View Full Version : I hate phalanx wat other faction can I use?

05-20-2005, 19:24
Yes I hate the hedge hog brigade, but I like a proffesional army what other faction has this apart from rome??? Barbarians dont realy float my boat.

05-20-2005, 19:37
Well, lets see... you have

Eastern armies - heavy in cav and cav archers. Light on infantry of any type. Parthia, Armenia, and Pontus are included. Pontus though tends to be a bit more infantry based. Armenia might be a good choice if you like horse based armies.

Roman armies - classic roman style armies. Brutii, Scapii, Julii

Greek armies - Phalanx based for the most part. Greek Cities (Greeks), Macedonians, Seleucids, and Thrace. Thrace tends to have fewer phalanx and more 'barbarian' type units (I know someones going to disagree with that.)

Barbarians - well, they're barbarians. Dirty, smelly, scum. Who'd want to play em? Includes Gaul, Britania, Germania, Dacia, Scyth, and Spain. Spain might be enjoyable. They are somewhat of a cross between a roman army and a barbarian army. They have a hard start.

Carthage - Their good units are phalanx based, but they have a little diversity. If you enjoy em, they have elephants.

Numidia - red headed step child, sitting alone in their corner. Never bothered with them.

Egypt - Again, mostly phalanx based, but you get some interesting units to play with. Chariots, impressive archers, and mass light cavalry. Never much enjoyed playing them (never made it through a complete game), but they do have some other non-phalanx type units that you can amuse yourself with.

Think thats about it. All depends on what 'floats your boat'. Hope that helps a little. ~:cool:

P.S. - appologize for any and all mis-spellings!

05-20-2005, 19:47
Well, lets see... you have

Eastern armies - heavy in cav and cav archers. Light on infantry of any type. Parthia, Armenia, and Pontus are included. Pontus though tends to be a bit more infantry based. Armenia might be a good choice if you like horse based armies.

Roman armies - classic roman style armies. Brutii, Scapii, Julii

Greek armies - Phalanx based for the most part. Greek Cities (Greeks), Macedonians, Seleucids, and Thrace. Thrace tends to have fewer phalanx and more 'barbarian' type units (I know someones going to disagree with that.)

Barbarians - well, they're barbarians. Dirty, smelly, scum. Who'd want to play em? Includes Gaul, Britania, Germania, Dacia, Scyth, and Spain. Spain might be enjoyable. They are somewhat of a cross between a roman army and a barbarian army. They have a hard start.

Carthage - Their good units are phalanx based, but they have a little diversity. If you enjoy em, they have elephants.

Numidia - red headed step child, sitting alone in their corner. Never bothered with them.

Egypt - Again, mostly phalanx based, but you get some interesting units to play with. Chariots, impressive archers, and mass light cavalry. Never much enjoyed playing them (never made it through a complete game), but they do have some other non-phalanx type units that you can amuse yourself with.

Think thats about it. All depends on what 'floats your boat'. Hope that helps a little. ~:cool:

P.S. - appologize for any and all mis-spellings!
I've done alot worse thanks again magnum nice run down

05-20-2005, 20:45
I'd advise Spain, if you want infantry but not phalanxes. They have some cool infantry units like Scutarii and Bull Warriors.

05-20-2005, 22:42
Also Armenia and Numidia get immitation legionarys.

Slug For A Butt
05-20-2005, 23:57
I love Germania, they are damn poor and start out with the phalanx. But as you progress they possess chosen archers, chosen axemen and gothic cavalry. Great fun when it comes to mashing up the Romans.
Yes they start with the phalanx, but you get the best of both worlds. Their spear warbands rock at the start of the game when cash is tight, and their axemen and archers rock later in the game.
They are my favourite faction.

Mikeus Caesar
05-21-2005, 16:10
The only other factions with 'professional armies' are either Greece, or the overly unrealistic Egypt. Carthage is a bit professional though.

The Stranger
05-22-2005, 09:26
SAY WHAT, hate PHALANX you're not allowed to play RTW then

05-22-2005, 10:49
Phalanx Rules!!! may i reccomend Armenia, they have very good cav and ok infantry once you get higher up your tech tree. very challenging to play as too.

05-22-2005, 11:18
Personally, I recommend Spain or Pontus. Both has a good strategic location easily defendable. Decent units although Spain does feel like a Carthage-wannabe until you get higher in the tech-tree. I do love the missile-cav Pontus has - very usable. Both factions can also generate a good deal of money if invested right.

05-22-2005, 11:57
Although they are a barbarian faction, Germania is a great choice for non-phalanx warfare. They have a great choice of units, both cav and inf. You will be limited to phalanx-type warfare in the early stages, with their spear warbands though, until you get higher in their tech tree, but it doesn't take long. The units look great as well, especially the berserkers and night-raiders.

05-23-2005, 03:34
So, has the 1.2 patch made scythia that worse???

I remember that my 1.1 scythian campaign was awesome! you could go nearly perfect in most of the battles, its just a matter of never letting a unit of HA alone, always in groups of 2 or 3, and the rest is a piece of cake (that included parthia, rome, seleucia and armenia, to mention some...)

And the style is dramatically different form the phalanx... its all about mobility.

Actually i had a fun time destroying the greek cities, they just never had an answer for me

i may try again to see if the skirmish bug has changed this dynamic

05-23-2005, 03:46
That skirmish bug is really easy to fix. Try looking at player_1's bug fix thing. Or change all HA's attacks to thrown weapons.

05-24-2005, 04:43
mmm, what difference in playstyle does changing the weapon to thrown make? Curious... and where can I find this bug fix? I don't think 1.2 has made Scythia any worse, IMHO. Better, maybe.

05-24-2005, 08:39
Changing the weapon type to thrown simply enables them to fire arrows while riding. Without this ability they are just like foot archers except smaller number of men/unit and faster moving. With the fix they are actually able to skirmish against melee cavalry, although you'll need to micromanage them to keep them from getting cornered.

It also makes the attack icon look like a javelin, but that's just a minor cosmetic annoyance.

05-24-2005, 12:47
Well if you dislike the phalanx (and Romans) but want a professional army you will be in trouble, as the phalanx was the dominant form of warfare at that time.

05-24-2005, 14:35
That skirmish bug is really easy to fix. Try looking at player_1's bug fix thing. Or change all HA's attacks to thrown weapons.

Well, then scythia is still a very nice option, especially once you get some noble archers and head hunting maidens. Truly impressive, really.