View Full Version : How often do you play RTW?

Divinus Arma
04-12-2005, 13:30
Simple poll.

Daily, once or twice a week, a couple times per month, a couple times per year, never even though I own it

The Stranger
04-12-2005, 15:09
i play it because it is the only game i have on my pc, but when i get my games back i think i won't be playing it anymore

Ser Clegane
04-12-2005, 15:22
Now it's a couple of times per month. In the beginning I played it on a more regular basis, but due to other games (e.g., KOTOR2) I neglected it a bit lately.
However, I still have a good time when I am playing it as the bugs do not bother me that much...

King Edward
04-12-2005, 15:26
Have just reinstalled it after rebuilding my machine. Wanted to try it with 1.2. Only played a couple of turns so cant really notice to much difference yet.

04-12-2005, 15:34
I used to play it all the time, but have gone back to MTW as the novelty has worn off.

Mikeus Caesar
04-12-2005, 18:44
I play it once or twice a week, whenever my other game's servers are empty.

Divinus Arma
04-12-2005, 19:27
Hmmm. Interesting. This is played fairly often. If you have not voted, please do so. I would like to get this up to a hundred individuals for the sample size.

Thanks Org.

04-12-2005, 20:20
I haven't played since two weeks after 1.2 was released.

You know the whole "OH BOY" feeling and then the "ah shit" feeling

now I'm hesitant to be excited about anything to do with RTW. So far the history RTW has made me incredibly cynical about anything good coming out in an official release. Therefore I wait for the EB Mod.

04-12-2005, 21:36
Couple of times a week. I don't have the time to play daily, unfortunately.

04-12-2005, 22:20
I haven't played since two weeks after 1.2 was released.

You know the whole "OH BOY" feeling and then the "ah shit" feeling

now I'm hesitant to be excited about anything to do with RTW. So far the history RTW has made me incredibly cynical about anything good coming out in an official release. Therefore I wait for the EB Mod.

That sums it up pretty well. I played it nonstop for about two weeks after it originally came out before deleting it off my hard drive. After the patch came out, I played it for about 3 or 4 days before realising that while many minor problems had been fixed, the obvious glaring flaws are with the core gameplay and not so easily fixed. Uninstalled again.

The only thing I really miss about it when I play MTW are the awesome seiges. Otherwise, everything else about RTW is inferior.

Divinus Arma
04-13-2005, 00:26
Myself; I can't get enough. I play every chance I get. It's actually disgusting. I work at least 50 hrs per week and I am in school full time carrying 18 credits per semester (garrrrgh). Not to mention I am also married.

So, despite being totally overtasked, I still spend every minute I can on this game. I play nothing else and have played nothing else since buying this THE DAY IT CAME OUT.

The EB mod is really keeping me going to the future, as is an expansion.

Lord Armbandit
04-13-2005, 00:29
Wow, everyone is so negative about RTW, I'm enjoying it so far, sieges are much better, but perhaps the poll here won't work that well - I play daily, but not for long, wheras some people might play a long time once or twice a week? No offence to anyone, but I think the game actually works quite well

Ab Urbe Condita
04-13-2005, 00:53
about an hour a two a day, if I get the chance. I was excited about this game like you wouldn't believe the day I got it and spent every waking moment playing it. Of course, after 4 months that enthusiasm is starting to wane a little.

Uesugi Kenshin
04-13-2005, 03:11
I usually play once a day, but sometimes I take breaks to play STW and MTW:VI. They are still great even after all these years...

04-13-2005, 11:38
Daily, at the moment. Not long ago I didnĀ“t play at all for several months so it depends on how much spare time I have.

04-13-2005, 13:42
Ussually couple times a week of course when I just bought it I played every day or so for several weeks. :charge:

Red Harvest
04-13-2005, 20:53
It has been over a month since I actually "played." Did quite a few tests for few weeks after, but the last time I even loaded the game was two weeks ago.

Divinus Arma
04-13-2005, 20:54
On April 13, 2005 at 12:51 pm US PST,

44 replies

nearly everyone who has submitted an option has stated a few times a month or more. Mostly more.

Please continue posting .Org. As you can see from the other poll, it seems that everyone bitches but still plays RTW alot.

I am attemtping to find a statistical relationship between these two variables.

04-14-2005, 01:01
Every Day, I love this game, its the best in the series so far, the AI may be a bit dodgy but i spend more time playing multi anyways. for my sp i use the latest version of rtr and cant wait for EB

04-14-2005, 15:50
Couple of times a week. Would soon wear off if i played it to much.

