View Full Version : too many family members

05-26-2005, 16:43
when i play the campain mode i will always end up with around 50 family members around my capital. i send them to the towns that dont have a governor but i still have way to many is there any way i can fix this??

05-26-2005, 16:47
Are those family members of yours are born by the faction name? Cause that is all I want no other last name can be a leader or governor in my empire; if you are adopting and accepting MOTH next time just don't and those 50 generals send them to suicide mission and let them die :)

05-26-2005, 16:50
BTW you seem to join the place at the same time i did is there any requirement to make you a member instead of junior members.

05-26-2005, 17:14
Post more to become the member and something special to become senior member.

05-26-2005, 17:17
Vale just post an X number of good quality posts and you will get your memebership soon


05-26-2005, 17:36
I also tend to end up with dozens of family members. I always take a look at their management, influence and command skills and use them as either governors or commanders, depending on their skills. This helps, but eventually not even this will work. In such cases I amass several full stack armies, each led by two or three family members, and send them off in different directions to gain glory and honour through conquest. This works great, many times I won't even conquer more than a few settlements, I just let them wander around and soften up the enemy.

Another tip is to send a few to go rebel hunting, just give them two or three units of elite cavalry and send them off. This will keep them occupied, keep your lands free of rebel scum and give your family member good experience that will prove valuable in future campaings.

05-27-2005, 07:16
If I have too many commanders (and that's a luxury I rarely have) I create all-cavalry armies that will pwn all. It's an ultra-elite, ultra-heavy army with auto-regenerating units and 2 HP for every man. Who could ask for more? It'd overrun anything you throw at it, hoplites included if you come at them from the rear.

About membership, it's highly possible you may have been overlooked if you go over 50 posts and still are not a member. Like me, I posted over 100 posts and still was a junior member. In which case PM kukrikhan like I did to make him notice you. You will become a member after that. :-D But post more in the meantime.