View Full Version : what faction should i take next?

King Arthur
05-22-2005, 14:09
. im just about to finish my first imperial campaign, and am mopping up the remaining 6 regions i need to complete the mission.

i was wondering to ask other .org members which faction i should take next,?

im not a fan of cavalry factions, and i would like a challenge !

so what would other members recommend?

05-22-2005, 14:30
All barb factions are challenging , if played on M/M and higher , but if you don't like cav , I would recommend either Spain or Gauls , from barb , I mean.
Greeks have rather limited cav choice , but are not challenging after first 10-15 turns.
Numidia is a hard one too , if played on VH/VH.
Dacia is hard too on VH/VH.

05-22-2005, 15:07
Pontus, they have a really balanced army, i like them.

Or the selecuids, bot challenging as you get attacked by many different factions

05-22-2005, 15:16
I highly suggest Armenia... I know what you're thinking... "omg it's a cavalry army!". But once their tech level advances they get some nice infantry too. In my current Armenia game my all cavalry armys have given way to Legionnaires and heavy spearmen. Makes a very fun game seeing such a minor faction stomping around with roman/greekesque armies.

Failing that you could try Britain. They literally have no cavalry... unless you count those rickety death machines called chariots.

05-22-2005, 16:25
If you're not a fan of cavalry, then the best choice is the Greeks, they have great infantry, including the spartans, but their cav is very weak.

05-22-2005, 16:57
or the seleucids, Macadonians or even the Germans , al have a kind of hard early game, but they rock later on

King Arthur
05-22-2005, 17:48
Thanks for your advice people
i think i might have a go at pontus, or maybe Spain or maybe Scythia , oh no i cant decide ,

05-22-2005, 18:04
Go Pontus! :charge:

They`re civilized, have trade caravans for a good economy and good phalanxes.

Also, It`s the faction that I plan to play next, so you might get som company in the Guides` section. ~:)