View Full Version : Man or beast

10-29-2004, 15:28
Intriguing question don't you think.

Mini-me (http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/magazine/3964579.stm)

I think we would morally have to treat them as people bu that they would be exploited and their life span would drop remarkably if we took a hand.

10-29-2004, 15:36
thats a tough one though i don't think we should stick animals in cages anyway (unless were healing them) but i would definetly say experimentation shouldn't be allowed (this is assuming we find them alive which would be great)

wouldn't it be great if they could talk as well, never know they may actually be able to teach us a thing or 2....

06-30-2005, 11:06
People are beasts....

Animals should be treated like humans... They are also a soul and they have feelings!!!

I'm going to WWFN(World Wide Fund for Nature)