View Full Version : Friendly fire and onagers...

Old Celt
04-19-2005, 21:23
I've had the problem from time to time of one onager unit destroying another when I had the batteries set up side by side and I targeted units off to one flank. I think this is a bug, as you would expect the artillery officers to not deliberately blast the unit next to them. Should this be included on the bug list?

04-19-2005, 22:05
AFAIK, artillery never checks to see if it is blocked by anything at all so it’s not too surprising that one onager can strike an adjacent onager. I would say that not verifying a clear shot is probably an oversight or omission. Of course, if there is code that ought to check for blocking units or walls then it clearly isn’t working. That would be a bug.

Uesugi Kenshin
04-20-2005, 03:19
I would say it depends on the range, if say the Onager is a few hundred feet or 30-90 meters or so away it is not a bug just bad luck. Otherwise I would agree, a bug.