View Full Version : patch 1.2 is ridiculous

Naughtius Maximus
05-07-2005, 07:44
I have been playing with patch 1.2 and I think some features have made the game far less enjoyable.

For one, every time I use a general in a battle, I get the "scarface" moniker. It doesn't matter if it's a minor scrape with barbarians or a scrap with a phalanx- I even got it on a general who didn't get into the fight at all.

Second, the british chariots are way too strong.

Third, bribing is no longer a viable option.

Any suggestions? Do I have to uninstall the whole bloody thing to uninstall 1.2?

At the very least I want to get rid of, or change the frequency of the "Scarface" thing. It's really way too common.

Naughtius Maximus
05-07-2005, 07:45
Oh, one other thing- the brigand/rebel armies are spawned at a ridiculous rate as well.

05-07-2005, 12:14
There are the ways to fix some simplier problems in RTW, like Scarface thing, look in my sig.

05-07-2005, 12:55
I noticed the scarface thing too.

I often launch my generals into the thick of it, because theyre very good fighters, but too often they get this trait.

Perhaps its because in about every battle, my generals unit kill ~300 enemy?

05-07-2005, 13:01
For one, every time I use a general in a battle, I get the "scarface" moniker.

This trait, amongst others, became bugged when certain other features became unbugged/enabled (apparently). Download player1's bug-fixer to patch them unofficially yourself until CA manages to address them in the next patch/expansion.

Second, the british chariots are way too strong.

They were way too weak in my opinion, having played as the brits. You could basically stuff your chariots where the sun dont shine, whereas now they actually matter. Good skirmishers will still eat them though, as will good spearmen (standing still).

Third, bribing is no longer a viable option.

Bribing, especially that of your roman allies as a roman, was cheaper than training the units yourself. In fact you didnt need any troops in defense, 1 diplomat could defend against anything, since the AI has a tendency to leave its family members out of 20 unit stacks. Bribing armies like that was way too easy, and took a lot of thrill out of the game: "Will the Carthaginians attack? Who cares, we'll bribe em anyway!"

Im glad this tactic will now cost you a lot more! Also, but unrelated to this, the AI lifts most of its sieges (as it reconsiders its troops) every time you re-load. That means reloading cripples how well the AI does (with rebel provinces not being taken for years and years, etc.), while you optimize your play reloading for every little negative trait/casualty. This is now discouraged as well, even though it can be argued that the design choice for the AI to re-assess every re-load is a bit too frequent, and therefore bugged as well..

dont let it stop you having fun ! ~:)

05-07-2005, 13:31
They nerfed assassins too. They're worthless after 1.2, you need about 10 to kill 1 minor family member.

05-07-2005, 15:28
They nerfed assassins too. They're worthless after 1.2, you need about 10 to kill 1 minor family member.

No you need 1 assassin with 10 successful kills (or there abouts) to go after family members. I have assassins who are capable of taking out faction heirs.

Naughtius Maximus
05-07-2005, 19:20
What about the constant presence of brigands in my rear areas? I was playing a game where, and I kid you not, there was a new army of brigands in four provinces at once.

I agree that bribing was a easy "cheat", but with 1.2 I can't even bribe away brigands that pop up constantly. I think that it went way too far to the other side.

05-07-2005, 23:45
I don't like downloading stuff (viruses), I don't have much memory on my computer anyway, is there a way I can stop the "Scarface" thing?

05-08-2005, 09:09
As I said look in my sig.
There are all zipped txt files so no way you could "get viruses by downloading stuff".

05-08-2005, 09:21
I don't like downloading stuff (viruses), I don't have much memory on my computer anyway, is there a way I can stop the "Scarface" thing?

Well you could do exactly what player1's file does, ie. change the allready existing control text files yourself. It would seem a lot of work though, when player1 has it allready done.

05-08-2005, 11:52
Yeah I know, but just recently I've had a ton of viruses popping up in my C: Drive, is that anything to do with 1.2?

I'll download it later today.

05-08-2005, 15:04
Yeah I know, but just recently I've had a ton of viruses popping up in my C: Drive, is that anything to do with 1.2?

I'll download it later today.

Nah the biggest problem you could get is a fubared download of the patch which will crash RTW when you try to boot the game up.

05-08-2005, 20:27
does nobody use AV software anymore?

