View Full Version : Patch Request List

10-25-2004, 22:24
I tried to order most sections by importance. I didn't include some of the fixes in the other post that i felt were unimportant in comparison to most problems.


1) Fix so game never crashes to desktop

2) Save files are sometimes corrupted

3) Mouse lag on campaign map

4) During big siege battles, the music sometimes loops at the end of the battle, forcing you to restart the game.

5) Replays don't always replay correctly

6) After removing the dics from the drive, i have to restart computer in order to be able to start up the game again.

7) Opening a town scroll and then pressing the "show me how" button in the corner causes the "settlement details" and "ask advisor what to build next" buttons to gray out, and they will stay that way unless you start again from a save.

8.) In German version, game crashes when clicking on Senate tab

9) Set taxes only feature may be malfunctioning

10) Sometimes when another faction's unit is moving it will cause the game to crash. Autosave doesn't help because it will happen everytime.

11) The game crashes when trying to make a unit man ladders in deployment mode (pre-battle) and the unit is too small to pick up all the ladders.


1) Combatants that escape battle sometimes disappear

2) Fleets
------Fleets get stuck in tight quarters
------Ships barely ever get destroyed
------Doesn't give correct number of ships sunk.
------When merging fleets with different experience levels, they get the level of the more experienced fleet.
------Allied and neutral ships block movement
------AI controlled fleets fail to block ports or attack ships blocking their ports.
------AI fleets don't use their fleets to transport armies to enemy cities enough.
------Can't have multiple admirals in a fleet.
------Fleets shouldn't be able to get through a blockade without at least a fight.
------Ships never sink.

3) It is too cheap to bribe armies. Rich factions can easily bribe off any army in their way. Loyalty is too low.

4) When Generals leave a town already set to AI, the AI will switch without being told (ex. Growth to Military)

5) General's bodyguard does not upgrade from its early units (making them weak in late game)

6) When alone in a city, the General does not have an option to retreat unless you resolve the battle automatically.

7) Agent problems
------Spies don't improve order like the manual claims (pg 39)
------Spy says "Counterspying" after a failed attempt to take the city by force.

8.) Faction issues
------Julii is set to attack Carthage but if it is a rebel town then they do not attack, they just leave their army sitting there.
------Julii tried to attack Caralis for the senate and if they fail they send 3 units every 3 turns to attack Caralis (which will fail) and they continue that pattern anyway which leads to their doom.
------Numerous small armies (easy to kill). Factions need to merge armies more regularly.
------AI Factions refuse a deal only to offer a better deal soon after.

9) Family sometimes stops having heirs after you bribe a general from another faction.

10) Retraining even the smallest units with combat experience results in a full unit with that same experience, rather than diluting the experience as outlined in the manual.

11) Protectorates
------You lose 90% of your money when you successfully make another faction your protectorate. The lost money shows up but isn't usable.

12) AI goes slow when attacking poorly defended rebel cities.

13) Senate Issues
------If i complete a mission by blocking a port or taking a city on the last turn, it says i failed the mission on the next turn.
------During Brutii Campaign, a few times the the faction's popularity with the Senate was reset.

14) If you have an army with 5 or 6 generals, it becomes invisible. If you try to merge it, you lose the armies.

15) if you retrain a unit and then combine units, they will be overstrengthed by the amount of units that retraining added.

16) When assualting a city with 3 armies, the 2 reinforcements failed to attack the city and afterwards when the battle was declared a draw, the city was still under siege but the 2 reinforcement armies disappeared.

17) Bribing armies should be an act of war (a message should come up when your armies or cities are bribed).

18.) When right clicking on a city under siege, it will say it can hold out more days then by hovering the mouse over the city.

19) When in the 'Recruitment' page of a city, the tooltip of the units will sometimes show the tooltip of a member of the governor's retinue.

20) If you play the Romans and take over a city with a hippodrome (or equal tech level horse facility), but no colosseum, it says "yearly games" by default in the contstruction page, rather than "yearly races".

21) Enemy will remain in formation even when getting pummeled by missiles. They won't open formation, retreat or attack.

22) $ Total in treasury summary shown at beginning of turn does not match the $ total shown on campaign map in lower right hand corner

23) Roads don't show up in Themiscrya after building them.


