View Full Version : Guide: adding new unit textures

Duke John
10-03-2004, 15:36
Step 1: DDS plugin
Download the DDS Photoshop Plug-in here (http://developer.nvidia.com/object/nv_texture_tools.html)
I installed it for Photoshop, but I'm not that good with it so I followed the instructions to use it with Paint Shop Pro (PSP). You need to restart PSP before it works.

I can also recommend installing the DDS viewer. With this tool you can view TGA.DDS files within Windows Explorer.

For the rest of this tutorial I will assume that you are using Paint Shop Pro. You can download a trial version from their site.

Step 2: Unpak the PAK files
Download the unpacker XPAK for R:TW PAK files here (http://www.twcenter.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=10380)
Unpak the PAK files.

Step 3: Opening a file
Start up PSP. Open in the directories made by XPAK:
You should get a dialog box:
Image has MIP maps, Dixplay them with the image?
Press No.

Step 4: Edit the texture
I haven't tested it extensively, but you should be able to change the texture however you want. I think that you should be cautious with layers, altering the black background. In other words just use a brush.

And for newcomers to texturing: a skin is only a skin! Editing it doesn't change the geometry of the model. It's like changing the print on a t-shirt, nothing more, the t-shirt will keep its shape.

Step 5: Saving the texture
First make a new directory:
\R:TW installation folder\DATA\MODELS_UNIT\TEXTURES

In PSP save the file in the newly created directory. You will get a dialog box:
Because of limitations of the specified file format, no alpha channels will be saved. Would you like to continue?
Answer yes. The above is not entirely true as we will able to save them. You will see a new dialog box with loads of options. Leave them all except for:
Save format: change DXT 1 to DXT 5
MIP Map generation: select Generate MIP Maps
Press Save.
Note: if you are editing an existing skin then you need to rename it or for example add new_. R:TW will look first inside the PAK files, if it cannot find the file it will look for it outside them.

Step 6: Assiging the texture
So you have just made a new texture, but R:TW doesn't know that yet. First of all remember that the texture with which you started belongs to a single model! You cannot edit a texture from one model and use it for another model and then expect to look good.

So lets assume that you edited the Roman Archer texture. This means that your new texture will also be for the Roman Archer. Now open:
Backup! Look for:
type roman_archer
In this entry change:
texture romans_julii, data/models_unit/textures/NewTextureName.tga

Save the file.

Step 7: Have fun!
Start a batttle and see your new unit textures in action.

And now I'm off making my own textures :grin:
Duke John

Duke John
11-15-2004, 15:06
Needed tools: DDS utilities, Paint Shop Pro, PAK extractor
When there is referred to file locations it is always assumed that you start from the installation folder, for example the file descr_banners.txt is locate at my harddisk in:
E:\Rome - Total War\Data\descr_banners.txt
But it might very well be
C:\Program Files\RTW\Data\descr_banners.txt
To avoid confusion I will always leave out the installation folder which results in:

Install DDS files

Extract textures using PAK extractor

Opening and saving DDS files
Open in PSP: \Data\unit_models\textures\UNIT_ROMAN_HASTATI_JULII.TGA.DDS You should probably get the following dialog box:


Answer Yes. You will see smaller and smaller versions of the texture. This is unnessary since you only need to edit the largest version. So close the image, and open the image again but this time answer with No. The dialog box will pop up a second time and again answer No.

To avoid messing up the original we will now the save the image at a different location with a different name, click Save As in the File menu. Create a new folder called "new" in the Data\unit_models\textures (probably the current folder). Make sure to select the DDS extention and save as NEW_UNIT_ROMAN_HASTATI_JULII.TGA.DDS


Pressing Save will result in the following dialog box:


Answer yes, because you are able to save one alpha channel. I don't know why PSP thinks otherwise. You will now see a dialog box with lots of settings:


You only need to make sure that the settings in the red rectangles are set like above. You do not need to change anything else. Save. PSP will remember the settings so next time you just have to press Save.