View Full Version : Marius Reforms?

05-03-2005, 03:42
Hey guys, I've been reading up a lot on this and other sites about the Marius reforms and there isn't much consensus on it. Some say you need an Imperial Palace, others say it has to be after 220BC and there is an error factor involved, and still others believe there is a wealth factor as well. Well in my current Julii campaign, it's 170BC and I've conquered Gaul, Britannia, Iberia, Germania, and Dacia (this is in the MM mod btw). Rome has an Imperial palace and I'm sitting on 100,000 denarii. The Marius Reforms still have not come and I'm getting worried. My previous Julii campaign stopped at 185BC after I destroyed every faction in Europe including my Roman brethren with only Egypt and Seleucid left and no Marius then either. Is this bad luck or is Marius Reforms bugged for Mundus Magnus?

Marquis of Roland
05-03-2005, 03:57
It's probably bugged. I believe you only need an Imperial Palace IN Italy somewhere and it has to be after 220B.C. I got mine at around 215, was kinda disappointed because I didn't get to use the pre-reform troops as much (I never got to build any triarii EVER).

Reinstall it and see if it works then?

Kekvit Irae
05-03-2005, 04:27
It's probably bugged. I believe you only need an Imperial Palace IN Italy somewhere and it has to be after 220B.C. I got mine at around 215, was kinda disappointed because I didn't get to use the pre-reform troops as much (I never got to build any triarii EVER).

Reinstall it and see if it works then?

Triarii are kinda overrated anyway. Thanks (or, no thanks, depending on who you ask) to a bug, getting an Imperial Palace will allow you to build Praetorian Cohorts, which are obviously far better than any pre-marion infantry. They are the only troops which can testudo before Marius comes around.

Marquis of Roland
05-03-2005, 05:48
Yea, Triarii are kinda overrated but they look COOL. Plus I've always been missing my historical "3rd line" of Triarii.

Kekvit Irae
05-03-2005, 07:43
Oddly enough, I think Triarii are the only really effective heavy infantry for Romans before Marius. The lack of pilums allow them to charge forward without having to press the Forced Melee button, and they are no slouches against cavalry.
Still, they arent the be-all-end-all infantry for Romans.

05-03-2005, 08:16
I realize it's unhistorical, but I actually find the wait for the marian reforms a bit annoying when playing as the romans.

By the time they roll around at around 220-200 BC I have several imperial palaces pumping out praetorians, and the outcome of the game is all but decided. I am playing on an extended map though, where some cities seem to grow very fast (sicily especially).

Hmm - maybe I should try a higher difficulty setting...