1) Fix Pathfinding
------Troops fall off bridges and stone walls.
------Troops in formation have trouble crossing bridges - go halfway across then run back to get into formation

2) General charges the enemy alone

3) Units sometimes fail to attack until they take damage

4) Some units have trouble finishing off enemy units (cavalry especially have problems with this)

5) Orders
------Non-selected units following orders not given to them.
------Fix Units ignoring order to use special ability while game is paused
------Fix Units ignoring change of speed while game is paused.

6) Waypoints
------When using multiple waypoints and telling a unit to run, they run to the 1st waypoint, wait a while and then walk to the next. They should run until told not to.

6) Groups
------Do not have AI take control when just grouping units
------Grouped units have trouble moving through open gates destroyed areas of the wall.
------Selecting one groups sometimes mistakenly selects 2 groups.

7) Reinforcements
------During a battle with reinforcements, sometimes the player if forced to control a few reinforcements while AI takes the main army.
------Sometimes reinforcements do not enter battle and cannot be attacked (this happened with the 2nd group of reinforcements)

8.) Key Mapping issues
------At the beginning, double clicking a unit on the map moves the camera behind the unit but later it pops up a unit description window instead.
------Keys for tilting the camera only works sometimes.

9) Unit problems
------Legionnaries try to through pila when there isn't any left (they end up throwing nothing).
------Chariots only fire to the front of them while moving (unit description says they should be able to fire in any direction)
------Attacking missile units have unlimite ammo in a siege.
------Units on walls never get routed (fight to the death)
------Rams can't attack a wall that started out damaged.
------Units in city square don't react to missile fire.

------AI does not use saps and onagers (limiting their ability to conduct successful seiges)
------If ram is destroyed, the AI army doesn't run out of range of the missiles. Instead they stand there and die.
------Units holding the ram don't enter the city after they do their job (they just stand there for the rest of the battle)
------Ladders sometimes fail to appear on battlefield when created for the siege.
------Sometimes there will be 1 or 2 invulnerable units in the top of a siege tower. The battle must be stopped by the timer since they can't be killed.
------Reinforcements fail to utilize seige equipment left by primary army.
------Combat bonuses to units exiting seige towers and ladders.

11) View
-------Crossing bridges disables restricted view so that you can see

12) In Alexandria, the part of the city by the nile is flooded. Also some sap points are underwater.

13) When going into battle with just 1 elephant, it said there were 0 elephants. When ordered to charge the 0 elephants, the game crashed.

14) SAP structures can't be damaged by flaming arrows (they read 0% damage when cursor is on them).

15) Legion units "fire at will" icon is sometimes off by default.

16) Make it easier to avoid friendly fire. Have an option so missile units don't fire into enemy troops that are close to friendly troops.


1) General given cowardice trait when enemy retreats without a battle and he raises his sword and yells "Victory"

2) Publicly loyal means two different things. One was probably supposed to be privately loyal (negative version being publicly loyal and positive version being privately loyal)

3) There is no information on how a General dies (unless it is just of old age).


1) Macedonian Royal Pikemen have spears when they should have pikes.


1) Large Temple of Governors only has a bonus of 2 when it should have a bonus of 4.


1) Benefits cease after time but there is no expiration listed.

2) Zeus Wonder decreases from 20% the first turn, 15% the next until it reaches 0%. When i get another one, it starts at 20% and repeats above.

3) After getting the Zeus Wonder, a symbol appears next to the cities happiness but the symbol disappears on the next turn.


1) Only the Roman archer auxilla seem to have the glints and reflections.

2) Unit details can't be set to highest from video options screen in the game. there is a highest detail setting in the main menu (not sure if that option works since it only says high once you're in the game)

3) Pirate ships probably have the wrong picture (a peasant??)


1) Sound stops when the "Faction Defeated" message appears. Missing sound clip? Apparently there are other missing sound clips as well.


1) Spain was called Iberia at the time.


