View Full Version : Dear Creative Assembly: Modification Ramnifications

04-15-2005, 08:22
Dear CA,

I'll attempt to make this as brief as possible as I'm sure you have lots of work to do.

There is an expansion pack I hear you're working on.

There is a Modification being worked on by the community. Europa Barbarorum. (https://forums.totalwar.org/vb/forumdisplay.php?f=70) (amongst others such as the SPQR and RTR Mods)

Since you get paid the big bucks by fans inhabiting this community that is worshipping your creation by shaping it to the pinnacle of it's being, I would implore you to assent to my plea:

Take any possible steps to allow the Modifications made by your faithful followers be compatible with the new Expansion Pack.

If this is too much to ask I'm sure that your devoted throngs would enjoy to know the cause for the proverbial slap in the face, as would I.

Thankyou for your time.

a hesitant fan,


04-15-2005, 08:46
I really think that is too much to ask. You can't expect them to waste their time testing their product to see if it works with someone's favourite mod.

I'm sure a lot of it will still be compatible, like the unit skins for example. And my guess would be that the EB people will be able to adapt their work to the XP without TOO much trouble.

But in any case, asking them to make their XP as backward compatible as possible is tantamount to asking them not to make the game more moddable. I don't think even the modders would be happy with that. They'd much prefer a more moddable game, even if it meant breaking their current mods.

04-15-2005, 09:14
C.A. would be wise to consider this when thinking of design changes, etc.

Not to make this a rule, but more of a consideration.

04-15-2005, 09:34
I really think that is too much to ask. You can't expect them to waste their time testing their product to see if it works with someone's favourite mod.

I'm talking about all mods here.

04-15-2005, 09:50
I'm talking about all mods here.

Makes no difference. If you want a more moddable game, which I'm sure the modders would love, then CA will *have* to change the data files, which means breaking the old mods.

I'd much prefer CA to spend their time making the XP as good - and as moddable - as can be. I don't want them making concessions to the old structure just to spare the modders a bit of extra work. If the xpack is good, and more moddable, we will soon be seeing mods even better than EB promises to be, and that is really something to look forward to.

04-15-2005, 09:57
I simply hope open up the game for modders as promised before the game was published as well as provide the ever so coveted devkit tools. Now that is not too much to ask. Shoot if they do that then it will be easy for modders to update projects.
