View Full Version : A strange thing happened last night....

10-29-2004, 02:13
Something strange and unusual happened last night as the Greeks.

An individual was put up as worthy of adoption into the family (I always accept) then ...FAILED ADOPTION????

It seems the messenger sent to tell this fortunate individual of his luck arrived after the poor bloke had died!!!... Good joke CA. I laughed a lot. (Razor envisions the legions of CA developers huddled around thinking up ways to amuse/bemuse their followers)

I wonder what unexpected turn around will happen next.?

Perhaps people could post their strange stories here.

Mori Gabriel Syme
10-29-2004, 18:11
A couple of times now I have been notified that one of my family members has gained a few more useful fellows in his retinue, causing me to think, "But you said he had just died!"

10-29-2004, 19:12
I once had a general die in a winning battle, but he earned another point of Command out of it...

10-29-2004, 20:13
I attacked a small stack of Britons - they retreated on the campaign map (like they usually do when you have more men).... my leader got the "Doubtful Courage" Vice.... I never even had a chance to fight....

10-29-2004, 21:44
I was going down the list of messages.

First one: Trait increase! Quintus the Infantryman is now a strategist!
Next one: Faction announcements! Quints the Infantryman has died of old age!


10-29-2004, 22:30
some of these are not actually bugs. look at the names carefully. i had an assassin die on an assassination attempt but also got that a trait had been awarded as he died. that seemed strange to me till i looked more closely at whom had actually received the trait. it was my faction leader. because he was giving the orders to the assassins the faction leader gained the trait of something or other about being a killer. one can also earn a trait during an event, before one has died, but the announcements of both wont occur until you come out of battle mode, so you dont always see that he earned the trait just before he died.


10-29-2004, 22:34
I once had a general die in a winning battle, but he earned another point of Command out of it...

This has happened to me 4 times already, but its funny.