to find the Gnome Editor.

Duke of Gloucester
08-21-2004, 09:09
Longbows become available in the High period (1205 onwards)

08-21-2004, 15:40
Different uses for each. Generally I will use arbalests (no pavisse) out wide, with my main core sitting in the middle, and longbows behind them. The arbalests tend to seem to have a better kill per volley ratio, but then again they shoot slowly. but this means they are still shooting when the enemy breaks, and volleys into their backs tends to make suer they stay routing. By this stage longbowman are just about completely out.

08-21-2004, 16:37
Too clarify my above post (can't edit) the longbows are to break the enemy, the arbalests are to make sure they stay broken.

08-21-2004, 20:46
This thread comes up every 3 months or so.

Longbows and Arbs have very different uses. In a good army I think that you need to have both.

Arbs are good as anti-missile, especially as anti-xbow or anti-arb. This is much more important in MP play but can also come into SP. I use my arbs (or xbows) out front. When the enemy infantry or cavalry gets within range I switch to shooting them. When the armies get real close I move my arbs behind my fighters, maybe off to the side to continue shooting at enemy fighters. If I can drive off all of the enemy missiles, then I use my arbs to slowly shoot the enemy before engaging with hand-to-hand guys.

Longbows should (IMHO) be used to rain lots of armor piercing missiles on enemy fighters - not used to trade missiles with other archers, xbows, or arbs. If you are using LBs to shoot archers you are wasting a great asset. I set my LBs behind my fighters and save them unitl the armies are close, then focus on the best enemy units. When the LBs are out of ammo, I put them in a 4 deep formation and use them as flankers - the AP bonus can make them a powerful fighting unit especially at V2 and above. LBs can also be useful against armored cav archers - Szeks and Boyars.

In a good English army I use 3 pavs (xbows or arbs) and 2 LBs. I usually set the xbows/arbs on hold formation/hold position/fire-at-will, but I prefer to use LBs on hold pos/engage-at-will with fire-at-will turned off. I like xbows and arbs to have great armor, but they don't need weapons or valor upgrades. If I use arbs or xbows without pavs, I frequently put them on loose formation. LBs can benefit from any upgrade - valor 2 gives them morale 8, but armor really helps them out too.

I buy LBs as mercs in the SP game whenever I can.

LBs and Arbs are different, and have different qualities and purposes. The LB is one of the best buys in the game, but I always laugh when I see someone with a unit of LBs out in front shooting at arbs or even archers.
