View Full Version : Concerning Ideas That People Put Forward For CA

05-06-2005, 15:39
In reference to all of your ideas, i totally think that they would make RTW better for me.

However, there have been thousands of people writing in and saying "i want this, i want that" and the problem is that, esentially we all want:

Sid Meiers Civilisation: Total War.

Total war has always been a pure war game, hence Total War. And so i think it will take a good 5-10 years for CA to develop this Civ: Total War and sell it (assuming they want to make heaps of money) :D

05-06-2005, 15:49
would be cool to see Sid Meier produce a game like RTW.
Since I've enjoyed myself a long time with Pirates ! ( 2004 version )

05-06-2005, 18:15
my wants and desires transcend past the Civ Genre

though you are right that we want a lot of things which Mr Meier has in his games (decent AI)

05-06-2005, 19:29
would be cool to see Sid Meier produce a game like RTW.
Since I've enjoyed myself a long time with Pirates ! ( 2004 version )

He did, they're called Gettysburg and Antietam published in 97 and 99. They're why I was hoping that civ3 was going to incorporate tactical combat!