1) In overfilling fleets, it says "to" in "to large a crew". "to" should be "too" ("too large a crew")

10-26-2004, 10:11
Quite an extensive list. You must have done a lot of play-testing to find all of these! :)

Bob the Insane
10-26-2004, 10:28
Quite an extensive list. You must have done a lot of play-testing to find all of these! :)

Scary thing is that I can't find anything incorrect or that I disagree with.... ~:eek:

Edit: Except number one which is a practical impossibility in a Windows Environment... ~D

10-26-2004, 10:51
Ladders sometimes fail to appear on battlefield when created for the siege.
No, it's only that ladders are only usable on stone walls (NOT large stone walls), and as such, you can build them when you besiege a city with large/epic stone walls, but you can't use the ladders (supposedly, they are too short).

The list is impressive, but it mixes both the bugs/errors that are systematical (like AI not moving from the central square even under fire), and ones that happens sometimes, or even very rarely (I didn't encountered any of the bugs you point, for example).

10-26-2004, 11:14
Faction destroyed message has some really bad looping with regard to the flag.

Sound for great wonders is messed up and does not play properly.

10-26-2004, 15:16
regarding experience and retraining: i believe, this is a feature now. there was a post from a CA programmer stating that replenishment happens at the average experience of the unit in RTW.

Lord Ovaat
10-26-2004, 17:07
I've never encountered a number of the problems listed. Are they just on the German version? For instance, I've had almost no trouble with pathfinding and grouping--as long as I'm in the field. Sieges are impossible, though. Grouping is a shambles, troops go through walls, get stuck in walls, between walls, refuse to go down certain roads or paths, etc. Really bad in cities and towns. So bad, that I've quit grouping my units in sieges. I can generally order a single unit to go where I want it to. Mostly. If I offer them free mead. But the AI has some distinct glitches. Have you ever had a couple of individual cav or chariots "pop" out of the settlement to attack your troops? They can literally slaughter your people, because the computer thinks they are still in the settlement. That's where the bulk of the unit is. I had two single chariots run back and forth through a unit of legionaires last night, killing most of them. I could not get my troops to attack; sword showed red. When I clicked to attack anyway--out of frustration--they started running toward a solid stone wall. The real unit of chariots was on the other side. So, all I could do was retreat my unit. It seems that when the AI strings out it's cav and chariot units, they simply extend right through the walls! Interesting. But bloody hard to overcome. The chariots outside the walls can even loose arrows at your troops, but you can't fire at them. However, I do like the fact that I can "mount" an obilisk or temple and get a better view of the battle. ~;) You can often do the same by climbing a "rock" in the field.

10-26-2004, 20:03
I can't take credit for finding all the bugs. There was a jumbled mess of a list on another forum that i organized to make more legible. I can vouch for a good number of the bugs though as i've witnessed them first hand. I have the US version (the only one pertaining to the German version to my knowledge is the one that is marked as such).

10-26-2004, 20:52
great work Swingman!
i will add one more to your list: never saw AI using wardogs. very strange because those hungry doggies eat everything alive :)
may i suggest to stick this thread?

Jango Fett
10-26-2004, 20:58
fix the testudoooooooooo

10-26-2004, 23:14
Fix the height advantage. MTW was better in this regard but I do like the RTW battle map. Currently there isn't much reason to maneuver as it gives little advantage. It could at least be mad an option!

10-26-2004, 23:55
More emphasis needs to be put on friendly fire bugs, I've had to work my entire game around these errors. Until missile units become smart enough to not shoot each other in the back, I would prefer an option to turn off friendly fire completely. This is a definite game ruiner.

10-27-2004, 03:55
I had a problem with a siege where I sent my men through the gates off a city with stone walls and they stood in the gateway for the whole battle and I watched unit after unit walk and stand under the gateway and die from boiling oil

it only happened once and I was just wondering if maybe its because elephants cant get through gateway? but even after all of mine died everyone still froze in it

Lord Ovaat
10-27-2004, 13:09
The AI has used dogs against me on several occasions, but never effectively. They are truely devastating when used as light cav to hunt routers, but far less effective against a solid line. And that's the only time the AI has used them--to try to break my line. Didn't work.

10-27-2004, 15:40
Sorry Mate -
But I haven't experienced any real problems that you seem to encounter. There are obvious bugs that other gamers experience - like running speed etc but as for performance/sound I haven't had any of those.

Is it possible you don't have the hardwear to run the game properly?

Just a thought.