View Full Version : How do Generals gain scrolls/leaves?

12-25-2004, 01:47
I've spent some time searching and reading. If I understand things correctly, the Generals can gain lots of stars by killing some peasants. That's fine.

But, how do they gain more scrolls and [insert proper English word for the green leafy thing that Ceasar wore on his head]? Or in other words, how do they gain proficiency in management and/or influence?

I'm sure someone has already answered that, if so, please post a link.

12-25-2004, 01:55
Cities with the acadamy class buildings is the easiest #1 way. Temples can give retinue to improve this.

12-25-2004, 01:56
You gain Influence by getting certain retinues (such as a decorated veteran). There isn't really a set way to improve influence like you do other skills. Command increases from fighting and management increases from being in settlements with Academies. You get influence by winning major battles and just being "influential." Other than that, you can get the character to gain an important Senatorial position (such as Consul). This will bring 5 influence (I think).

12-25-2004, 02:07
Cities with the acadamy class buildings is the easiest #1 way. Temples can give retinue to improve this.

Hmm... I tried that. I didn't seem to get any more scrolls. Do you get one scroll for each academy you visit, or how does it work?

(Still confused, but on a higher level)


12-25-2004, 03:31
Hmm... I tried that. I didn't seem to get any more scrolls. Do you get one scroll for each academy you visit, or how does it work?

(Still confused, but on a higher level)


Not too sure but maybe the academy only gives you extra retinues. Whereas the ludus mgna and scriptorium can give your general vices along with retinues.

What I try to do with a new general is let him sit in the capital for a few years. He stays there until a new one comes along then he takes over a new army or city to manage. and that new general get's to sit in the capital for a few years. The better a city is teched up the better the general that will come out of there.

It does seem in the late game I have lots of vices for my generals as there are a lot of teched up cities with the ludus magna and maybe a few with a sriptorium. Also many victories for a non Roman general will increase the influence. If your Roman senate offices help get you extra influence.

Also an enslaving general can get 2 different retinue members that increase influence.

12-25-2004, 22:42
I do not know the proper english word if it has ever existed, but its true name is "corona civica". It was a military award given to soldiers who saved the life of another Roman. It brought many social privileges and honor.

As for your question, well I mostly gain these oak leaves by Senate offices or battles.