View Full Version : Popularity

04-29-2005, 21:18
Please forgive me if this topic has been up before. Though I have scanned through a few pages I found nothing on it.

SO..... how do you gain popularity with the senate and masses, and quite frankly, what is the point!

I understand that doing the senates bidding increases you popularity with them, but the masses..... How can we hold games or feed the masses in Rome??
Same with offices. What is the point of them. You would think as Potifex Maximus you could at least bleed the roman treasury dry.... what is the point????? ~:confused:

04-29-2005, 21:23
Take land quick and try to do all the senate mishions. I once had the claims to take Rome by 247 b.c.

04-29-2005, 22:17
Satisfy the Senate missions ASAP. I was able to hit 10 popularity with the senate in 258 the earliest.

As for people, you can lower taxes etc. Easiest way is to conquer fast and furiously. I've been able to march on Rome in 254.

As for the Senate offices, they give various bonuses such as influence bonus, management, and consul gets command bonus. Even if you no longer hold the office, you still have bonus for having held a particular office. Very useful.

04-29-2005, 22:25
Senate is happy when you do their missions and treat other factions as per their policy. Just try and maintain at least enough of a rep with them that they won't start punishing you. The people of Rome will only think good of you after you have conquered plenty of provinces. It doesn't really matter if they hate you though, in fact you won't want them to like you TOO much since that'll make the senate fear you.

Titus Livius
04-30-2005, 12:04
As a quick aside, the Pontifex Maximus is in charge of religious duties, not the treasury.

Uesugi Kenshin
04-30-2005, 16:13
I believe the Quaestor is responsible for the treasury right?

04-30-2005, 16:19
Pontifex Maximus has jurisdiction over the Vestal Virgins though.

Joking aside, it is quite possible to maintain 10 popularity with both the people and the Senate. In a Scipii game, I maintained that for more than 20 turns and then unilaterally started a civil war.

04-30-2005, 17:00
But what's the point? I mean, I ended up invading Rome without being terribly popular with the people or the senate, and it didn't seem to matter. Does it just affect how likely Rome is to rebel after you take it?

04-30-2005, 17:17
It doesn't matter much. Senate offices confer nice bonuses.

It just adds to the roleplaying aspects of the game. I personally liked MTW's GA mode and Senate does that for the Roman factions. Can't say so for other factions though.

04-30-2005, 17:48
Is it just me or is it sweet when you finally reach Rome and slaugter the iritating Senate? So satasfying to just shut thes annoying ******* up !

Uesugi Kenshin
04-30-2005, 17:59
Senate offices are a hadny way of getting random generals some nice bonuses, once my weakest generals were getting senate offices but my faction leader who had won many battles had many good traits and high stats and done much good for Rome didn't get anything for like 10 years...

04-30-2005, 22:20
As a quick aside, the Pontifex Maximus is in charge of religious duties, not the treasury.

..but were not the temples rather rich? I may be wrong, but I read something about Cæsar using his position as Pontifex Maximus to swell his rather depleted treasury. Don't quote me on that though.

05-01-2005, 04:04
..but were not the temples rather rich? I may be wrong, but I read something about Cæsar using his position as Pontifex Maximus to swell his rather depleted treasury. Don't quote me on that though.Those are more like public donations to the temples. The Quaestor manages the official treasury of the government.