Kekvit Irae
05-08-2005, 21:10


Trend Micro Housecall. Use it. Learn it. Love it.

05-09-2005, 11:02
Just to say I use Play1 BUG-FIXER and it is not a virus.

05-09-2005, 11:21

Get yourself a firewall http://www.zonelabs.com - look 4 the trial version

antivirus http://www.free-av.com/

and a trojan hunter to be safe http://www.trojanhunter.com/ (i think this ones trial is good- but im not sure)

Most of all, if you havent joined the revolution yet- get firefox http://www.mozilla.org/products/firefox/


05-09-2005, 11:35
Third, bribing is no longer a viable option.
This HAS to be a joke, right ?

Bribing has only been doubled. It should have been at least multiplied by five. Buying whole cities with a diplomat is not really my idea of "no viable option".

05-09-2005, 18:14
I've got a firewall. I've found out that the virus keeps coming back because it is stored in a backup file.

I haven't download it yet, but I'll download it when I get on the RTW comp again.

The Stranger
05-09-2005, 18:23
you can bribe, i don't know what he has been playing.

05-09-2005, 18:39
In the unpatched game you literally didn't need armies other than garrisons if playing a rich faction (like greece or seleucids). You could bribe any enemy (faction leaders was a problem though...). That is no longer possible, though you can still bribe the occational army or city (the romans seem to do this all the time to their enemies).

The Stranger
05-09-2005, 19:20
you can still bribe cities, but it is very expensive

The Apostate
05-10-2005, 01:39
Certainly the cost of bribing has way more than doubled.

In 1.1 my most successful early game strategy with Parthia, Armenia and Pontus was to only buy economic upgrades, build up a big treasury and then bribe over attackers hillmen and eastern infantry units and send them back to storm their cities.

Bribery was also the only way of getting rid of the invincible full stack armies that the Egyptians eventually start sending against you.

Under 1.2 this is far too expensive and the eastern factions became more challenging to the point of near-unplayability.

The AI still tries to bribe cities - but generally only succeed with small ones and weak garrisons - whereas in 1.1 I would regularly lose large and huge cities.

This can however be stopped by keeping a diplomat in every city.

If they've made Assassins weaker they have at least made the AI start using them - I gave up a campaign as Dacia as all but three of my family members had been assassinated (shades of the Legendary Geisha from STW) and without governors my cities were uncontrollable.

05-10-2005, 01:43
As I said somewhere else, it doesn't seem to make much of a difference to me ingame. I'm still bribing rebels for several hundred and towns for at most ten thousand. It seems to me that there isn't any difference in cost compared to the 1.1 version in which I adopted the same strategies. If there is one, it's so small that I didn't even notice it.

The Apostate
05-10-2005, 02:16
Interesting - what level are you playing at?

At VH/Huge even a rebel army of a couple of peasant units costs several thousand minimum - and rebel armies led by family members reject bribes even if you have 60,000 denarii in your treasury.

Three or four units of German spearmen asked for 51,000 denarii a few turns ago to disband.

Will test this next campaign by sending spies to check out rebel units and family members before offering the bribes.

05-10-2005, 02:26
pezhetairoi: i have the same question as apostate - what difficulty? bribing in 1.2 is now an extremely expensive proposition

05-10-2005, 04:44
ah, i see why then. I'm on medium huge, because I don't have enough playing time that I can wrack my brains to come up with new solutions etc. But... does a jump in two levels really change a bribe that much? I once bribed 3 or 4 units of German spearmen too, and they only asked for 1400. From 1400 to 51000... that's pretty drastic. Does this mean on easy they only ask for 50 denarii? O_o

The Stranger
05-10-2005, 08:32
As I said somewhere else, it doesn't seem to make much of a difference to me ingame. I'm still bribing rebels for several hundred and towns for at most ten thousand. It seems to me that there isn't any difference in cost compared to the 1.1 version in which I adopted the same strategies. If there is one, it's so small that I didn't even notice it.

tru, but with a member in it, it already could be raised with thousands.

most stacks with members cost between 10,000-200,000

and some cities cost 400,000. and that is what it should be, but factions did had a lot more than 50,000 in their treasure. and 50,000 is pretty much even later on for a faction in war

05-10-2005, 19:30
On 1.0 I payed the Scipii 1,000,000 denarii so they would become my protectorate. Quite annoying (protectorates are useless) but I got it back within 20 years.