04-14-2005, 16:52
Haven't played RTW in over a month and I cannot recall the last time I played an unmodded version of it. I can't stand the default game so the Rome Total Realism mod with some personal tweaks thrown in for good measure gets the lion share of my RTW time. Modded or not the RTW simply doesn't provide the kind of depth or challenge I had hoped it would prior to its release.

I'm adopting a 'wait and see' attitude until the expansion pack is released and veteran gamers have given it a thorough going over.

04-14-2005, 17:23
I play the game every day.
Haven`t played another computer game for weeks!

But I am starting to get enugh of it. Since I am not able to play MP, I have to live with the stupid AI. :thumbsdown:

Tricky Lady
04-14-2005, 20:56
I'm playing once every two weeks on average. I'm very glad that such a thing as PBMs exist, as I usually don't finish an imperial campaign. Most often I start a new campaign, play a few rounds, reload the game the next day, and then don't touch RTW for ten days or so... and then I'm already no longer interested in continuing savegame A so I start another one. Repeat cycle.
Some call it short-attention span.

Divinus Arma
04-15-2005, 02:54
Please keep voting on this folks. I need 100 individuals in the sample.

04-15-2005, 08:54
I'm not so angry with the game like some others. I still don't have the time at the moment, so a few times a month.

RTW isn't MTW. Otherwise I wouldn't pay money for it.

It's an entertaining game :charge:

04-15-2005, 18:30
Couple of times a week. I don't have the time to play daily, unfortunately.
Still, you find the time to post more than 28 posts per day, but I assume that's why you don't have that much time ~;)

I haven't played it for months. Partly because I have too much work, and partly because it bores me to fight against such a stupid AI. I'll play it again though, once mods such as "The Wheel of Time" are out.

Red Harvest
04-15-2005, 18:34
That's a bit of a cheapshot, Ldvs. In Craterus' defense, we all now know that if you want to play RTW and get anything out of the campaign you need to schedule many hours in a row...the load game "feature" in action.

04-15-2005, 18:39
That's a bit of a cheapshot, Ldvs.
Yes I know but I couldn't resist. BTW, I meant no offense Craterus ~;)

04-15-2005, 19:51
I play RTW couple times per week. But when I play, I play a long time. Playing less than 5 turns makes no sense, because there is that nasty siege bug :furious3:

Divinus Arma
04-16-2005, 13:35
Need more votes please. Doing a statistical survey based on a convienence sample and I intend on finding a correlation between this variable and game ranking satisfaction. I'd like to get a hundred individuals for the sample.

04-16-2005, 16:20
Need more votes please. Doing a statistical survey based on a convienence sample and I intend on finding a correlation between this variable and game ranking satisfaction. I'd like to get a hundred individuals for the sample.
Unfortunately one hundred individuals won't be enough if you want to find a viable correlation.
Technically your results will be 95 % viable but you also will have a great random error (more or less 10%). Once 272 people will have voted you'll have a much better chance to find a reliable correlation although I doubt this number can be reached here.

04-16-2005, 18:28
I don't play any more RTW. Game sucks... Total linear game every time... ~:handball: There are better games on market, but I will advertise no body...

04-16-2005, 18:39
Never dont like the period.

Maybe when an expansion comes out a few few more mod's things might change.

04-16-2005, 18:40
I play shogun not RTW.
Id tell u why

But i think u already know

Divinus Arma
04-16-2005, 22:17
Unfortunately one hundred individuals won't be enough if you want to find a viable correlation.
Technically your results will be 95 % viable but you also will have a great random error (more or less 10%). Once 272 people will have voted you'll have a much better chance to find a reliable correlation although I doubt this number can be reached here.

I am accounting for a confidene interval. I certainly do not expect a 100% confidence interval. A 100 individual sample is large enough to calculate correlation with a confidence interval of, oh say, at least 90%.

I'll never get 272 responses to the survey. I would expand to the TWCenter, but then there are alot of folks who are registered to both sites (myself included).

Taken a college level statistics classs, have you? Pain in the butt isn't it?

I managed to squeak out an "A" though...


04-17-2005, 09:31
I am accounting for a confidene interval. I certainly do not expect a 100% confidence interval. A 100 individual sample is large enough to calculate correlation with a confidence interval of, oh say, at least 90%.

I'll never get 272 responses to the survey. I would expand to the TWCenter, but then there are alot of folks who are registered to both sites (myself included).

Taken a college level statistics classs, have you? Pain in the butt isn't it?

I managed to squeak out an "A" though...

Yes, your interval of confidence will be more or less 10 points in the worst case (50 %). I assume it's enough for a RTW poll ~D
Perhaps if you e-mailed Siblesz at TWC he would accept to display your poll on the home page, it's worth trying.

As for the statistics courses, I'd rather forget them, they traumatized me ~D