View Full Version : Scarface

05-09-2005, 17:05
I have recently loaded the 1.2 patch and started a new campaign. In less than ten years of fighting most of my family are now Scarfaced. Looking at the triggers I see that:

WhenToTest PostBattle

Condition GeneralHPLostRatioinBattle > 0.3
and CultureType roman

Affects BattleScarred 1 Chance 30
Affects RomanHero 1 Chance 15

Somehow I don't believe my general is getting knocked around this much as I use him mostly to run down routing units to avoid being considered a coward. Has anyone else noticed this in their games, and what if anything did you change to prevent it?

Thanks in advance,

05-09-2005, 17:27
Download player1's BUG-FIXER! Or CVP! I will be downloading one of these soon because I'm really tired of all the Scarfaces.

05-09-2005, 23:30
I have recently loaded the 1.2 patch and started a new campaign. In less than ten years of fighting most of my family are now Scarfaced. Looking at the triggers I see that:

WhenToTest PostBattle

Condition GeneralHPLostRatioinBattle > 0.3
and CultureType roman

Affects BattleScarred 1 Chance 30
Affects RomanHero 1 Chance 15

Somehow I don't believe my general is getting knocked around this much as I use him mostly to run down routing units to avoid being considered a coward. Has anyone else noticed this in their games, and what if anything did you change to prevent it?

Thanks in advance,

The thing is that GeneralHPLostRatioinBattle is buggy.
It is considered as lost health in autocalc (as it should be), but as [b]remaining[b] health in manual battales.

That's why even if your general doesn't fight in battles at all there is chance for scarface.

Good workaround we used to fix it was replacing GeneralHPLostRatioinBattle condition with PercentageBodyguardKilled condition. It will give aprox. same results on both autocalcs and manual battles, and is not buggy.

Evil_Maniac From Mars
05-09-2005, 23:36
I play vanilla, and I'm always plunging my generals into the thick of the fight, and in my around 10 campaigns, no scarface.

Marquis of Roland
05-10-2005, 00:49
What does scarface do? I don't have 1.2, and I've never gotten it. I use my generals to flank ALOT. I'm wondering if I should install the patch.....

05-10-2005, 01:48
where can i find this Player1's fix?

05-10-2005, 05:19
The Scarface bug only happens if your generals don't fight much.

and by the way, be careful of your criticism of CA's patches and QA, because they will simply declare the bug a feature and then make menacing noises at you. ~;)

05-10-2005, 06:01
The Cherry Vanilla Pack fixes this bug and many others that are in the Traits files.

Get it here (http://www.twcenter.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=15701)

05-10-2005, 07:57
where can i find this Player1's fix?

Look in my sig.

05-10-2005, 14:40
What does scarface do? I don't have 1.2, and I've never gotten it. I use my generals to flank ALOT. I'm wondering if I should install the patch.....

Trait BattleScarred
Level Been_in_the_Wars
Threshold 1
Effect HitPoints 2

Level Scarred
Threshold 2
Effect HitPoints 4

Level Horribly_Scarred
Threshold 3
Effect Influence -1
Effect HitPoints 6

Level Cruelly_Scarred
Threshold 4
Effect Influence -2
Effect HitPoints 8
Epithet Cruelly_Scarred

Good workaround we used to fix it was replacing GeneralHPLostRatioinBattle condition with PercentageBodyguardKilled condition. It will give aprox. same results on both autocalcs and manual battles, and is not buggy.

Thanks for the info, this is exactly what I am looking for. Are there any other adjustments that you make to counter other patched quirks that I may not have noticed yet?


05-10-2005, 14:47
Check bug-fixer thread...

There is a problem with generals gaining twice as much trait points in manualy controlled battales compared with autocalced ones. It has a partial fix (try bugfixer readme).

Then there is Coward trait that you can only get if AI quickly retreats and none of your toops kill any unit (should be triggered only when general is not fighting, but troops do).

And several others...