05-10-2005, 21:04
What about the constant presence of brigands in my rear areas? I was playing a game where, and I kid you not, there was a new army of brigands in four provinces at once.

I don't wish to counter everything you say, but watch towers and border forts! These 1 time investments for 200 and 500 gold will prevent rebels from spawning in all but the most rebellious barbaric provinces. Or at least drastically reduce their frequency of appearing.

I agree that bribing was a easy "cheat", but with 1.2 I can't even bribe away brigands that pop up constantly. I think that it went way too far to the other side.

But is that a bad thing? It also depends on your treasury: If you have more, they'll ask for more.

Bribing has only been doubled. It should have been at least multiplied by five.

It is. Try bribing with 100,000 in your treasury, see what multiplying factor you get compared to what you paid before. Oh, and play on Hard at least.

Buying whole cities with a diplomat is not really my idea of "no viable option".

I agree that buying cities should not be a viable option. However, it's in the game so why not use it? Sometimes i dont feel like loading up an army and conquering crete, so i'll buy it. It takes away the challenge though, and has no historical reference, as far as i know.

Certainly the cost of bribing has way more than doubled.

No, when you dont have a lot (less than 10000) it has exactly doubled.

As I said somewhere else, it doesn't seem to make much of a difference to me ingame. I'm still bribing rebels for several hundred and towns for at most ten thousand. It seems to me that there isn't any difference in cost compared to the 1.1 version in which I adopted the same strategies. If there is one, it's so small that I didn't even notice it.

Then you're either making a lot of cash, using very small garrisons or playing on easy/normal.

Under 1.2 this is far too expensive and the eastern factions became more challenging to the point of near-unplayability.

I'll try the seleucids when i get around to them. I look forward to playing them on very hard without reloads as well: the game finally became more challenging on a strategic level.

ah, i see why then. I'm on medium huge, because I don't have enough playing time that I can wrack my brains to come up with new solutions etc. But... does a jump in two levels really change a bribe that much?


I once bribed 3 or 4 units of German spearmen too, and they only asked for 1400. From 1400 to 51000... that's pretty drastic. Does this mean on easy they only ask for 50 denarii? O_o

YES, well, almost. I'm getting 4 german units for 951 denarii (just tested it).

Firefox, indeed, use it!! It prevents all spy/addware from installing by not loading those harmful Active X routines that are so commonly planted in websites, both porn and non-porn sites.

05-11-2005, 01:10
Okay, some things happened yesterday that continued the weirdness. I bribed a 17-unit Parthian army that had a family member, and he only asked for 7000. I checked his attributes and it wasn't because he was publicly loyal or anything. Which makes it pretty strange. Rebels' armies I bribed also continued in much the same way, except their demands were only three-figure sums. Ancyra was bribed yesterday, and it only asked for 7000, since Pontus didn't have a family member there. I have on average 40000 in my treasury per turn after expenditure, and it seems the amounts they demand should have been more.

But of course, once again, it might just be the Medium difficulty.

05-11-2005, 05:53
They should certainly ask for more on medium difficulty (and easy for that matter). Maybe you've added some mods that tinkered with bibing-costs???

05-12-2005, 01:05
I'm using the uncorrupted cherry vanilla version because RTR doesn't work and I haven't tried SPQR yet. So it's just 1.2. If there's any modding I've done it's just modding to unit stats using Hadrian...

05-12-2005, 05:14
Yesterday on medium diff. i bribed a unit of 1 Hastati, 1 City Watch and 1 velite for jut over 5.000. That is the new price level for me since installing 1.2 (and the bugfixer).

The price depends on your total income apparantly (?) so maybe you were extremely poor?

05-12-2005, 05:17
...almost 50000 denarii in my treasury and that's poor? *freaks out, runs away screaming*

05-12-2005, 05:56
heh I guess not. I'm clueless then :dizzy2:

Reverend Joe
05-12-2005, 06:01
...almost 50000 denarii in my treasury and that's poor? *freaks out, runs away screaming*

Very funny, man. Comedy is the art of the gods. It's also the only way to prevent RTW from driving a person insane.

05-12-2005, 07:57
Comedy is indeed the art of the gods. Sophocles, eat dirt! XD But, um... I -might- have already been driven insane by RTW. Too late. >.< But! Some consolation, I'm not as mad as those who played on VH :-D